2011 Joplin Tornado
May 22,
Also, Slave Lake
Fire of May 15, 2011 as also predicted.
An EF-5 tornado devastates Joplin
just as the closing
minutes of the predicted week for "terrible tornadoes and fires"
was concluding, (May 14/15-22) -- as predicted back in January of this year.
(In the bible, a
day runs from evening to evening, i.e., 6 pm.)
Like Jerusalem, like Joplin
Multiple tornadoes occurred, but worst hit was Joplin, Missouri,
which was hit by a single tornado that lasted from 5:41 pm to 5:50 pm, the deadliest single US
tornado since 1947. There are at least 155 dead in this tragedy. Over 1150 injured. About
8000 structures damaged or destroyed. Winds in excess of 200 mph. It divided the city in half.
Therefore, the "terrible fires"
happened on
the first day of the predicted week -- (with the fire at Slave
Lake; also see "The Mississippi Flood"),
and then seven days later the predicted "terrible tornadoes" occurred on the last day
of this same week (at Joplin). The timing of these two tragedies effectively
bracketed the entire week, thereby drawing attention to it.
Moreover, President Obama's anti-Israel
speech occurred square in the middle of that week. Compare
with Dan. 9:27 -- a shadow of things to come? The tornado divided Joplin in half
like they want to divide Jerusalem in half! Tornadoes have been timed to
America's attitude toward Israel before. Moreover, on
the 360-calendar,
Obama's speech occurred on "the 4th month, the fifth day", which is
the anniversary of the fall of Jerusalem to Babylon in 586 BC, {Jer. 39:2}.
Concerning tornadoes, the month of May up
until the 21st and 22nd had been unusually quite. The following is a quote from
my May 18th article about the Slave Lake fire:
"Based upon past patterns, I suspect that
tornadoes will begin to occur in the second-half of the week of May 14-22. If
not, June 14-21, or both. See earlier article
on the tornadoes of April for more about that. As said before, my purpose for predicting
these things over the past 12 years or so, was to prove that God has a flexible
timetable laid out for all history, to refute those who think that our world is purely
random, and to demonstrate that there is no God like the God of our Lord Jesus
This tornado that wiped out much of Joplin had
multiple vortices, and formed unusually fast. "within seven minutes it went
from a funnel cloud Compare this with the "double
tornado" on April 14, 2011. Fires also erupted overnight from
damaged gas lines.
Importantly, May 22, 2011, when the tornado stuck
Joplin, was exactly 1260 + 1260 days (seven years) from when the encoded image of
Balance Bible Code was discovered, (June 27, 2004). This is especially
significant because of the seven major clusters of picture
bible codes discovered, two of these predicted that a specified major event
would occur exactly 1260 + 1260 days from their discovery. The first predicted
the date for the execution of Saddam
Hussein, and now this tornado. Each also had the specific time frame of 1260
+ 1260 days encoded within it. (The "river" in the Balance Code
spans 126 + 126 letters, and the three coins in the Mene
Tekel Peres Code added up to 126 shekels, etc.)
Interestingly, Slave
Lake had a population of 7000,
Joplin had 7000 x
7, with their catastrophes occurring 7 days apart and 7 years
after the Balance Bible Code. Like the trumpet judgments in the bible, one-third
of both Slave Lake and Joplin were destroyed, (Rev. 8:7). (Please see the other
articles listed below to find out why the date of this code's discovery is so
important. It's the reason why I made this prediction four months ago about
coming tornadoes.)
"Service received its first report of the tornado at
5:34 p.m. local time, from west of the Missouri-Kansas border. Seven minutes
later, there were reports of a tornado within Joplin's city limits, about 7
miles east of the first sighting. "Every storm is a little different, but
this storm went from what was just a funnel cloud to a very strong, very large
and very wide and obviously very damaging tornado in a very short time,"
in under 10 minutes, said Andy Boxell, a meteorologist with the National
Weather Service in Springfield, Mo." (MSN.com)
"It's rare for tornadoes of this force to
form at all. It's rarer still for them to find population centers like
Tuscaloosa and now Joplin."
Interesting note: The
past seven years has been the three worst years for tornadoes since record
keeping, 2004, 2008, 2011, which, then, is the beginning, middle, and end of the
said seven-year period! (Unusually, other than the end of May, 2004, most of the
tornadoes in 2004 occurred late in the year due to hurricanes, and also
unusually, early 2008 was unusually active. Thus, this seven-year period is
divided by 3.5-years plus 3.5 years, not merely 4 plus 3 years!) Therefore, the
past seven years has been a foreshadow of the "seven-year tribulation
period" predicted in the bible that is still yet to
Also see notes about Hurricane
Ike (and the commencement of the global recession) back 2.5 years ago that
pointed to this same week. This very same time period was examined back then,
although back then I was just pointing out a pattern, not speculating whether
anything would happen. It wasn't until January of this year that I actually made
these predictions about tornadoes as based upon the ongoing patterns. May 15-22,
2011, was part of an ongoing "490-day cycle" pattern that will
continue into the future as well. Look for 490 x 3 and 490 x 4 days from May
15-22 (and esp. from June/July 14-21), 2011 to be significant as well,
just as 490 x 2 days ago was with the start of the recession
in Sept 7-14, 2008, and etc.
Also, below is the
National Geographic cover. The tornado outbreak here shown on the front
cover (and the pull out within the magazine) occurred June 20, 2011. Hence, all
three periods of the last half of the weeks of April 15-22; May 15-22; June
14-21 (each 30 days apart) saw major tornado outbreaks as predicted by the

Interesting note: The
past seven years has been the three worst years for tornadoes since record
keeping, 2004, 2008,
2011, which, then, is the beginning, middle, and end of the
said seven-year period! (Unusually, other than the end of May, 2004, most of the
tornadoes in 2004 occurred late in the year due to hurricanes, and also
unusually, early 2008 was unusually active. Thus, this seven-year period is
divided by 3.5-years plus 3.5 years, not merely 4 plus 3 years!) Therefore, the
past seven years has been a foreshadow of the "seven-year tribulation
period" predicted in the bible that is still yet to
As we shall see next, the week leading up to the
Joplin tornado began with the predicted "terrible fire", and in the
middle of the week was President Obama's Middle-east speech -- about which we
will discuss next.
May 19, 2011
The Exquisite Timing of President Obama's Middle-East
the subsequent visit of the Prime Minister of Israel to the US the day
Today, President Obama called for a two-state
solution for the land of Israel. He called for a return to pre 1967 borders,
which could ultimately affect the status of Jerusalem. The speech angered the
Prime Minister of Israel.
"The Israeli prime minister didn't like
it. His office issued a furious statement: "Prime Minister Netanyahu
expects to hear a reaffirmation from President Obama of US commitments made to
Israel in 2004, which were overwhelmingly supported by both houses of
Congress." (The BBC)
The timing of the speech perfectly coincides
with the fall of Jerusalem on the prophetic time frames of 1260 +
1335 years ago, as well as 1260 + 1260 days ago --- as explained
repeatedly over the past months, and as I will again attempt to explain now as
briefly as possible! Thus, the timing of his speech
The Timing of Obama's Speech:
The timing of his speech was most interesting
because just yesterday in my post about the "Slave
Lake Fire", there I again briefly explained the numeric that is now occurring,
which is occurring in relation to "the fall of Jerusalem 1260 + 1335 years
ago", etc. I explained that we are at the end of an important 1260 +
1260-day period to do with the fall of Jerusalem 1260 + 1335 years ago. (It is
actually 1260 plus 1335 plus one year from the fall of Jerusalem in 586 BC for
reasons that would not be expedient to detail again here. But do see chart.) I
also explained that the main biblical time-frame that God is using is based upon
Rev. 11. It happens that all these things come together perfectly in the timing
of Obama's speech given today, May 19, 2001.
explained yesterday that this is an important week of time, (May 15-22). (Note:
May 14th had to do with the picture bible code only, but May 15-22 has to do
with both the bible code and the numeric to do with the fall of Jerusalem.)
I predicted back in January "terrible tornadoes and fires" on either
the middle of April, May, or June, or all three. (See article on tornadoes
for those exact dates.) Anyway, I mentioned that the seven
days happening right now (May 15-22) represent the past seven
years, "a day for each year". On the 360
calendar, May 15-22 corresponds to the third month and also to
the fourth month, the 5th to the 12th, which in turn happens to correspond to
Pentecost week and also to the anniversary of the week that Jerusalem fell,
(i.e., the 4th month {Tammuz} 5-12, 586 BC, with Tammuz 9th being the actual day
of the fall of the city. Tammuz 9th, thus, divides this last week in half. See
the chart that I posted yesterday, written about seven years ago: At the very
bottom of that chart it reads: "Totals are exact, ending with the last week
divided in half.") Thus, the dividing of this week in half by the speech of
Obama also corresponds to the past seven years likewise divided in half, "a
day for each year", that is, 1260 + 1260 days, Ezek. 4, Rev. 11, Dan. 12).
I have explained all this many times before, both here and on the bible
numbers website, so enough said here on the numeric!
Anyway, the prophecy in Rev. 11 mentioned just
yesterday, the day before Obama's speech, also happens to point to two calendar
days, that is, the third month, 9th day, (because this is 3.5 days after
Pentecost, and Rev. 11 speaks of a "wind" like at Pentecost (Acts 2)
giving life to the "Two Witnesses" after "1260 days" plus
"3.5 days", but also Rev. 11 points to the 4th month,
the 9th day, because, as said, this is the anniversary of the fall of Jerusalem,
and Rev. 11 tells us that Jerusalem collapses when the "Two Witnesses"
rise from the dead when the said spirit/wind enters into them, (Rev. 11:8, 13).
It also happens that 1260 days ago was the anniversary of when the siege of
Jerusalem began --- (exactly 1260 + 1335 years before that, in Dec. 589 BC,
i.e., "the tenth month, the 10th day", Ezek. 24:1).
the day after Obama's speech, the Prime Minister of Israel comes and speaks to
Obama about his speech, that is, on May 20, 2011. This happens to corresponds to
the 4th month, the 10th day on the 360 calendar, which then is an exact 1260
days back to the the above date for the start of the siege of Jerusalem, etc.)
Therefore, for Obama's speech about Israel to
occur on this very auspicious day and year, which, as said, corresponds to the
two days of the prophecy of Rev. 11, is most uncanny! And for it to be 1260 +
1260 days unto his speech cannot be a coincidence.
Much more could be said about the timing of this
speech but hopefully the reader perceives the main point: God continues to time
world events according to the time frames predicted by the bible, and as
explained repeatedly on this website over the past 16 years. Keep in mind that
these things are merely token events. They merely point to a still future
fulfillment when the bible says that a covenant with many will be made for seven
years/days and in the middle of the week (i.e., middle of the seven days or
years), the covenant with Israel will be broken and 3.5 years of great
tribulation will then come upon Israel, and with judgments upon the world as
well, (Dan. 9:24-27). (Also see, Geneva Peace Treaty"
for a far more important example of this peace treaty.) "Will Jesus return on
May 21,
"The Israeli prime minister didn't like it. His office
issued a furious statement: "Prime Minister Netanyahu expects to hear a
reaffirmation from President Obama of US commitments made to Israel in 2004,
which were overwhelmingly supported by both houses of Congress." (The BBC)
Interesting that the Prime Minister of Israel asked for
reaffirmation of the commitments made to Israel seven years
ago, in "2004"!
Below is the
National Geographic cover. The tornado outbreak here shown on the front
cover (and the pull out within the magazine) occurred June 20, 2011. Hence, all
three periods of the last half of the weeks of April 15-22; May 15-22; June
14-21 (each 30 days apart) saw major tornado outbreaks as predicted by the

The below article was written May 18, 2011. However, I
have inserted the Magazine cover above to demonstrate how that all three dates
mentioned below indeed happened. All three outbreaks also occurred in the latter
half of the said weeks -- as predicted -- especially the May and June events.
June outbreak occurred between June 18-22, with the 20th being the most
severe. The outbreak began early June 18 and thus
exactly in the middle of the week just as
18, 2011
Slave Lake Fire
"terrible tornadoes and (forest) fires" for April 14-22 (which happened), or
"especially" May 14-22 (and perhaps even on June 14-21).
The inferno destroyed up to 40% of the buildings
of the town of 7000. The forest fire began on the 14th and unexpectedly blew
into the town late afternoon on the 15th. (As of the 18th,
there is still a massive blaze burning in the Slave Lake area.) It is interesting that the fire was on
the 15th because that was Pentecost on the 360
calendar, a day associated with "fire" in the bible. I will not
write a lengthy article about this fire like I have done for the other events associated
with the Picture Balance Bible Code over the past month.
As explained many times before,
there are 1260 days of hurricanes
beginning from the discovery of the Balance Bible Code in June 20-27,
2004, and then another 1260 days unto now, etc... (If you read the articles
below you can piece the details together for yourself.) Moreover, the date of
this fire corresponds to the trunk of the burning lamp/tree/balance (at right),
which reads: "And I am the Lamp and my fire shall surely come! My Father,
my Father, forgive!" Thankfully, in the case of Slave Lake, no one died. (These
two sets of 1260-days relate back to the fall of Jerusalem 1260 + 1335 years
ago, {Dan. 12, Rev. 11-12}. See below right chart.)
The "1260 days" is associated with the
prophecy of Rev. 11, which also mentions "7000 people" (the number of
people in the town), 1260 days, a tree, a lamp, a river, fire, the fall of Jerusalem.
(The "balance" in the encoded image symbols justice, and reminds us of
"Moses", the Law giver. The "Two Witnesses" of Rev. 11 are
patterned after Moses and Elijah. They, in turn, symbolize any and all
who speak on behalf of God prophetically.)
Why Slave Lake?
said before, these things must happen. What would you prefer? A world of random
catastrophes or one channelled by a loving God who measures it out with purpose
for our good, to instruct those who have ears to hear? Until the new heaven and
earth, calamities have been decreed until the end of time (Dan. 9:26), all on
God's calendar, all occurring in a way so as to be instructive. Slave Lake residents
were no more deserving of judgment than any other. God holds back most
calamities but allows some by measure for the good of mankind, without which the
natural order would suffer, but more importantly, it stirs people to remember
God from whom all blessings flow. And a right relation with
God is more important than any temporal blessing. To him who can receive it,
"Slave Lake" reminds us of this whole world, wherein the children of
God are like the Israelite "slaves" of old, awaiting freedom from Pharaoh
and entry into the Promised land. This world, too, will be burned with fire, but
the rejected and the lowly of this world will be lifted up, but the proud
brought low.
Based upon past patterns, I suspect that
tornadoes will begin to occur in the second-half of the week of May 14-22. If
not, June 14-21, or both. See earlier article
on the tornadoes of April for more about that. As said before, my purpose for predicting
these things over the past 12 years or so, was to prove that God has a flexible
timetable laid out for all history, to refute those who think that our world is purely
random, and to demonstrate that there is no God like the God of our Lord Jesus
NOTE: This above article about the Great Slave Lake Fire was
written May 18, 2011 -- that is, before the May and June tornado events. Thus,
the Joplin tornado occurred half-a-week after the above was written. For those
who may doubt this, I discovered a
blog by someone I do not know who quotes this entire article on their
blog June 15, 2011, at 9:35 am -- that is, just before the June outbreak as
seen on the cover of National Geographic. And it quotes me as having written it
on May 18, 2011. (The
June outbreak occurred between June 18-22, 2011, with the 20th being the
most severe. The outbreak began early June 18, and
thus exactly in the middle of the week just as
tornado outbreak continues May 24-27?"
In brief: 2000 yrs of 360 days from death/resurrection
of Christ, plus 7 yrs, and 3500 yrs of 360 days {1260,000}
+ 1260 + 1260 dys, Rev. 11. Hence, from autumn of 1447 BC, when the plagues of
Egypt began, unto Christ are also 1500 yrs of 360 days, hence a type of "Times,
time, and half-a-time." These calculations are accurate using both the
traditional Jewish calendar and the 360-day
calendar of bible prophecy.
For example, on the regular Jewish calendar: If
we allow a half-year for the ten plagues, as commonly believed, ending Passover
(week) of the Exodus, Nisan 14/15 to 21, 1446 BC),
then the 10 plagues would therefore have commenced on Tabernacles, 1447 BC, Tishri
14/15 to 21. From this week of Tabernacles, plus 1260,000 days, spans unto
June 20-27, 2004, when the Balance Bible Code was discovered. To verify, see Cal.
Converter and insert Julian day numbers #1193176.5 to 1193183.5, plus
1260,000 days equals Julian #2453176.5 to #2453183.5. This, plus another 1260 +
1260 days to the present, that is, to #2455696.5 to #2455703.5, May 15-22, 2011.)
The 360-calendar produces similar results
as this, except it also accounts for the extra waves of tornadoes on April
24-27, and May 24-27.
In the bible, "1000 years is as a day",
and a day can symbolize a year or a year a day. Thus, with these ratios in mind,
1260 x 1000 days represents an unusually important "1260-day" period,
such as the "1260 days" of Rev. 11, which chapter is patterned after
the ten plagues of Moses that began Tabernacles, 1447 BC!
Also see notes about Hurricane
Ike (and the commencement of the global recession) back 2.5 years ago that
pointed to this same week, plus this same extension of "3.5 days" unto
May 26. This very same time period was examined back then, although back then I
was just pointing out a pattern, not speculating whether anything would happen.
It wasn't until January of this year that I actually made these predictions
about tornadoes as based upon the ongoing patterns. May 15-22, 2011, was part of
an ongoing "490-day cycle" pattern that will continue into the future
as well. Look for 490 x 3 and 490 x 4 days from May 15-22 (and esp. from June/July
14-21), 2011 to be significant as well, just as 490 x 2 days ago was with the
start of the recession
in Sept 7-14, 2008, and etc.
for when named storms will occur during
the upcoming 2011
Hurricane Season (May 20, 2011)
{May 14, 2011}: The Sacrificial Flooding!
2011- Mississippi
River Flood (May 10)
Osama bin Laden's Death
-- timed to bible code
(Jubilee 2025?)
(May 20, 2011)
Also see
Atlanta Olympic Tornado
Carmel Hanukah Forest Fire of 2010
Mt. Carmel in Israel
and the USA! (2006)
about AD 2012?
Bible Code series:
Predicting the next storm
For more on the last
seven storms of 2005
and the probabilities of the
bible code predicting them click here.
The 2008 Season (just for the record)
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