Picture Bible Code Prophecy
"Deep Impact" Bible
Concerning Comet Tempel
struck July 4, 2005
Hurricane Dennis?
(This article written morning of July 8, 2005)
July 9)
"He appointed
(Hurricane) Dennis to arise!"
After the storm
see, The "Rock" and Hurricane Emily (July 12, 2005)
(Also see, Summary
of Hurricanes of notoriety and timeline)
I hesitate to write this for I know that many
will not believe.
At about 11 am on July 5, 2005, it suddenly
came into my mind to look at a snippet of code that I had only glanced
at before, found in Isaiah 45:3-5. I was reading that chapter of the bible
during my time of morning prayer and study and noticed the two
"woes" given in Isaiah 45:9-10. It agreed perfectly with the "Same-Sex
Seven-Woes" bible code. (See endnote at bottom
to read that text and brief comment.) I had no intention of studying codes
again, but intended to edit other articles, many of which had been hastily
written. This snippet of bible code (at ELS 12) in Isaiah 45 reads: "Who is
Jesus?" and it ties into the Balance
Bible Code (also at ELS 12) found one chapter later that similarly read,
"I AM Jesus!" (Please read "Deep
Impact Bible Code" for how these codes agree with the surface text of
Isaiah 45-46 and to each other. The Balance
Bible Code is quite massive with about ten articles. To avoid being
bogging down by repeating myself I simply refer to these articles here.)
As said, about 11 am on July 5, 2005, it
suddenly came into my mind to look at the snippet of bible code "Who is
Jesus?" I sensed something ominous was, or was about to happen. I had no
idea that at that very hour Hurricane Dennis had just been born
as a named storm. It was the fourth named storm of the season--- the earliest
fourth storm on record--- and was to become the strongest on record for this
early in the season! (I only became aware of this storm late July 7th, after
I had completed the Deep
Impact Bible Code.)
As I began to look at the "Who is
Jesus?" (Deep
Impact) bible code, one of the first things that came to my
mind was the story of where Jesus calmed the storm and the winds. The disciples
response to this miracle came to mind, "Who is this that even the winds
and the waves obey Him? (Mark 4:35-41) The answer to the disciples question is
that Jesus is the Creator--the maker of storms. This is the very thing
that the text of
Isaiah 45 was affirming, which is where the "Who is Jesus? code is found.
This was especially relevant because the "I AM Jesus" Balance Bible
Code also alludes to this same passage about the 'stilling of the storm'. (I
go into detail to explain this in various articles, especially the hurricane
bible codes written last year.) I have not worked on the Balance Bible Codes
since last summer and it seems remarkable to me that it should come into my
mind to look at this new code associated with the Balance Bible Code on the very
hour Dennis was born (named). Remember that the Balance Bible Code was a
code that addressed all record-four hurricanes that struck Florida last year (2004).
The Balance Bible Code is the Hurricane
Ivan Code, and now there spans yet another storm a year later near equal
to Ivan in strength, size and path. This is more than just remarkable, as we
shall see. Jesus remains the creator and stiller of storms!
read: "Letter-Position")
said, about 11 am on July 5, 2005, it suddenly came into my mind to again look
at the snippet of code "Who is Jesus?" I completed the bulk of the
code that same day and put it out that same night (July 5). I saw that it
formed an image that looked like the Deep Impact comet strike that was in the
news on July 4. (See above right image). And this is indeed what it
However, I also noticed then that the
image looked much like the hurricane bible codes of last year. In both cases there
are the irregular shaped objects that looks like an asteroid or cloud, and there
is the path-line to the bows eye that shows the path of the object striking or
being struck by a second object. (See cloud, lightning bolt, round eye of
hurricane, and the two intersecting path-lines of the storms in right image
put on internet last year to do with Hurricane
Ivan, etc.)
As said, about 11 am on July 5, 2005, it
suddenly came into my mind to again look at the snippet of code "Who is
Jesus?" (This is the question that is answered in the main
"Balance Bible Code" that reads, "I am Jesus.") And by about 6 pm the next day it was complete and again placed
on internet in the completed form. It happens that the storm Dennis
became a hurricane 6 pm on July 6 about the same time the
bible code was
fully completed! But what is most convincing that all this is not mere coincidence is
this: The Impact Bible Code amazingly overlaps the Balance Bible Code at
1260, (1290)
and 1335 letters! (These are well known bible
See 1260
+ 1335 years ago as discussed last year to do with the
Balance Bible Code. Thus, the 1260 and 1335 letters correspond
with 1260 + 1335 literal years back to when Ezekiel the
prophet symbolically bore the sins of the house of Israel (Ezek. 4), about which the
bible code alludes. |
This overlapping is what was worked on and placed on the net the
next day ---July 6.) Astonishing, the Impact Bible Code lands one letters above the
letter depicting the intended target point, whereas the Ivan-hurricane path missed its target just one
letter below that. (See below image put on internet a year ago. The center
of the blue circle representing hurricane Ivan strikes one letter below the
target whereas the Deep Impact bible code that overlaps this code [up 1335 letters]
strikes the letter above the target position. All three positions remain along the
handle of the balance. This completes and agrees with what I wrote about in
the Hurricane Ivan Bible Code, namely that Hurricane Ivan missed its mark on purpose
due to mercy, and so it is again. Importantly, the purpose in missing the
target is to suggest by way of contrast that Jesus suffered a direct hit. He
bore the full wrath of the storm of judgment, and what we experience here on
earth is merely deflected wrath ---tokens of what will later be for those that
reject Jesus as Savior. (For He will not leave the earth completely unpunished
---God is merciful--- for how then could men comprehend the full wrath to
 To appreciate what is being said here you
should read the Deep
Impact Bible Code and compare that carefully to the Hurricane
Ivan Bible Code of a year ago. Below are the images from these articles
that should suffice to illustrate what is being said. Especially note the lower
brown balance handle of the Balance/Lamp. (The balance handle ('hand') looks
like an upside down capital brown 'T'.) Compare this location in all the below
images. In
the image below, note the position where the long black line intersects the
line of red squares. This location in the middle of the brown handle is the bows eye
that Christ was impacted with. The hurricanes hit just above and below that.
(There is more to the Deep
Impact Bible Code, however, for it impacts the same spot in both handles
and it does represent Christ struck, just as Moses twice struck
the Rock of Morah, then water burst out, Num. 20:1-13.)
As for the day; yesterday, July 7, 2005, on the
360 calendar was 1150
x 3 years from 1446 BC when Moses came down the mount with the law after
being up there 40 + 40 days, (Deut. 10-13).

(July 9, Update)

This bible code is
The phrase "He appointed (Hurricane)
Dennis to arise!" occurs at a spot in the code and at a skip sequence so
perfect that it is hard to imagine a better location for this phrase to be
found! And the Deep Impact Bible Code is equally perfectly positioned. When I
go back now and read those bible codes of a year ago about the hurricanes, new light
shines upon its message when coupled with the Deep
Impact Bible Code.
What is most amazing about all this is that
though the codes speak about several Hurricanes by name, the codes
nevertheless do not have the hurricanes as their supreme message. The focus of
the codes remains on Jesus Christ, and without Him as its focus the code makes
little sense. God, in His wisdom, would have it no other way!
When the two images (at right) are compared, we
see that the hurricane is heading downward to its targets like an arrow, like
a bolt of lightning!
How the Deep Impact Comet Code ties in with
the Hurricanes.
Deep Impact Code ties into the Hurricane codes in this sense: The codes
declare that Jesus is the 'eye' (meaning, "spring/fountain") of
life. (In type, He is the 'eye' of the hurricane!) He is the source and
creator of all life.
Man knows that life must have water to exist.
But rather than giving glory to God they instead go to the highest heights to
find water in their vain attempt to prove that He is not their
Creator. (God searches the deep of men's hearts.) This is why NASA went to
comet Tempel and it is why they are still looking for water on the planet
Mars. Yet God says that He is the source of life. He is the fountain. We have
our origins in His creative acts, and He Himself is before all things. For
this reason, since man will not glorify Him as God in their search for water
then water shall be the source of their punishment! And so we have these
fierce hurricanes! Nevertheless, there is much mercy in all this. For all
things are under His merciful control and are allowed to come for corrective
purposes. But men must repent of their pride and sexual
Yet, one will say, "But there have always
been hurricanes!"
Yes, but something strange is happening since
last year, or do you forget the great Tsunami
"The same exact storm path (as Ivan) is
almost too much to believe," said Escambia County, Fla., administrator
George Touart. "It's a kind of a sense of deja vu."
"For some on the Gulf Coast who have been through
recovery and rebuilding already with Ivan, Dennis seemed more than just a
climatological coincidence.
"The good Lord's trying to tell us something or
other," said 77-year-old Lesley Hale, among 1,200 residents who rode out
the storm at a shelter in Pensacola. "Something's going to give."'"
And there are stranger things to come!
Jesus said:
(Luke 21:9-12) "And when ye (Christ's disciples)
shall hear of wars and tumults, be not terrified: for these things must
needs come to pass first; but the end is not immediately. Then
said he unto them, Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against
kingdom; and there shall be great earthquakes, and in divers
places famines and pestilences; and there shall be terrors and great
signs from heaven. But before all these things, they shall lay
their hands on you, and shall persecute you..."
(Luke 21:24-28)
"And they (Israel) shall fall by
the edge of the sword, and shall be led captive into all the nations: and
Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the
Gentiles be fulfilled. And there shall
be signs in sun and moon and stars; and upon the earth distress of
nations, in perplexity for the roaring of the sea and the billows; men
fainting for fear, and for expectation of the things which are coming on
the world: for the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. And then
shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great
glory. But when these things begin to come to pass, look up, and
lift up your heads; because your redemption draweth nigh."

After the storm:
"Mercifully, Dennis lost strength as it
neared the coast. It crossed the Gulf of Mexico as a potentially catastrophic
Category 4 hurricane, with winds of up to 145 mph, but weakened before making
landfall to Category 3 – the same as Ivan. After crossing land, it dropped to
a Category 2 storm," (www.signonsandiego.
The key word in the above article is, "mercifully."
Dennis was a repeat of Ivan
that mercifully slowed just before impact. (The code suggested this
stilling-of-the-storm since
it read along the same path [line of code] as Ivan. Christ rebuked the wind and
the storm just before it hit in answer to many people's prayers. "Be still!
Be quiet before me! I AM Jesus! Be still and you will shine!" the code
reads along the same line as the Dennis encoded statement, "He appointed
(Hurricane) Dennis to arise." [Cuba was not spared, however.])
"I have experienced winds higher than this
driving down the Dan Ryan [Expressway]," said 57-year-old Jevena Robinson,
of Oak Park, Ill., who was in Mobile with her husband, Robert, 58, for a family
reunion. "I prayed to God that it goes the other way, and God answered my
Officials in Florida's Escambia County, where
much of the initial damage occurred, said the area "dodged a major
bullet" compared with Ivan despite downed trees, structural damage, power
outages and roads covered in water.
"We have extensive damage, but ... we are miles ahead of where were last
year," said Sheriff Ron McNesby, adding that he had made a quick survey of
the area. "Everyone needs to say a little prayer tonight because the good
Lord took care of us."
The storm, which had strengthened to a Category 4 hurricane with sustained winds
of up to 145 m.p.h. Sunday morning, weakened as it moved closer to shore.
Hurricane-force winds stretched only 40 miles from the center, compared with 105
miles for Ivan.
Still, it remained a powerful Category 3 storm as it landed midafternoon between
Navarre Beach and Pensacola Beach." (www.chicagotribune.com/news)
took the full impact for us on the cross, but He is warning America (and Florida
in particular) to repent ---especially NASA. (Note that the first space shuttle
launch since the other plummeted to the earth was delayed due to Dennis.) And,
no doubt the glory of NASA is also the glory of many Americans which makes them
just as guilty. The sin lies not in exploring heights or depths. The sin is
in the motive behind it. The motive is not for God's glory, and for many it
is a vain attempt to dethrone the Creator. They honor a rock (comet) rather than
the Heavenly Rock that made them!
The Deep Impact and Balance/Hurricane bible codes
are found in Isaiah 45 and 46. (Deep Impact is an image of the comet strike by
NASA. The comet is essentially a huge mountain of rock surrounded by dirty
water/ice. They are still learning about its composition. Men accredit such
comets as giving life to the earth in that they say comets likely supplied the
water on our planet from which things evolved. However, the bible says that God
created the earth and everything in it in six days.)
The bible, and especially the book of Isaiah,
repeatedly states that God is our Rock. Since this bible code in Isaiah
portrays a heavenly mountain of rock being struck, the following
scriptures from Isaiah apply to this bible code. (The following ten verses from Isaiah
apply firstly to Israel, but can be true of any people as well.)
"Enter into the rock, and hide thee in the dust, from before the
terror of Jehovah, and from the glory of his majesty." (A
cloud of fine dust hid the pit from view, created by the impact, when they struck the
rock/comet. Similarly, we should hide ourselves in the Rock Christ Jesus from
the wrathful of God. There is no other place to hide from the fiery eyes of
God but in the Rock.)
"Jehovah of hosts, him shall ye sanctify; and let him be your fear, and
let him be your dread. And he shall be for a sanctuary; but for a stone
of stumbling and for a rock of offence to both the houses of
Israel..." (American no longer fears God, and has abandoned
their Rock.)
"For thou hast forgotten the God of thy salvation, and hast not been
mindful of the rock of thy strength..." (North
American has forgotten their Rock.)
"Trust ye in Jehovah for ever; for in Jehovah, even Jehovah, is an
everlasting rock." (Christ is from
"Ye shall have a song as in the night when a holy feast is kept; and
gladness of heart, as when one goeth with a pipe to come unto the mountain of
Jehovah, to the Rock of Israel." ("Mountain
of Jehovah" parallels "Rock of Israel." Comet Tempel is said to
be the size of a mountain.)
"And his rock shall pass away by reason of terror, and his princes
shall be dismayed at the ensign..." (A foreign
"rock" [god]. American has
turned to other gods.)
"And a man shall be as a hiding-place from the wind, and a covert from
the tempest, as streams of water in a dry place, as the shade of a great rock
in a weary land." (Jesus is a rock in a storm and
protection from the heat of the sun.)
"... Is there a God besides me? yea, there is no Rock; I know not
any." (There is only one Rock and One Way to God,
and that is Jesus Christ. America seeks another rock.)
48:21-22 "And they
thirsted not when he led them through the deserts; he caused the waters to flow
out of the rock for them; he clave the rock also, and the waters
gushed out. There is no peace, saith Jehovah, to the wicked."
was disappointed that their rock did not gush out the water they anticipated.
[Tons of hot water gushed out, but they expected more.]
passage refers to the time when Moses struck the Rock twice and waters gushed
out to give the people of Israel drink in the desert, (Num. 20:11). This event,
and the comet strike, are both an analogy about Christ. [1Cor. 10:4, "They
did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of a spiritual rock
that followed them: and the rock was Christ."]
Jesus, our heavenly Rock, was struck
when He was nailed to the cross. Out of His wounds flowed blood, and from His
side water and blood. Because of His sacrifice on the cross all that trust in
Him with all their heart have their sins washed away and are freely given the
water of eternal life. Not
like the dirty water that flowed from the comet when struck, but as from the
pristine pools of our Creator.
51:1 "Hearken unto me,
ye that follow after righteousness, ye that seek Jehovah: look unto the rock
whence ye were hewn, and to the hole of the pit whence ye were
digged." (NASA dug a hole/pit into the comet in their
search for our origins, but in so doing unwittingly gave us an illustration of
our heavenly Savior!)
Also read the song of Moses in Deut 32.
Note also the seven-year "Stardust Mission" of NASA to again
supposedly find our origins from a comet-rock that was spewing dust and steam
"like a fountain". The space craft glowed as "a bright orange
fire ball" over Nevada as it speedily reentered earth's atmosphere and
landed safely 2 am, Jan. 15, 2006, "a perfect bulls-eye" landing. It
was the longest and fasted trip on record, and on board were not only space
dust, but microchips engraved with the names of more than 1 million people!)
see, The "Rock" and Hurricane Emily
(July 12, 2005)
you go to heaven when you die?
see, The "Rock" and Hurricane Emily

Seven Woes
Bible Code
in Garden of Eden
see, The "Rock" and Hurricane Emily (July 12, 2005)
of hurricanes of notoriety and timeline
Bible Code series: Audio-visual
to Root Hurricane
Charley Ivan
Stairway to Hell
Mt. Helens
(Copied from the Impact
Bible Code.)
45:9 Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker! a
potsherd among the potsherds of the earth! Shall the clay say to him that
fashioneth it, What makest thou? or thy work, He hath no hands? (Interestingly,
the two arms/hands of the creation code
at right put out a week before Deep Impact are formed by the same words, 'Woe!'
Isa 45:10 Woe
unto him that saith unto a father, What begettest thou? or to a woman, With
what travailest thou?
Isa 45:11-12 Thus saith Jehovah,
the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker: Ask me of the things that are to come;
concerning my sons, and concerning the work of my hands, command ye me.
I have made the
earth, and created man upon it: I, even my hands, have stretched out the
heavens; and all their host have I commanded. (Contrary
to what NASA implies.)
see, The "Rock" and Hurricane Emily
(July 12, 2005)
My thoughts on Hurricane
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