See 1260d.com for
most recent articles!
Jesus wins the 700th Olympiad!August
8, 2021
Greenville Fire occurs 1000 days after Paradise FireAugust
8, 2021
“Sabbath year” is at hand! Jew & Gentile “One new Man”August
6, 2021
Star explodes over Smyrna as Turkey burnsAugust
2, 2021
Stellar Flare & Wings-of-an-Eagle Fractal by David RookeJuly
25, 2021
“62 weeks” of Dan. 9 confirm date of Exodus and foretold
22, 2021
Why devastating floods in Germany and Barrie tornado?July
19, 2021
When will Jesus return?July
13, 2021
Burning-Bush Fire & its fractal 7 years earlierJuly
11, 2021
2. My Story: My Struggle with AgnosticismJuly
5, 2021
“1-in-10,000-years” heatwave burns town to the groundJuly
1, 2021
1. My Story: How I became a ChristianJuly
1, 2021
Are UFO’s real?June
14, 2021
A star is born precisely 1260 days before 70th jubileeJune
9, 2021
Video of the “Wings-of-an-eagle” fractalApril
23, 2021
Wings-of-an-eagle fractal & Typhoon “Eagle”April
21, 2021
Throne-room fractal, Measuring rod, & Book of EnochMarch
31, 2021
“Evergreen” rises just before daybreak when Christ rose, on
29, 2021
Did God’s Green Earth just have a heart attack?March
27, 2021
Book of Enoch’s “70” & “100” generations of 120 yearsMarch
23, 2021
“Not one iota will pass away”. God is sovereign over storm
22, 2021
Pt. 2. Lampstand patterned after Enoch’s 70 jubilees &
Israel’s coming exileMarch
17, 2021
Pt. 1. Jubilees of Book of Enoch & the Dead Sea ScrollsMarch
16, 2021
Book of Enoch’s 70 generations (100 jubilees)March
12, 2021
Will asteroid Apophis strike the earth?March
4, 2021
Dr. Seuss’s slippery slope to George Orwell’s “1984”March
3, 2021
Is Covid a blessing in disguise?March
2, 2021
Protected: footnote – Dragon CodeFebruary
22, 2021
“50 billion” damage 3.5-years before 70th jubilee (& 3.5
after Hur. Harvey)February
18, 2021
Plague of the ‘Donald Trump Delusion’February
16, 2021
Mystery of Bible Number “17”February
8, 2021
Part 2: Book of Revelation gives position of “sun moon and
stars” at CreationJanuary
20, 2021
Part 1: Book of Revelation gives position of “sun moon and
stars” at CreationJanuary
18, 2021
Who are the Guardians of the Galaxy?December
19, 2020
“2020 Christmas Star” & the Great Planetary Alignment when
Noah diedDecember
6, 2020
Atomic blast mistakenly seen from CN Tower as meteor soars
over New YorkDecember
3, 2020
Dream about “3910 years to Moses”, and moreNovember
19, 2020
Wrath of Hurricane Eta and Iota, Portent for AmericaNovember
16, 2020
Ancient Babylonian Chronology aligned to BibleNovember
15, 2020
The sign of hurricane Eta and IotaNovember
13, 2020
Recommended Political VideoNovember
10, 2020
Trump is a twig carried away on
the watersNovember
7, 2020
7.0 earthquake at location of the 7 churches of RevelationNovember
1, 2020
Update on “Key of 23”October
9, 2020
Hurricane ‘Delta’ — A ‘doorway’ opens
4, 2020
23 (the 2300 of Daniel) is the Key to
ALL Biblical numericOctober
2, 2020
The bright fireball — It’s about where and whenOctober
1, 2020
Where have all the hurricanes gone?September
28, 2020
Part Two: How all calendars harmonize in cycles of 40 yearsSeptember
24, 2020
Part One: How all calendars harmonize in cycles of 40 yearsSeptember
24, 2020
Important addition to previous post about AlphaSeptember
19, 2020
Storm “ALPHA” forms at “BEGINNING” of Jewish New Year (&
Supreme Ct. Judge dies)September
18, 2020
Why Peace Plan is 3.5 days before Feast of TrumpetsSeptember
15, 2020
Hurricane Sally and 7 storms in the Atlantic
14, 2020
Video on Trump Peace Plan — Why 666?September
12, 2020
“The saints will be handed over for a time” (Rev. 13:7)September
10, 2020
Hurricane Laura: The Victory LapAugust
25, 2020
Trump Peace Treaty, Iran, 666, & ’70 x 7′August
13, 2020
Names found in the Book of Esther (by David Rooke)
4, 2020
Video: Sign of ‘the rising beast’ of Rev. 13May
9, 2020
Sign of ‘the rising beast’ of Rev. 13, now seen in the
7, 2020
Comet SWAN ascends gracefully as Titan ATLAS fallsMay
5, 2020
Life of Abraham structured like MenorahApril
29, 2020
- Bible Code"
The secret of One ‘head-over-heels’ in loveApril
24, 2020
River of Time flows backward. (Waterfall of Raphael)April
16, 2020
Notre-Dame Fire and the Double-Slit experimentApril
12, 2020
Update on “The Wolf Comet & the Scepter of Jacob”April
11, 2020
Real reason Olympics cancelled. Jesus won the contest. He
wears the crownApril
10, 2020
Why “2.3 Trillion Fed Bailout” comes 13 days after the “2.2
9, 2020
“A pale horse — Death was given
authority over a quarter of the earth”March
26, 2020
Toronto river turns blood red on New Year of
26, 2020
Updated: Mark this day — USA and Canada is now fully
indebted to the BankersMarch
25, 2020
Prince Charles has Coronavirus — more than ironicMarch
25, 2020
Two earthquakes in 4 days topple false gods, signals
“Kingdom come”
Video: Coronavirus & Stock Market crash
foretold by Moth-SARS Code, and whenMarch
20, 2020“The Sun and Moon god are judged”.
(Update to dirt-devil sign 364 days ago)March
19, 2020
Updated: Earth rests from man as Man rests from work
18, 2020
Coronavirus, Pharaoh Mubarak, and the
Stock MarketFebruary
27, 2020
3. Updated: locust of Mecca & the Horn of AfricaFebruary
21, 2020
Rise and fall of the Dung godFebruary
18, 2020
2b. Vision of the Lamb: “Take the beam out of your own eye”February
15, 2020
1. The Vision of Jesus Christ (& Sign of Trump)February
5, 2020
02/02/2020: Rare ‘worldwide palindrome day’ (& 7.7%
financial quake)February
2, 2020
Riddle of the Damned, 7.7 Cuba-earthquake, Peace
27, 2020
The Crown and the death of the Prince/QueenJanuary
25, 2020
SARS & Doomsday Clock set to 100 seconds to MDJanuary
23, 2020
SARS-like VirusJanuary
22, 2020
Horned red crescent of Islam rises (Ring Eclipse)January
17, 2020
Mystery Mountain rising
beneath the sea (& Taal volcano)January
13, 2020
Prince of Persia (Iran) is fallenJanuary
12, 2020
Put on the Armour of Light, (fires in Australia)January
9, 2020
Why “Down Under” is on fire (Australia)January
7, 2020
Sign of 2019 Christmas Ring of Fire (that began in
26, 2019
Sun, Moon, Star of David & “the Sq-root”December
24, 2019
Names-Code of Adam to birth of JesusDecember
18, 2019
Typhoon “Northern Crown” and the New Zealand VolcanoDecember
15, 2019
“Sign of Armageddon” repostedNovember
15, 2019
Can we know the date when Jesus returns?November
14, 2019
In like a Lion. Out like a LambNovember
13, 2019
Sign of comet/sword slaying multitudesNovember
11, 2019
Mercury: Sign of Armageddon, (Isis prophecy fulfilled AGAIN)November
9, 2019
Angry dragon descends from a dome-shaped heavensNovember
6, 2019
49th New York Marathon — We win!November
4, 2019
Trump’s trick or tweet on HalloweenNovember
1, 2019
Foreshadow of deaths of Antichrist and False ProphetOctober
28, 2019
Fires of California/Lebanon: “No more delay”October
24, 2019
Quantum Computer demonstrates “Increase in knowledge”October
23, 2019
Four Horsemen: a shield & a crownOctober
23, 2019
Update: Marathon Woman & the Olympic WreathOctober
21, 2019
New Window of Revelation and PowerOctober
20, 2019
3) Pi in Creation and Jewish feastsOctober
16, 2019
Marathon Man, Typhoon and Tokyo OlympicsOctober
12, 2019
Crown Him with many crownsOctober
11, 2019
Turkey invades on Day of AtonementOctober
10, 2019
3rd sign: Super Typhoon Hagibis comes quicklyOctober
8, 2019
2) Pi is the Pattern of the TrinityOctober
7, 2019
1) π in the wink of an eyeOctober
6, 2019
Wolf Comet and Scepter of JacobOctober
3, 2019
Hurricane Lorenzo, Christ’s crown & PiSeptember
30, 2019
Signature of God hidden in Pi (π)September
22, 2019
Pi π (22/7) on the Sun and DorianSeptember
3, 2019
Hurricane Dorian, the Eye of Pi & Sun/MoonSeptember
1, 2019
Rod of Pi π (Update)August
25, 2019
Enoch’s Rod of π is the Revelation of JesusAugust
23, 2019
Why delay in postingAugust
8, 2019
California QuakesJuly
11, 2019
Christobrot Fractal. We begin at the altarJuly
10, 2019
The Christobrot Fractal: Lamb on the Throne and California
6, 2019
Why 2019 Total Solar Eclipse forms dome over AntarcticaJune
27, 2019
How the 364-calendar worksJune
27, 2019
Why the Star Trek logo was found on MarsJune
16, 2019
Fractal: Enoch with the angels — A foreshadow of ChristJune
11, 2019
The two solar eclipses across USA intersect at same location
29, 2019
Record stretch of tornadoes (“and an earthquake”): UpdateMay
28, 2019
Jefferson City tornado outbreak: A sign that Mystery Babylon
is almost fullMay
23, 2019
Mystery Mountain rises from sea: Another sign on prophetic
21, 2019
13C/D. Ishtar (Venus) gored by her own hornsMay
16, 2019
Powerful 7.5 Magnitude Quake Hits Papua New GuineaMay
15, 2019
Day-of-Atonement Comet is a sickle, sword, and scepter in
the hand of VirgoMay
12, 2019
Cyclone Fani sits on his chariot and a cobra on the looseMay
3, 2019
“Mystery Babylon” revealed in the heavensMay
1, 2019
Easter bombings at Sri Lanka: “A red horse”April
21, 2019
Norte Dame Fire (“Our Lady” and the Queen of Heaven)April
15, 2019
Like a falling star, Israel crashed on Moon, but HOPE at
“13350 meters”April
11, 2019
16C. 1260+1260dy drought ends in California, & Israel, IranApril
6, 2019
“The Bible Project” & “Spiritual Beings”April
6, 2019
Prophetic Images of Women Fleeing Dragon and Mystery BabylonApril
5, 2019
Update: Final 7 days around Moon/Jericho by IsraelApril
4, 2019
21B. Part B of Yitzchak Kaduri, Sharon, Saddam and BushApril
3, 2019
21A. Secret code predicted deaths of Yitzchak Kaduri,
Sharon, Saddam and BushApril
2, 2019
18. Drill for water in Antarctica, but find serpent insteadMarch
27, 2019
19. “Until 70 generations in the valleys of Earth” (Enoch
26, 2019
17. Trump recognizes Golan Heights, which includes Mt HermonMarch
23, 2019
13B. Isis, Brightest Star in Night Sky, Goes DarkMarch
22, 2019
13A. Star of Isis darkened, serpent ascends, mosque shootingMarch
15, 2019
16. Severe tornado topples Tower of Salem (23 die in
4, 2019
15. “Prince of the power of the air” includes moonMarch
3, 2019
5b. New York’s Tower of Babel lit bloody-pink to defy GodMarch
2, 2019
14. Bible, Israel go to Moon & Dragon’s PalaceFebruary
21, 2019
12. Resurrection! Mountain clothed with butterfliesFebruary
19, 2019
11. RCC, Persia, Turkey, and the 50 Russian bearsFebruary
12, 2019
10. Mount Kea: Also, “Signs” occurred per number that
Babylon assigned to each godFebruary
11, 2019
9. North Magnetic Pole anomaly adjusted 19th anniversary of
Tekel CodeFebruary
7, 2019
8. Meteor strikes dragon mountain-mural & dragon-aurora
appears in skyFebruary
3, 2019
6. River of Blood: Dam burst in BrazilJanuary
29, 2019
7. Polar Vortex, F4 Tornado strikes North America and
Havanna, CubaJanuary
28, 2019
5. Meteorite hits moon exact minute of 2019 eclipseJanuary
25, 2019
Trump Super Wolf Blood Moon, lead-in to 5th signJanuary
18, 2019
Cylinder Stamp and 2300 of Dan.8January
11, 2019
Part Three. Mene Tekel Upharsin: The gods are judged!January
10, 2019
4th sign: Locust Invasion of MeccaJanuary
7, 2019
3rd Sign: Osiris, Bennu and Bush. AND, China in deepest pitJanuary
7, 2019
2nd sign: ‘ANAK’ Krakatoa: The ‘GIANT’ kills 400January
7, 2019
1-4. Moon-god judged! First four great signs as Mene Code
7, 2019
1st sign: Wandering star beneath the feet of “Seven Sisters”January
7, 2019
Part Two. Mene Tekel Upharsin: The gods are judged!December
18, 2018
Part One. Mene Tekel Peresin: The gods are judged!December
6, 2018
“364-day” Dead Sea Scroll opened: End-of-days signNovember
20, 2018
490 days to Hurricane Michael & Paradise FireNovember
20, 2018
Enoch’s Prophecy of Seven 490-year PeriodsNovember
17, 2018
Hurricane Michael and Typhoon YutuNovember
14, 2018
North-South California Fires (Paradise)November
14, 2018
Is the Book of Enoch Inspired?November
12, 2018
Enoch: The Tribulation WitnessOctober
25, 2018
Cain’s Seed Parallel to Godly Seed Forms Flag of IsraelFebruary
23, 2018
Why Donald Trump & King Saul had same sign at inaugurationsOctober
28, 2017
Fall of Isis revealed beforehand, and whenOctober
20, 2017
New Bible Codes:
Last modified:
09 Aug 2021
Click here
for Home Page:
"Bible-Code Pictograms"
What God is saying by
Hurricanes of 2017
(Because, 70 jubilees elapse from the
Conquest to AD 2025)
Passover-Tabernacles Blood Moon Tetrads (There is much more
to this than you think!)
April 5, 2015
Prophecy for Israel!

Jesus said, "There will be signs in the sun and moon..." (Luke 21:25)
Click here for
Full Document
Below chart contains all Passover/Tabernacles tetrads,
including distant past and future.
Notice that we are currently in the exact middle of a
massive 8000-year cycle,
which takes the shape of two menorahs! Click to enlarge.

Genealogy of Adam to Jesus "Bible-Names
being updated.
Names Bible Code Video
Names Code PDF
Power Point
Names Acrostic Video
12 Animals

March 13/13 Timing of the New Pope
and the casting of the Ballot
Jan. 24/13

Click images to enlarge.
I discovered the
above eclipse while working on the below
automated calendar. It occurs EXACTLY at the New Year of the Exodus from
Egypt -- at the source of the Nile river! Interestingly, 3.5 years earlier
another total eclipse occurred in the same area, reminiscent of the serpent
of Rev. 12. (There are exactly 3.5 lunar years until Israel arrived at Mt. Sinai
and exactly 3.5 solar years until Pentecost when the commandments were given,
Nov. 15, 1450 BC until May 15, 1446 BC, Julian cal. Also, near 1290 days {1288}
on 360 calendar, Dan. 12. See Rev. 12:17. Such a configuration of timing
testifies to the accuracy of the traditional
1446 BC of modern scholarship as the date of the Exodus.)
Dec. 21, 2012
Automated Calendar Converter
After two decades, the above calendar converter is final
Nov. 30, Dec. 1, 2012 (Update)
Update on Hurricane Sandy: How
Hurricane Michael
links to Sandy, and also formed the number "5" (and "2")! And about the UN vote
for Palestinian non-member observer state.
How these Numbers Spell: "Be Strengthened! Be
Strong!" (סעד חזק)
1991 "Perfect Storm" |
2012 Hurricane Michael |
2012 "Superstorm Sandy" |
8th letter of
Hebrew alphabet is:
ח |
5 + 2 = '7'
7th letter of
Hebrew alphabet is:
ז |
5 + 7 + 7 = '19'
19th letter of
Hebrew alphabet is:
ק |
Equals "חזק", meaning: "Be strong!"
(Note: Hebrew reads from right to left.) |
Click here
for the meaning of this astounding sign.
"The Writing on the Wall" -- Again! "Mene", "Your days are
Hurricane Sandy:
What does it have to do with
the presidential race and the revelation of biblical numbers?
Oct. 30, 2012. (Updated Nov. 5, 5 am.)
(Also, look for coming article on "Comet Ison".)
(Sept. 25, 2012)
Mecca to be Destroyed Like Sodom and Gomorrah? (And
also My Dream about the Stock Market, Iran, and Sodom) Side note: Why in
Mecca (of Saudi Arabia) did the hottest rain ever recorded for
anywhere in the world just occur June 5, 2012? A thunderstorm rolled in
over Mecca (Mekkah) when the temperature was at 109 degrees.
Why was this record hot rain a sign from God?
Click here for more
Aug. 29/12 Why
hurricane Isaac (2012) landed on the seventh anniversary of Katrina?
And why is it named "Isaac"? (Isaac may also end the US drought. See earlier
article about drought.)
July 23, 2012 Concerning the worst drought in the US since
I will be brief! Over the years, we have been closely
following the various numeric
that begin with the seven-year famine of Joseph as recorded in the bible. For
example, the below chart has been on the
for about 15 years.
Over the past ten years or so, we have predicted
weather-related events (among many other things) by the above numeric.
For example, last year the
exact days when three record tornado outbreaks would occur, as well as
20 hurricanes, were laid out on this website before they happened. Most
of these weather predictions had to do with the United States.
One pattern that we have been watching is the '1260 +
1290 + 1335 year-pattern' as commencing from the seven-year drought of
Joseph (1878-1871 BC, see above chart). (Note: all possible sequences of
these timeframes fall on similar events, whether we begin with 1260,
1290, or 1335. See above chart. Therefore, the order of these three
timeframes are interchangeable.) We also wrote an article as to why
would be a year to watch. It happens that 1335 + 1290 + 1260 years from
the seven-year famine of Joseph lands on AD 2008-2015, with 2012 being
the middle of this seven-year span. (The bible often divides seven-year
periods in the middle; example, Dan. 9:24-27. Half of seven years is
1260 or 1290 days on the 360 calendar.)
Therefore, it is not a coincidence that world
economies again took a dive 3.5 years after the September economic
collapse of 2008.
(And exactly seven years before 2008 was the warning-sign of the
collapse of the World Trade Center.) The strange weather of 2012 began
in March, when much of the US and Canada experienced summer-like weather
in winter!
The bible refers to the famine of Joseph as a "world
wide" drought that overturned many social orders, Gen. 47:19-22.
However, the Middle East was particularly affected. (The drought in
Joseph's day caused the people of Israel to have to go to Egypt for
grain. Recall also Joseph's dream of seven scrawny cows and
wheat-stocks, which he interpreted to mean 'seven years of famine', Gen.
41. For seven years before the seven bad years of drought, Joseph
stockpiled grain to preserve life, Gen. 41:47-49.)
Keep in mind the above underlined key words to do
with Joseph's drought --and the said years of 2008 and 2012 -- as you
read the following excerpts from the below news article. (www.guardian.co.uk)
The parallels are obvious. I have underlined the key
words. (Keep in mind that many Jews consider the US to be the New
Promised Land, about which the bible prophesies that they will one day
leave to return to their true native land, that is, Israel.)
May 25, 2012 Just a quick note:

First read article in
Jerusalem Post at this link. It is about an important discovery.
It happens that if the broken seal from "Bethlehem"
(where Jesus was born) was from the "seventh year of king" Hezekiah,
than that's the same year of the initial fulfillment of chapters 7-9
of Isaiah (in 733/732 BC). Isaiah 7-9 refers to the birth of
Messiah, Jesus, and to the destruction of Syria and Ephraim in
733/732 BC -- Judah's two enemies at the time.
Amazingly, Isaiah 8:13 even refers to a seal: "Bind
up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples," (Isa. 8:16).
What does it mean as a sign from God?
1. Today Israel faces Syria and Iran as enemies, and
God warns Israel not to rely on America (Assyria) for help! (The
prophecy by Isaiah at that time warned Israel {Judah} not to join in
league with the leading power at that time, which was Assyria.)

2. The whole world at this time is turning to the US dollar for a
lifeline against the instability in Europe over the Greece exit from the
EC (which I believe will happen). But this will prove futile and
disastrous. (See, "Axe
to the Root", written eight years ago.)
3. God has, is, and will, open His sealed revelations
in order to turn back Israel to Himself. (Dan. 12.) Also, note that the
seal has the word "seventh" on it, and compare this to the seven seals
of Rev. 5.
"And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not:
behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath
prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof," (Rev.
Posted noon, May 17, 2012
2011 Predictions as posted ahead
of time -- All 30 came true. The odds of which are one in a trillion trillion!
April 12-13, 2012 (Cruise-Ship Final-Update) 'Azamara
Quest' Cruise-Ship Accident (The third cruise-ship accident in 77 days, as
predicted by several bible-code pictograms.)
Among many other amazing things, this third accident
100 years after the sinking of the Titanic (on the 360 calendar), and on
the anniversary of when Noah and his family left the ark.
March 7, 2012 (Updated to show how the exact minute of the
flare was predicted!
And the Purim symbolism of why this powerful CME did not impact earth as
much as originally expected.)
major solar flare just occurred, Purim, 2012 It's a sign
of a future nuclear war between Russia and Iran against Israel.
Here's why!
Feb. 28, 2012 Important
on Concordia Cruise Ship Accident "'Costa Allegra’ Stranded: Another
Cruise From Hell"
Exactly 45 days after the Costa Concordia wreck,
her sister ship, the Costa Allegra, is stranded in shark and pirate
invested waters without power; all this with the fear of what
happened to the Concordia fresh in their minds... The timing is
What is God saying?
Severe storms and cold weather afflict Europe this
winter (2012), as predicted back in late November, 2011 -- based
partly upon a picture bible code.
Click here
for more. Feb. 9, 2012
Jan. 14, 2012 (Updated
again Jan. 15-17 concerning "144,000")
Rome cruise-ship accident on Friday, Jan. 13, 2012, and the
remarkable similarities to the (Rome) "Ship Bible Code" image discovered
in 2007. A sign of coming European disunity
Updated repeated between Dec. 24-Jan. 5, 2012
Comet Lovejoy “The Christmas Star” The exact day when amazing comet
"Lovejoy", "The Christmas Star", would come was foretold ahead of time.
18/11 Updated (again!)
The day when the
Philippines disaster occurred was predicted by numeric and code, along with
three other disasters that all occurred at the same time, and in related ways.
Click here for the
full article about these disasters as they relate to these picture bible
Dec. 9/11
on below "Hanukah Windstorm!"
Dec. 1/11
Hanukah Windstorm (360 calendar)
California windstorm Dec. 1/2011. Gusts up to 150mph on
Mammoth Mountain! Seven days later,
165mph at mountain in Scotland, which is the end of this same seven days
of Hanukah (on the 360 calendar)! "Scotland" was also the direction that the
first storm went it
Nov. 30/11 The awesome reason why the Atlantic low became
Xaver (Berit),
and not tropical storm Tammy, and so fulfilled yet another prediction for
when the named storm would terminate.
Nov. 21-22/11 Update on ongoing storm predictions:
Pacific Storm "THIRTEEN" becomes "rare"
Notice the "Six" ("6") overtop the 'S", and compare it to
the English Bible Code pictogram of four years ago that predicted coming
storms, which code is also associated with the numbers 12 and 666. Click to

Nov. 17/11
Ongoing signs as from the Balance Bible Code:
and the Bermuda Triangle!
And the November
Tornado outbreak
at the 11th hour is Remembrance Day. See, "11/11/11"
for more.

Nov.7/11 I noticed what is written below just
today. However, the encoded images of the sideways-mountain overlapping the
lamp was discovered and posted on the internet more then ten years ago.
Click here for
full article.
Oct. 28/11 Updates on the
Pyramid Bible Code, (part of the Cherub/Balance Bible Code).

Maybe I am just seeing things, but ... I think I see the
outline of "two wings of a great eagle" formed by the path made by hurricane
Irwin, whose name in fact means "eagle"! However, it is the timing of this
storm that links it so perfectly with a verse in the bible about "two wings
of a great eagle" that has me shaking my head in amazement! (Click
here for details.)

More signs:
Hurricane Jova
Oct. 31/11
on Storm-Predictions:
What does Hurricane
Rina, the 2011 Halloween nor'easter, UNESCO's acceptance of Palestine's
membership, and the "seven-billionth" baby born all have in common?
Oct. 28/11 Updates on the
Pyramid Bible Code, (part of the Cherub/Balance Bible Code).

Oct. 25/11 Final update and thoughts on
Comet Elenin.
Oct. 20/11 Remnants of "Number
Tabernacles, and the death of
Gaddafi. (And the
in between.)
Oct. 14/11 More signs:
Hurricane Jova

Maybe I am just seeming things, but me thinks I also see
two great eagle wings formed by the path of
hurricane Irwin, whose name in fact can mean "eagle"! But it is the
timing of this storm that links it so perfectly with a verse in the bible
about "two wings of a great eagle" that has me shaking my head in amazement!
(Click here
for details.)

Oct. 6/11 Strong Falling Star event expected in constellation
of The Dragon on the Day of Atonement, even as comet Elenin will (or was) to
make its appearance. Also, TC Philippe and Irwin, etc.
here for more!
Oct. 3/11 What does
Hurricane Ophelia, Comet Elenin, the Lion Bible Code Pictogram, and the
Balance Bible Code have in
common? What Does Comet Elenin Mean?
Oct. 4/11 Greece Dept
Crisis and the Greece Olympics seven years earlier
Sept. 30/11 The stages of powerful
Hurricane Hilary coincide with the activities of Hillary Clinton concerning
Israel. Hurricane Hilary also formed and terminated on the days
Sept. 23/11
Palestinian State? (and the Sign of
Hurricane Irene)

Right image of the 'Lion of Judah' with 'Star of David',
discovered Sept. 21/11 at 1 pm (and star at 6 pm). This was the day of
Obama's speech at the UN concerning Palestine statehood (that contradicted
an earlier speech that angered Israel), and which
was two days before Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas formally asked the
United Nations to grant a Palestinian statehood.
for full article on Palestinian Statehood, along with the sign of
Hurricane Irene. Also see my
Sept. 17/11
Maria and "The Day of Atonement".
Why Tropical Storm Nate made landfall on the anniversary of
the very hour of 9/11
(Click here for full article on Nate.)
Sept. 3/11 So far all the named Atlantic storms are happening
when predicted back several months ago, but moreover are occurring so as to
overlap the Picture Bible Code in order to bring forth a message for each storm!
This is true of all major events occurring at this time in the world, such as
the World
Dept Crisis and the trial of Egyptian President
Mubarak. Also look for update on the New Jerusalem Picture Bible Code soon.
(Update: TS Lee makes landfall on predicted date too!)
See, "Expectations
for when named storms will occur during the upcoming
2011 Hurricane Season"

"The stone that the builders rejected..."
Aug. 28, 2011, 10 am. Huge
Hurricane Irene the Washington quake, and Little Jose(ph)

("Peace" when there is no peace!)
Hurricane Irene:
A warning to America and the world of upcoming judgments if they do not treat
Israel rightly.
Aug. 13, 2011 "Signs
in the heavens!" There is so much to say since our last update, especially
about tropical storms Don and Emily, and what they symbolized, and how they
relate to our encoded image that predicted them in vast detail! For now, please
see "Don", and the
sign of these below images of clouds forming a pig that morphs into Baal/Zeus,
and what it means!

Emily, too, is Awesome!
July 27, 2011 Predictions and subsequent results for
tornadoes of early 2008, that is, at the middle of the predicted
seven-year period.
(These predictions were made back in 2007, but were never
analyzed until now. The timeline back then follows the exact same pattern as
the current
predictions for 2011, except that early 2008 was the midway point of the
seven years.)
Click here for, Joplin Tornado
July 19, 2011
TS Bret and July
14, 2011 Keeping an eye on
Typhoon Ma-On for the next week. Here's
Update: June 21, 2011 Hurricane
Beatriz (& TS
Arlene). First storm to hit land does so on the very hour and day predicted
32 days ago.
Hurricane Beatriz just onshore briefly at 8 am EST (5 am
which is 1260 + 1290 days to the hour when the Balance Bible Code was
discovered! It is the first named storm of the season on either side of the
continent to make landfall -- just as predicted a month ago.
See, "Expectations for when named storms will occur during the upcoming
2011 Hurricane Season" (Posted May 20, 2011). In a
nutshell, here are the 15 key dates predicted for named storms
in the summer/autumn hurricane season of 2011 to threaten the America's:
June 21, 31, July 21, Aug. 5, 20, 30, Sept. 4, 14, 29, Oct.
4, 14, 19, Nov. 13, 18.
Click here for

June 16,
Yet another heavenly sign on the same day as the
blood-lunar eclipse:
The dragon --- the fallen star --- cast into the
abyss of a black hole -- -- symbolically speaking that is!
June 15, 2011
Another Sign:
"Moon into blood" (And the
Dust Devil)

In keeping with on-going patterns over the past several
months, (see previous articles), God opened my mind today to notice that the
blood-lunar eclipse that occurred in Europe (including Jerusalem) fell
on "the 5th month, the seventh day" on the
360 calendar, (not the regular Jewish calendar). (Note: in the bible, a
new day begins at evening). Click
here for more...
June 1, 2011 How God timed when Israel became a
nation in 1948 and the restoration of
Jerusalem in 1967.
Expectations for when named storms will occur during the upcoming
2011 Hurricane Season (May 20, 2011)
May 22, 2011
An EF-5 tornado devastates Joplin just as the closing minutes of the
predicted week for "terrible tornadoes and fires" was concluding, (May 14/15-22)
-- as predicted back in January of this year. (In the bible, a day runs from
evening to evening, i.e., 6 pm.) It began with the
Great Slave Lake fire on May 15.
Click here for more.
Expectations for when named storms will occur during the
2011 Hurricane Season (May 20, 2011)

{May 14, 2011}: The Sacrificial Flooding!
Mississippi River Flood (May 10)
Osama bin Laden's Death
-- timed to this Code!
(2025?) (May 20,
May 19, 2011
(Updated) The Exquisite Timing of President Obama's Middle-East Speech (and the
subsequent visit of the Prime Minister of Israel to the US the day after!)
Today, President Obama called for a two-state solution for
the land of Israel. He called for a return to pre 1967 borders, which could
ultimately affect the status of Jerusalem. The speech angered the Prime Minister
of Israel. Click here for more.
May 18, 2011 Update:
Slave Lake Fire
I predicted
"terrible tornadoes and (forest) fires" for April 14-22 (which
happened), or "especially" May 14-22 (and perhaps even on June 14-21).
The inferno destroyed up to 40% of the buildings of the town
of 7000. The forest fire began on the 14th and unexpectedly blew into the town
late afternoon on the 15th. Click
here for more.
{May 14, 2011}: The Sacrificial Flooding! Mississippi
River Flood (May 10) Osama bin Laden's Death
-- timed to this Code!

May 8, 2011
Will Jesus return on May
21, 2011?
There are billboards all over the country predicting that
Jesus will return on May 21, 2011? Will He? NO! Here's why...
about how this day, May 21, was significant as a type of the rapture,
but just as a type, a could-have-been.)
May 2, 2011Osama
bin Laden's Death and Burial at Sea -- timed to this Picture Bible Code!
World events continue to follow the timing of the events
encoded within this picture bible code. These events began with the great
earthquake in Japan. Click here
for more.

April 29, 2011 Royal Wedding on April 29, 2011,
witnessed by the whole world, is a shadow of the
"Marriage of the Lamb" to come! Like all the other signs, the timing of
this wedding fits succinctly with the
picture bible code.
April 28, 2011
Update: "Why
renowned prophet David Wilkerson died even as a terrible tornado was churning up
the earth, killing hundreds -- on April 27, 2011, the second worst in US
history. (Fearfully
April 20, 2011
a tornado outbreak and wild fires a few months ago as based upon the Balance
Bible Code Pictogram. I said that the outbreaks would last for a week, beginning
on three possible dates, each 30 days apart. They were predicted to begin on the
late afternoon of April 14, May 14/15, and June 14. I had said that it seemed to
me that the middle date was the most likely, although that all three dates might
mark the event. As predicted, a tornado outbreak did occur on the day predicted
(along with wild fires), commencing on the very hour predicted.
(Back in January, I only predicted the day, but did not
bother mentioning the hour that the code also pointed too. Yet, the code proved
accurate, not just to the day, but to the very hour too! What are the chances of
simply a good guess?)
I also show that the tsunami of Japan was also predicted by
that same code.
(May 10, 2011) 2011
Mississippi Flood? (Also see the May 14th update:
"The Sacrificial
See, "Coming
Signs for 2011"
Updated substantially, March 15, 2011
Thoughts on the Japan Quake and
Tsunami of March 11, 2011
(Rev. 6:9, 12, 14). "And when he had
opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain
for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held... And I beheld when
he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake..." "...and
every mountain and island were moved out of their places." (Note: The island of
Japan literally "was moved out of its place" 8 inches by the quake and shifted
the Earth on its axis by up to 10 in.) ========
Important updates
on Feb. 12, 2011 about Mubarak, and an astounding sign!
Feb. 7, 2011
Will President
Mubarak be removed from office 1260 + 1335 years
after the prophecy of Ezekiel 32?
as events unfold.
Something to watch for... Put on
internet, 2pm, EST, Feb. 4th, 2011

The below article has been expanded
again to include an Endnote
with Future Speculation for 2011
Updated and expanded, Jan. 10-25, 2011
Mount Carmel
Hanukah Forest Fire seen in the KJV Bible Code discovered 3.5 years
"Now send and gather all of Israel to Me on Mount
Carmel….Then the fire of the Lord fell and devoured the sacrifice and the
wood and the stones and the dust and the water." — 1Kings 18: 19, 38. Put on
internet, Jan. 2, 2011

New discoveries made in the Acrostic Bible Code apparently
about the "rapture" of the church, the 12 tribes of Israel, and the end of the
world, which uses animals to symbolize types of people. "12
Distinct Animals in the Genealogical Acrostic" Oct. 9, 2010
Updated again!
Strange update on Hurricane Emily that occurred five years ago. Something
important that I did not notice until now, which brings seemingly unrelated
parts of that, (I admit), strange code together. A
meteorite impact! (Aug. 17-20, 2010)
Acrostic Code of Moses genealogy has been
updated and is now more awesome than ever! Personally, I consider this the most
irrefutable code ever discovered by anyone.
(Aug. 9, 2010) Also, the
day of Moses' birth and its significance, and the acrostic
days later.
Tropical Storm Bonnie and the Great Oil Spill (This article explains the
picture code that alluded to this oil spill.) (This also bears on the "15-year
delay" of calamities.) Posted on forum July 23, 2010
“The Seventh Trumpet”
Why the Earthquake and Tornadoes just before the G8 summit in
Ontario, Canada? (June 25, 2010)
Some controversial thoughts about
cosmic ages.
(Put on 360calendar website May 22, 2010.)
The first creation of artificial life! What it means, and the timing of this
(May 21, 2010) (Posted on forum)
(Important update about the
that concerns the years 2010-2017, especially 2012. God is granting
15-more years according the prophecy of Isaiah 38.) (April 15, 2010,
published on forum.)
Haiti Earthquake
The Timing Seems Significant. Feb. 5, 2010
(Updated again Jan. 29)
Seven Seals and Seven Codes 6 pm, Jan. 27, 2010

Scroll with seven seals
Interesting discussion on forum about the significance of the plans for
temple sacrifices this Passover (March 29) possibly for the first time since AD
Jan. 18, 2010
My dream about the rise of Anti-Christ
(posted on forum) Jan. 10, 2010
"Merry Baal-mas"on
Dec. 21, 2012 posted on forum Dec. 11-13, 2009.
On the forum I examine a code that I believe is genuine, but was discovered
by someone other than myself. However, I have added to this code what I consider
is the most important part, namely, Yeshua!
The bible code
itself address the question of what is the correct spelling of the Hebrew name,
"Yeshua" (Jesus). (Dec. 3, 2009)


I have written out what the image of
Moses with the rod in hand reads. Nov. 29, 200
Comparison between
Buddha and Baal of the Baal Bible Code
as discussed on the forum. Nov. 27, 2009
Names Code and
Acrostic now
in Power Point, Short
Full Version (If not working,
click here for older
The meanings of all 70 names from Adam to Jesus read
sequentially. We hope to turn this power
point into a movie on Youtube soon.
Is 2012 just
another Y2K non-event? If so, it will still be significant! (Nov. 11-18,
Sharing My
Struggle about 2012, and more calculations. Also,
patterns from the Mayan calendar!!! (Surprisingly, the
Mayan Calendar yields secrets never noticed until now! (Nov. 9, 2009)
about 2012? (Updated Nov. 6, 200
Answering the question: "What
is the purpose of bible code pictograms?"
Where are they leading? What is their conclusion?
Bible Code
(My rant against false predictions that people make that cast doubt on
those truly led by God!) (Oct. 22, 2009)
Seven years after Moth-flu
Code Prediction Swine flu: What happened on the predicted week of Oct. 2-9,
about 2012?True of False?
Nobel Peace Prize goes to... President Obama!
Just another sign on the day predicted! (Posted on forum Oct. 9, 2009)
Update on
Hudson Bay Plane Crash Sign that happened Jan., 2009 (Posted on forum
Oct. 8, 2009)
Sign of NASA seeking water from a rock:
NASA's Moon Blast on Oct. 9, 2009
{Posted on the Forum, Oct. 7, 2009})
years after Moth Code Prediction
"Butterfly Emerges from Stellar Demise in Planetary Nebula
NGC 6302. Image released to public on Sept. 9, 2009.
The timing of its
release makes me wonder if it is a sign?
2012 and the End of the World
Just realized that today is the 8th anniversary of 9-11, and
11 years after 9-11 is the year 2012, Sept 11. Also, Sept. 11, 2012, happens to
be the "7th month, 10th day" on the
360-calendar, which is "the Day of Atonement", on the 360-calendar, a day
associated with judgment in the bible! Just a coincidence?
Updated Sept. 6, 2009, with images:
Names Bible Code: Adam to Jesus. An amazing prophecy emerges when the
meaning of all 70 names
from Adam to Jesus are sequentially read. The following are just the first 20
God, Adam, Seth, Enosh, Cainan,
Mahalalel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, Noah,Shem, Arphaxad, Cainan, Kenan,
Shelah, Eber, Peleg, Reu, Serug, Nahor, Terah, Abram, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob,
Israel, Moses, Judah, Perez, Hezron, Ram, Amminadab, Nahshon, Nashon, Salmon,
Boaz, Obed, Jesse, king David, king Solomon, Rehoboam, Abijah, Asa, king
Jehoshaphat, Jehoram, Ahaziah, Joash, Amaziah, Uzziah, Azariah, Jotham, Ahaz,
king Hezekiah, Manasseh, Amos, Josiah, Jehoiakim, Eliakim, Jehoiachin,
Coniah, Koniah, Jeconiah, Shealtiel, Pedaiah, Zerubbabel, Abiud, Eliakim, Azor,
Zadok, Akim, Eliud, Eleazar, Matthan, Joseph, Jesus Christ, Jesus, Yeshua,
Emmanuel, Church,
How to find any date in time on the 360 calendar
(I should have got around to making this
table of dates long ago!)
(July 2, 2009)
Swine Flu
Prediction 3.5 years ago

North Korea
conducts Hiroshima-size Atom bomb test on May 25, 2009.
Just another sign of what's to come.
The KJV Bible Code, the
Swine Flu, and the Pope's visit to
Israel in May, 2009.
What do they all have in common? (May 15, 2009)
Names Bible Code and Acrostic updated to include names all the way to
Moses! April 30, 2009
The Names/Acrostic Bible Code from Genesis has been greatly expanded to
include its Atbash, and forms images of the Creation, Noah's Flood, the
parting of the Red Sea, and the Cross. This is likely the most unique
Bible Code ever discovered and demonstrates like no other code the power
of God! March 8/09

The BC/AD Mirror (An important discovery in bible numbers.)
President Obama Inauguration
On forum (The
Sign of the Plane Crash near Twin Towers along river on Jan. 15, 2009,
wherein 155 were remarkably saved. And also, if read on in the posts further,
"The 21 Days of the Gaza Conflict.") Jan. 17,18, 2009
Cherub Bible Code
completed with Hebrew notes Dec. 5, 2008
Update: Significance of
APEC summit held one-week after the below summit.
Also, update of
"The Gathering of Top 20 Nations to Solve Economic Crisis
Continues to Follow Timeframes Laid Out by Prophet Haggai"
(Nov. 15, 2008)

Sign to
and NASA
"Perhaps this sign has come to Cuba because God intends to now show mercy to
What the Cherub/Baal
Bible Code reads, put out Oct. 10, 2008, updated Oct. 31, 2008

The Cherub/Baal Bible
Here are some images of
the latest bible code
that will be explained over the course of the next few months. This update page
will record what was updated and where. Sept. 17, 2008
Below article updated and edited Oct. 23, 2008:
World Trade Center
Collapse (Bible Code Prediction)
was a sign of the 2008 Collapse of World Trade. How it has all been timed with
the most astonishing precision.

Click any image to enlarge!

I have also put this
article on our forum at the following link:
Click here for the article on forum! {Also do not forget to read the
Cherub/Baal Bible Code.The most powerful code yet!}
Following these images are some words about
Hurricane Ike (and
Gustav) as it relates to this bible code.
Atlanta Olympic
Tornado. Tornado over downtown Atlanta
The Atlanta tornado was another sign... (May 29, 2008)
(And the Great Flood of 2008) 1260 x 1000 to the great tsunami, plus
1260 days to flood --- from exodus of 1446 BC (Updated June 16 and 19, 2008)
Also, note about
Taking another
(simplified) look at the amazing prediction about the timing of Saddam
Hussein's execution. May 14, 2008
Major Update on the
12 comets within 3.5 years of the Balance Bible Code and Lion Bible
Code. (Updated March 26, 2008)
What are my thoughts on
"The Bible Wheel" and Gematria?
Update (Updated April 4-14, 2008)
Abraham was born
1948 years after Adam, and Israel was born as a nation in AD 1948. Is
this a coincidence? Jan. 15, 2008
Further updates in the
to do with, "Predicting the dates of future events"
Newest update put out Dec. 28,
Comet now
the size of the sun!
here for ongoing discussion about this event on the forum
Update on Oct.
25, 2007 New unexpected visible comet appears
108-year old Rabbi leaves secret sealed code before he
died about
who the Messiah is... and it agrees with bible acrostic put on internet
on this website about the same time. Article posted on our
bible prophecy forum. (Oct. 19, 2007)

Update on Oct.
25, 2007
Further updates in the
to do with, "Predicting the dates of future events" Newest update put
out Oct. 5, 2007.
1150 days from 390th day (plus the extra month)
(Earthquakes, Humberto and "TD10"
makes landfall just as Day of Atonement began, etc.)
and 1150 days from 430th day of Ezekiel's siege
(Jerry, Karen, Lorenzo, Melissa forms, lands, etc.; but more importantly
"Red Sea Volcano
and the KJV Bible Code") or
"Red Sea Volcano" (as separate

update another earlier update
on the Below Speculations
(Seeing if they come true) (Sept. 12-13) (See below original article first)
First article: Email Response:Predicting
the Next Hurricane? (Sept. 7-10, 2007)
A few notes about record-breaking
Hurricanes Felix and
Henrietta (Updated, Sept. 6, 2007)
My Prophetic
Calling and the Olympic fires in Greece (Sept. 4, 2007)
The Balance Bible Code predicted a "coming fire". It
reads: "I am the Lamp and my fire will surely come!" It also formed a torch
like an 8th flame on the menorah (lamp) that represented the Olympic torch,
as said three years ago.
(Click here if
you just want to read about the
fires in Greece, and skip over the
explanation about how my prophetic calling works.)
The following article about
Hurricane Dean has been
updated again on Aug. 23.
Hurricane Dean and The Ark to Hell (The counterfeit "Ark") (Aug.
20-23)Hurricane Dean encoded as heading toward "Rome," "Eden" (paradise) and
"Hell" (symbolically speaking).
Now on the Net (Aug. 21, 2007)

Jesus walking on the water' (more)
'Mirrored Images'
(Put on net Aug. 16, 2007) and How
is Hurricane Dean a Sign? (Put on net late Aug. 10, 2007)

Key phrase, "I am Yeshua!"
I thought it impossible. I proved myself wrong! A KJV
English bible code every bit as complex as any I have ever seen.
Click here
for more on this very important new find!
here for the sign of the Hurricanes that are accompanying it!

Iran Frees Hostages on Biblical Firstfruits as "Easter Gift"!
(Posted on my blog, April 5th, 2007.)
version of the Names Code
Pass it on to your friends!
Also, click here for
detailed chart on each name that makes up the Names Bible Code, and methodology
Another (updated) article on
the acrostic code from Adam to Abraham
(Posted for now on the forum) March 8, 2007
The "+15-year Madrid Peace Conference", and the current one now--- and the
gathering storm?
(Posted on forum, Feb. 15, 2007)
Saddam hangs on
day predicted by Mene-Tekel Bible Code (In response to an email. A fuller
version is coming soon.) (Dec. 30, 2006)
The Death
of Saddam and the Sign of the Hot Comet (Jan. 6, 2007)
Also see Tekel/Moth
Bible-Prophecy Code and the Death of Saddam Hussein (Jan. 3, 2007)
Another update on Saddam's death sentence in fulfillment of the mene-tekel
bible code put on the net before the Iraq (Babylon) war (On forum) (Dec. 27,
2006) You can also read it here on
this website at this link
Genealogical Acrostic: Adam
to Abraham and
Names Code as PDF file {or,
PDF with no images}
PowerPoint (If
not working try older version:
Full Version (If not
working, try older PowerPoint)
Verse Order (How do we tell the difference?) (Nov. 17, 2006)
Update on Saddam's death sentence in fulfillment of the mene-tekel bible
put on the net before the Iraq (Babylon) war (On forum)
(Nov. 5, 2006)
Eastward direction of nations under judgment according to the Mene bible
code and hand code (Posted on Forum) (Oct. 21, 2006)

The Scepter in the Lion
Bible Code
(Oct 20, 2006)
The Nail-Scared
Hand Bible Code
Bible Prophecy: Timing of
Rapture (Oct. 16, 2006)
Pluto and
(King of hell)
Why are some
Bible-Code images (and the Hebrew) upside-down?(August 15, 2006)
Aug. 22, 2006, the 40th day of the Israeli conflict.
Something to pray against!
(On forum) (Posted Aug. 9, 2006)

Yeshua Code Updated to include "The DNA of the Second
Yeshua Bible Code (DNA) (July
25, 2006)
What is the
correct vocalization of the name of Yahweh/Jehovah and how important
is it?
recent Tsunami listed briefly at bottom of storm chart
Updated to include the current conflict between Israel and Lebanon. (On

The sign of
Israel's new Red Cross flag
(A remarkable sign!) (July 2, 2006)
Riddle of
Letter Nun, Atbash of Tet (Important discovery to the Mene-Tekel-Peres Bible
Code!) (June 23-28, 2006)
Do long bible codes
prove that they are valid? (Also, "Why I do not use the scientific method to
find bible codes!" And, "A confession
about the inherent weakness of bible
codes.") (June 17, 2006)
The Meaning-of-Names Code from Adam to Jesus
(Now in printable version)
(Updated: Some slight corrections made that has improved
and also now added is
Jacob's 12 sons in the order in which they were born. (May 27, 2006)
from the Genealogy of Adam to Abraham
(May 24, 2006)
Storm Alberto (on forum)
Floods/Tornadoes in
Mount Carmel of Israel and USA
Mon 04/03/2006
A sign of antichrist:The Gospel
of Judas (April 7, 2006)
Updated with Brutus the Crocodile!
of hurricanes of notoriety as it relates to the Balance Bible Code
along with numeric timeline.
Cyclone Larry (on forum)
(March 20, 2006)
The Circular
Acrostic Balance Bible Code
(The riddle to the Balance Bible Code discovered after the answer was revealed!)
(March 11 and 14th, 2006)
On judging Christian leaders, and a prayer request (on forum)
Is it wrong to look
for ones own name in the bible codes?
(Jan. 14, 2006)
Storm Zeta! (The
last storm of record-breaking season!)
(Dec. 30, 2005)
The Atbash Bel-Qoph Code greatly
expanded and explained much more fully.
This is perhaps the most important document on the Balance Bible Code
series.(Dec. 29, 2005)
The 'Merry Baal-mas' Code!
(Christmas morning, 2005)
King Kong verses The Lion of Narnia!
Balance Bible
Code Acrostic
The first of the six verses in which the Balance Bible Code is found
contains a complex acrostic that summarizes the picture bible code embedded
there and also addresses the surface text in which it is found.
(Dec. 24, 2005)
Dumb Bel and Atbash Code (and Storms Delta and Epsilon!)
(Nov. 27, 2005)
Tropical Storm Gamma
(Nov. 18, 2005)
How the exact day and year that Israel
became a nation in 1948 was a prediction made in the Bible!
(Nov. 14, 2005)
Jubilee & Grand Jubilee Cycles
(One of my most important documents ever put out, though still in rough.)
Put on Bible Prophecy Numbers Site (Nov. 4, 2005)
(Oct. 31, 2005) (Updated again Nov. 3) Hurricanes
Alpha & Beta Bible Code
Balance/Hurricane Bible Code imageryexplained image by image
(on forum)
Storm Alpha
Bible Code (Oct. 21, 2005)
(Oct. 21, 2005)
Wilma: A sign of the coming tribulation period!
(Wilma divides the 7-days of tabernacles into 3.5 + 3.5 = 7 days, and "70
weeks" from Balance Code.) (Posted on forum)
(Oct. 18, 2005)
What does Hurricane Wilma have to do with the trial of Saddam Hussein?
(Update on Mene Tekel
Bible Code)
(Posted on forum)
(Oct. 11-12, 2005)
"Extremely rare" hurricane/ cyclone Vince over Spain!
(And the equally rare Spain-eclipse!) (Posted on forum)
Pakistan (Posted on forum)
(Oct. 4, 2005) Hurricane
(A dream)

(Oct. 2, 2005)
Will the Bird Flu Fly?
A Prediction (Article posted
on forum) (Based on "Moth Bible Code")
60th United Nations General Assembly Do you see the "6-6-6"
among the six people here upon the Wall who represent the Middle East Quartet?
( Sept. 29, 2005)
Click on this link for the significance of this as a sign as discussed on the
bible prophecy forum and how it relates to both the Balance Bible Code and
the Mene Tekel Bible Code
(Sept. 24, 2005) Click here for important update on the Hurricane Rita Bible
Code: All eight names of the hurricanes (of the code) when put together proclaim
an important prophecy!
(Sept. 20, 2005)
Hurricane Rita

Hurricane Katrina
(Aug. 26-Sept. 19, 2005)
Astounding Picture-Bible-Codes put on the internet one year ago that relate to
Hurricane Katrina (posted on Prophecy Forum)
The bible code implies an increase in storms in general as well as specific
events. Hurricane Rita formed on a day that is interesting numerically. I will
explain this soon. It has to do with 50 Jubilees from the famous decree of 445
BC. [Dan. 9.] Thus these series of storms are end-time signs of great
(Also see Saddam Hussein's coming trial on Oct. 19, 2005
Important posts by Picture Bible Codes in this series
about Hurricane Katrina:
Eye of Katrina passes over Hurricane center then narrowly misses New
Orleans: The Hurricane Code and Bible Numeric
Large solar storm occurred as storm Katrina formed in Atlantic!
Hurricane Ivan was a warning that Katrina was coming within a year
New Orleans spared ----or so we thought!
The sign of the rainbow
"Weighed-in-the-Balance Bible Code" and,
"What does the destruction of New Orleans mean?"
Hurricane Ophelia forms: NASA and Nabu (god of science) are mocked!
Jeannie and Ivan, "10 days of Awe" ---A sign of one-year's mercy!
Balance Bible Code about MERCY after 'the axe is laid to the root'
---Put out last year concerning Hurricane Ivan and therefore applicable
to New Orleans. (Katrina completed what Ivan warned was coming.)
This dream about New Orleans was posted here less than two days before
Hurricane Katrina began to form!
(Sept. 20, 2005)
Hurricane Rita
(Also see
Hurricane Dennis
(Aug. 24, 2005) I have been updating the
bible numbers site over the past few weeks.
Significance of Tsunami on Dec. 26, 2004 as it relates to Revelation 11 and 12
(Posted Aug. 13, 2005)
Why 1446 BC for date of Exodus?
The Blast at the Red Sea! (Updated July 28th, 2005)
(July 12, 2005, and updated July 16th)
The "Rock" and Hurricane Emily
Epilogue: After Hurricane Dennis and "Our Rock"
(Updated July 9, 2005)
"He appointed (Hurricane) Dennis to arise!"
Hurricane Dennis

Deep Impact Bible Code
Click to enlarge to show how images are located close

Note about
the three circles of the Moth Bible Prophecy Code' in overlap with dragon
code, and the
flaming sword in
the Garden of Eden.(And 'same-sex marriage.')

More on the Menorah Bible Code.
"O the sacrifice! O the flame! O the love-- the love of God for her!" (See the
flash movie of Christ as the fire
(Update begins from May 27, 2005.) The holocaust
dragon/serpent bible code. This is the code that someone saw in a
dream two years after it was discovered, though I never put out the actual
image until now. The right side is a mirror of the left, and upside down.

Below is an enlargement of the centre (heads) of this above
The four heads of the dragon are positioned so as to create one large mouth
at centre ---because, the four dragons are really just one serpent that
encircles the four ends of the world. The image after that shows it in still
more detail.
You can
read the full rough-copy of this bible code by clicking here.

Dragon Bible Code
(For a much earlier article on the above, click
(Audio/visual) 5 comets in 2004 interpreted by
bible code!
(See, "1335
days from Fall of Twin Towers" on the forum.)
About the
year AD 2012
(And, "How to tell true from false prophecy.")
Dream about Russian
Prophecy about Russia and Putin's Peace-Treaty
Benedict XVI Why was he elected on Triumphal Entry?
(UPDATED: Pope's Inauguration)
Prophecy of St. Malachy
(Audio/visual) 5 comets in 2004 interpreted by
bible code!

Pope dies
The link between the two Indonesian quakes/tsunamis of
Dec 26, 2004 and
Iran Earthquake of Feb. 22,
2005 and President Bush's visit to Europe A sign of the coming war of Russia
and Iran with Israel
Massive bible prophecy acrostic!
Bible-Code Prediction: Russia Invades Israel

Mt. St. Helens "Lion-of-Tribe-of-Judah
Bible Code"
Also, it is recommended that you see,Psalm
18 as pictorially illustrated by using the picture bible codes from this
particular code.

The stunning fall of the Genesis craft
(above) and the image below, put out on the
Internet the very
night before it crashed, are linked. They are a sign of the fall of Lucifer,
"the guardian cherub," (Ezekiel 28), (about which that article was discussing.
Stairway to Hell)
Like the space craft, the flying wheel of the bible code is positioned
exactly half-way into the mountain side. (It can also read without the 'spokes'.
See images further down.) The 'wheel' or 'fountain' symbolically infers the
everlasting origins of Jesus the Messiah in contrast to our origins, and that of
Satan. The disk reads...
(Following images first posted, morning of Sept. 5, 2004)
Stairway to Hell
Axe to root
Baal misses the mark!
Also see, Psalm
18 as pictorially illustrated by using the picture bible codes from this
particular code
Hurricane Ivan
Predicts August Fires
in Greece, 2007
For more on the last seven storms of 2005 and the
probabilities of the
bible code predicting them click here
Hurricane Calendar Prediction Dates
"Bible Code Pictograms" Home Page