Quotations From
Earlier Documents
on the KJV
Bible Code
that suggest that current events were
inferred ahead of time in this code
(May 15, 2009)
Also see,
The 2020 New SARS-like Virus Bible Code
Part Two
This is part one of three
parts -1- -2- -3-
(Click here for Part
One, which is the main article on the Swine
Pope's Visit to Israel
A Sign of Things to Come!
May 2009
Haiti Earthquake
Jan. 12, 2010
(Note: While pondering
the Swine Flu, the below image that I put on the internet about two years
ago came to my mind early on Friday, May 8, 2009. I had not thought of
this image for many months. Then I also realized that at the moment it
came to my mind the Pope was arriving in Israel from Rome. Then I also
realized how well this image spoke of this visit as well as the Swine Flu.
After delays, I finally got out this article one week later on May 15,
2009, which happens to be the end of the Popes visit. So I take the timing
of this article as a personal sign to be bold and write, which is what I
did. I do not wish to offend anyone, but doubtless it will.)
A Review of the KJV
Bible Code
First, a review of the see-through
house/temple that sits upon the pillar at the edge of the wing of the owl
and what it reads.
Rev 17:1 And there came
one of the seven angels that had the seven bowls, and spake with me,
saying, Come hither, I will show thee the judgment of the great harlot
that sitteth upon many waters;
Rev 17:2 with whom the
kings of the earth committed fornication, and they that dwell in the
earth were made drunken with the wine of her fornication.
Rev 17:3 And he carried
me away in the Spirit into a wilderness: and I saw a woman sitting upon
a scarlet-colored beast, full of names of blasphemy,
having seven heads and ten horns.
Rev 17:4 And the woman
was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and decked with gold
and precious stone and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of
abominations, even the unclean things of her fornication,
Rev 17:5 and upon her
(Rev 18:2) And he cried
with a mighty voice, saying, Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great, and is
become a habitation of demons, and a hold of every unclean spirit, and
a hold of every unclean and hateful bird.
(Rev 18:3) For by the
wine of the wrath of her fornication all the nations are fallen; and the
kings of the earth committed fornication with her, and the merchants of
the earth waxed rich by the power of her wantonness.
(Rev 18:4) And I heard
another voice from heaven, saying, Come forth, my people, out of her,
that ye have no fellowship with her sins, and that ye receive not of her
(Rev 18:5) for her sins
have reached even unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.
"Full of names
of blasphemy" (Rev.
image is an enlargement of image at left.)
The KJV bible code has within it an
image of a whore house. It is formed from the following encoded words:
"Whore" (2x), "Sow" (2x), "Men" (1X),
"Who" (3x), and "Hoo!" (2x). It is located at the very
tip of the top outstretched-wing of the owl, whose wing reads: "Torn
Hoot, ow! Owl!", etc. (This house is the counterfeit of the
"temple" of God. There is also an image of the true temple of God.
It sits like a crown upon the owl's head located to the left of the false
temple/house. The owl is used as both a symbol of good or evil depending on
the context.)
Over top the house is a winged "red
beast". This beast is a winged bear. The bear is spelt
"bare" in order to draw attention to its nakedness because the
beast is fornicating with the whore of the house . The beast has
"men" in its claws.
This house in located on top of a
hose-shaped obelisk that reads, (at every other letter), "Who
made", which overlaps the words, "Hoo meal". (This is a
play on words for owl-related sounds). The hose also reads, "Ern"
- "Ark" (An image of an ark also overlaps
this entire image.)
are three intersecting circles at the front of the whore house and they
pose a riddle. (Three intersecting circles is a common symbol for the
Trinity.) These circles are read in alternating directions: A "rose
hose rose Rome, so he{'s} sore more!"
What the riddle means:
The hose-shaped obelisk represents the
male organ whereas the temple represents the female. The wording contains
several plays on words. The word "hose" is also a play
on words for the undergarment of the whore, and "rose" is its
color. Expanded, therefore, the meaning of the riddle is: A "rose hose
rose Rome so he soared more (being) more sore!" The riddle is a
mockery of the sordid relationship the harlot has with the beast and the
painful sores as consequence of their fornication.)
"The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth.
Terrible and painful sores appeared on those who had the mark
of the beast and on those who had worshiped its image," (Rev.
16:2). (GNB)
The cross at the entrance to the house
where the three circles are located reads, "Me" "Sow"!
(A "sow" is a female pig.)
The harlot of the house is portrayed as
an hooting owl who (hoo) sits upon seven hills. These seven hills form the
body of a red dragon. (See above left.)
is also a large silhouette of a prophet (or prophetess) in the background
of the entire image. The prophet/prophetess sees all that is going
on in this image. She has the eyes of a hawk and the hearing and night
vision of an owl. She speaks the words of Jesus, which the dragon and the
unclean owl seek to snatch before they go forth from her mouth. The name
of Jesus is upon her forehead. She is adorned with Jesus and hears the
voice of Jesus. She is the bride of Christ!
"And they shall see his face; and
his name shall be in their foreheads," (Rev. 22:4).
"I also saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming
down from God out of heaven, prepared like a bride adorned for her
husband. I heard a loud voice from the throne
say, "See, the tabernacle of God is among humans! He will
make his home with them, and they will be his people. God himself will
be with them, and he will be their God," (Rev 21:2-3).
The Ark,
A Roman War Ship!
An ark (ship) overlaps the winged bear
and whore house that sits atop the hose. While claiming to be the
"Ark" of "Noe", a place of safety, yet the code warns
that this ark in fact is really a Roman "war" ship bent on
conquest. The ship is called "Rome", claims to be
"Eden", but heads toward "hell"!
The ship is turning around and leaving a
"red wake" in its path, which is the blood of those whom it has martyred
in its wake! This ark is the counterfeit of the true ark, which is Jesus
Himself. The ark of Christ is located near the counterfeit Roman ship. In
the code it is depicted as a small, inconspicuous sailboat with nets let down for a
catch. The boat itself, in part, reads: "I am Yeshua!"
("Yeshua" is Hebrew for "Jesus".)
This KJV Bible Code uses a numeric that
has to do with Noah's ark, as well as the "144000" of Rev.
14:1, and the number "666" of the beast of Rev. 13:18.
What to look for
from the following quotations
taken from the KJV Bible Code series
The following are quotations from the
series of documents on the KJV
Bible Code, discovered in the summer of 2007. Certain aspects of this
bible code appear to point to current events, that is, the Swine
Flu and the Pope's visit
to Jordan and Israel. Let me be crystal clear in saying that the Popes
visit and likely even the Swine Flu, are only signs and tokens of what is to
come. They are only shadows of what is to come, warnings for those who have eyes
to see.
Things to take note of from the KJV Bible Code in regard to the Swine Flu:
1. The image is that of a seer seeing
the future, and thus was a prophecy of what was to come.
2. Like the Swine Flu, the image of the
house (temple) upon the wing of the of the owl combines three things together:
bird, swine and man. (The house upon the wing is made up of the words
"sow" twice, which is a female pig, and the word "men",
and the house/temple is located upon the wing of a "bird".
The Swine Flu is likewise of swine, bird and human origins.
The large "S" formed by the two owls locked in combat (along with
the two human heads) also remind me of the "S" in Swine Flu
since Swine Flu is also made up of swine, bird, and human. And since this
bible code constantly makes use of plays on words, it would be in keeping with
this code to say that the "S" flew ("Flu"), since the
"S" is made up of flying owls. And the owls in the
bible code are
crying "Hoo!" "Hoo!", spelt both "Hoo!" and "Who!".
These homonyms are each found twice, located within the house/temple
along with the words "Sow" (2x) and "men". The "WHO"
(Hoo!) of the owl happens to also be the initials for
the name of the organization that issues all the warning about this
epidemic! "World
Health Organization" (WHO).
5. The numeric is the same as
that explained
in the Swine Flu article, i.e.,
1290 days and letters. The head of the owl of the KJV Bible Code at -1290
letters overlaps the three coins of the Moth
Bible Code that in turn
mirrors the moth, and the Moth Code predicted the coming Flues as
already discussed.

6. The KJV Bible Code uses the numbers
144000 and 666. The first KJV bible code of its kind was discovered June
12, 2007, and the image of Jesus walking on the water a few days later at
midnight of June 14th ending. It happens that 666 days from then
was April 8 and 10th, 2009. April 8th and 10th, 2009, is Nisan 14 and 17th
on the Jewish calendar, which are the anniversaries of the death and
resurrection of Christ at Passover! This is also about when Swine Flu
began to be first officially identified. This also ties in perfectly with the
middle of the exact same week of the 1290 days as explained
in the Swine Flu article.
(And see above point "6".)
(The mirror
is also being used at 1260 and 1290 using symbolic
day/years. It has the figurative effect of rolling back the veil
to the entrance of the "Tabernacle
(of Time"), but I cannot elaborate now due to its complexity.
See the 1320
of the next point.)

7. The timing of the spread of Swine Flu
with that of the Popes visit exactly 30/60 days later. (The house on the
wing of the temple is called "Rome", i.e., the Roman Catholic
Church. The Pope's visit
is discussed later in this document.)
This means that the Popes visit was during "Second Passover",
with the middle of the week of Passover being when he visited Jerusalem
and the Temple Mount. The Second Passover is also mentioned
in the article about Swine Flu. Thus, there was a total of 1320 days (1290
+ 30 = 1320) from the article on the forum to do with the Moth
Bible Code. This is significant because the temple in the Moth
Bible Code is also composed of 1320
letters (when not doubled into two 1260-letter temples).
The KJV bible code has an image of the eye of Hurricane Dean traveling in
a straight line and crushing the "whore house" spelt out of the
words, "Whore" (2x), "Sow" (2x), "Men",
"Who" (2x) and "Rome", located on the tip of the wing
of the owl, etc. (The house in located on top of a hose-shaped obelisk.
There are three intersecting circles at the front of the house that pose a riddle.
It is read in alternating directions: A "rose hose rose
Rome so he{'s} sore more!" The three intersecting circles is also a
common symbol in Rome and in Babylon. The "hose", like an obelisk,
here represents the male organ whereas the temple the female. Each word is
a play on words.
example, "Hose" is a water hose but it is also a play on words for the
undergarment of the whore, and rose is its color as well as meaning to
elevate. Expanded, the meaning
therefore is: A "rose hose rose Rome so he soared more (being) more
sore!" The riddle is mocking the sordid relationship that the harlot has with the beast and the ill
consequence of fornication.
As it turned out, the path of Cat. 5
Hurricane Dean (and Felix) extended like a rod across the ocean. It struck
very near where it is thought that Swine Flu initially began. I said back
then that Hurricane Dean was a sign to do with this KJV Bible Code, and
that it had to do with the time frame of 1150 days from Dan. 8. And 1150
days has to do with the "abomination that causes desolation"
that occurred by the offering of "swine" upon the Lord's
altar in the temple in 168 BC. Is it a coincidence that the rod of
Hurricane Dean of the KJV Bible Code lands where the Swine Flu literally
began, and that after 1150 days, a time frame associated with swine?
The Pope's
Visit to Israel
A Sign of Things to Come
May 2009
"Multitudes, multitudes in the
valley of decision!
for the day of Jehovah is near in the valley of decision."
Joel 3:14
Things to take note of when reading the below quotations
taken from the
KJV Bible Code in regard to the Pope's visit:
Friday to Sunday Pope visits the nation of Jordan located next
to Israel
Monday Arrives in Israel, meets President Shimon Peres
Tuesday Visits the Dome of the Rock and the Western Wall.
Celebrates Holy Mass in Josaphat Valley
Wednesday Visits Bethlehem, visits refugees, meets Mahmoud
Thursday Mass in Nazareth, talks with Benjamin Netanyahu, meets
Friday Meets Orthodox Christian leaders, departs
1. Pope's visit occurred on what is called "The Second
Passover", that is Iyar 14-21, which was May 8-15, 2009. (Second
Passover was kept by anyone who was away from Israel and could not keep
the Passover. It was also the Passover that the northern tribe of Israel
kept during their years as a nation in rebellion against the southern kingdom of
Judah.) Compare this to the 1290 days of the Swine
Flu chart. Also see point "7" about the
Swine Flu and "1320 days/letters".)
2. It is most remarkable that in "the middle of this
(Passover) week" the Pope visits the Dome of the Rock where Muhammad the false
prophet supposedly ascended up to God, but which is the location of the
destroyed temple of the Lord that king Solomon built. The Dome of the Rock is
a continual abomination and desecration of the this holy temple site. Why
would the Pope, who claims to represent Christ on earth, go there?
It is because the popes do not portray Christ, but rather portent
the coming antichrist!
Next the Pope visited the wailing wall, which is part of
the remains of the Jewish Second Temple. And later that day he had the
first mass ever in Jerusalem for any Pope. The 5000 tickets for the mass
were sold out. It occurred in the Valley of
Jehoshaphat which means, "The Lord will judge!" (The RCC
believes that the Mass is the literal sacrifice of Christ --- again and
again --- in some mystical way. This teaching is an abomination and denial
of the once and for all completed work of Christ's shed blood on the
cross, Hebrews 9:26.)
The bible says that the "abomination that brings
desolation" will also occur in "the middle of the week" (of
Passover or Tabernacles).
"And he shall make a firm covenant
with many for one week: and in the midst (middle) of the week he
shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease; and upon the wing
of abominations shall come one that maketh desolate; and even unto
the full end, and that determined, shall wrath be poured out upon the
desolate," (Dan. 9:27).
"For one week this foreigner will make a firm agreement with many
people, and halfway through this week, he will end all sacrifices and
offerings. Then the "Horrible Thing" that causes destruction
will be put there. And it will stay there until the time God has decided
to destroy this one who destroys," (Dan. 9:27).
"And from the time that the
continual burnt-offering shall be taken away, and the abomination that
maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand and two hundred and
ninety days," (Dan 12:11).
It is most interesting that the mass
should be held in the valley of Jehoshaphat. There the Pope sat in all his
golden garbs on a golden throne. The "Valley of Jehoshaphat" is a valley
that the bible says is symbolic of the Valley of Armageddon, which is where the last
great end-time battle happens before Christ returns. The prophecy is found in the
book of Joel, and the reason the bible gives for this horrible judgment is because the nations
"divided up the land of Israel". It just happens that the Pope was pushing for the
dividing up of the land of Israel while he was visiting there in Israel, pushing for a
Palestinian state. (The president of the United States is doing the same
3:1 For, behold, in those days, and in that
time, when I shall bring back the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem,
Joel 3:2 I
will gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of
Jehoshaphat; and I will execute judgment upon them there for my people
and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations:
and they have parted my land,
Joe 3:3 and have cast
lots for my people, and have given a boy for a harlot, and sold a girl
for wine, that they may drink.
Joe 3:4 Yea, and what are
ye to me, O Tyre, and Sidon, and all the regions of Philistia? will ye
render me a recompense? and if ye recompense me, swiftly and speedily
will I return your recompense upon your own head.
Joe 3:5 Forasmuch as ye
have taken my silver and my gold, and have carried into your temples my
goodly precious things,
3:6 and have sold the children of Judah and the children of
Jerusalem unto the sons of the Grecians, that ye may remove them far
from their border;
Joe 3:7 behold, I will
stir them up out of the place whither ye have sold them, and will return
your recompense upon your own head;
Joe 3:8 and I will sell
your sons and your daughters into the hand of the children of Judah, and
they shall sell them to the men of Sheba, to a nation far off: for
Jehovah hath spoken it.
Joe 3:9 Proclaim ye this
among the nations; prepare war; stir up the mighty men; let all the men
of war draw near, let them come up.
Joe 3:10 Beat your
plowshares into swords, and your pruning-hooks into spears: let the weak
say, I am strong.
Joe 3:11 Haste ye, and
come, all ye nations round about, and gather yourselves together:
thither cause thy mighty ones to come down, O Jehovah.
Joe 3:12 Let the nations
bestir themselves, and come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat; for there
will I sit to judge all the nations round about.
Joe 3:13 Put ye in the
sickle; for the harvest is ripe: come, tread ye; for the winepress is
full, the vats overflow; for their wickedness is great.
Joe 3:14 Multitudes,
multitudes in the valley of decision! for the day of Jehovah is near in
the valley of decision.
I don't want to repeat the review
of the KJV Bible Code given at the start of this document.
But compare what was said before about the KJV Code with the Popes visit.
a) The image is that of a house of
whoredom, and the Pope goes inside the Muslim Dome of the Rock, a mosque,
thereby committing spiritual fornication --- all in the name of Christ!
b) The false temple/house is called
"Rome" in the code.
c) The counterfeit ark in the code is really a
Roman "war" ship bent on conquest. The ship is called
"Rome", claims to be "Eden", but heads toward
"hell"! It happens that the Valley of Jehoshaphat is next to the garden of Gethsemane,
which answers to the garden of Eden of creation. But this valley
is also known to some as the valley of "Hell". Thus
we have the three key words of the bible code come together at one
place, "Rome", "Eden", and "Hell!"
d) The Pope speaks peace and yet he is
inciting war. Interestingly, the Prime Minster of Israel asked the Pope
to speak out against the threats of Iran against Israel. Iran
("Persia") is one of the foremost nations that is prophesied in the
book of Ezekiel that concerns the final great battle of the Lord Almighty,
(Ezek. 38:5).
In conclusion, the timing of the Popes
visit and the places that he visited and when, clearly portray things to come. One day the Antichrist will defile a newly rebuilt temple
in Israel and likely a future Pope will become his "false
prophet", as foretold in the book of Revelation.
"And I saw coming out of the mouth of the dragon,
and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false
prophet, three unclean spirits, as it were frogs: for
they are spirits of demons, working signs; which go forth unto the
kings of the whole world, to gather them together unto the war
of the great day of God, the Almighty," (Rev. 16:13-14).
The Latest
Picture Bible Code
and the Coming
latest picture bible code that the
Lord showed me was that of an encoded image of the great waters of the
deep bursting open at Noah's flood. (Notice the ark floating above the
waters at right.) It eventually becomes the scene of the Lord's return at
the final end-time battle of Armageddon. The image is a composite image of
several key events in the bible. The Lord timed the revealing of this to
me so that it dovetails exactly in with the numeric discussed here and as
explained in the Swine Flu
chart. The month that is identified in the chart
as being 1260 days (not 1290 days) from the month that was revealed
to me back in September of 2005 happens to be the very same month that the
Lord showed me this picture code, (Feb. 4/5 to March 5/6, 2009). (For "1260
days" see Rev. 11-13.) I know that this Names Acrostic Picture
Bible Code likewise serves as a sign of
what is yet to come.
The following is quoted from the
introduction to this article on the Names-Acrostic
Bible Code. Please note the comment about "the morning of (Nisan)
the 18th", that is, the middle of the week of "First
Passover". (The Pope's visit was in the middle of "Second
Passover", etc.)
"First of all you must understand
this: In the last days mockers will come and, following their own
desires, will ridicule us by saying, "What happened to his promise
to return? Ever since our ancestors died, everything continues as it did
from the beginning of creation." But they deliberately ignore
the fact that long ago the heavens existed and the
earth was formed by God's word out of water and with water,
by which the world at that time was deluged with water and destroyed.
Now by the same word the present heavens and earth have been reserved
for fire and are being kept for the day when ungodly people will be
judged and destroyed." (2Peter 3:3-7, CEV)

The encoded image is essentially an overlap of five key events in the bible:
1. Creation
2. Flood of Noah
3. Red Sea crossing
4. Cross and resurrection of Christ
5. Second Coming of Christ
Each can also be shown to share the same anniversary dates of Nisan 14-17 (and
the morning of 18th)!
(This is only true of the Creation if God
created the moon as shining full rather than as just a sliver of a new
moon as commonly assumed. Adam was created fully grown, as were the
other creatures and the earth itself, so why not the moon?)

Just another sign (among many) of things to come...
Korea conducted a "Hiroshima-size" Atom bomb test on May 25,
2009, 9:54am, Korean time. This is the same day that the Holy Spirit
told me to watch for, that is, that something significant would take
place on that day as a sign. To be specific, the Holy Spirit told me a
few days prior to take note of the day when there would officially total
12900 people (and 12600) with Swine Flu in keeping
with the number of days, "1290"
(and 1260), and that total was reached on May 25, 2009.
The sign of the atomic blast fits this document
well, (written 10 days before), because we began
by talking about Swine flu and ended with the sign of the Pope's
visit and "Armageddon" with
the encoded image of an atomic bomb blast as seen here at right.
(It borrows the imagery of the parting of the Red Sea by Moses.)
Compare this to the bible code.
A tiny part of that picture
bible code reads:
fire, O' daughter! I will burn up the seas, tearing them apart! It will be
"Just as he completed (the heavens and the earth),
even so (again) he will finish them! He will consume them! He will tear them down! He will sweep them away,
tearing apart sea from sea, west from east (with) an east wind!"
(May also read ..."An eastern sea!")
still, he bows the head! Who bowed the head? The one kindling the
ancient waters (into) a
flame! A hand is upraised, even hands
(over the) seas? Whose hands, O' east wind?"
May 25th, 2009, was also 3.5 days before the start
of Pentecost
on the Jewish calendar, but May 25th is Pentecost itself (and
also {especially} one-month after Pentecost) on the 360
calendar. It is also 1335 days after the said events on
the chart that we have
been referring to, (Dan. 12).
(Interestingly, North Korea fired its test rockets
for 4.5 days into the "East
Sea", that is, until "dusk"
on May 29th, 2009, which is the end of Pentecost, Sivan 6, on the
regular Jewish calendar. It is as if the East Sea endured 4.5 days of nuclear
explosions --- that is, if the missiles had actually held such a bomb
in them, which they did not. But the warning by North Korea is that
they are gearing up to be able to do such a thing if they
wished. The
sign is in agreement with the code. Thus there was one atomic bomb
followed by six missile tests into the sea, seven events in all. As of June 9, the time of writing this paragraph, North Korea
appears to be gearing up to test long range missiles capable of
reaching the United States. These events are just part of the
"wars and rumors of wars" that Jesus prophesied of; however,
they still serve as signs of what is to come. And when it happens, it
may not even include North Korea.)
North Korea's previously botched a launch of a satellite
that ended up in the sea. That was 50 days earlier, on April 5, which
therefore was Passover (or second Passover) on the 360 calendar!
(Pentecost literally means, "50", because Pentecost is 50 days
after Passover, Lev. 23:16. Also, concerning April 5, see chart.)
It is also 266 BC on the symbolic
day/year timeline, a significant date that we will not detail now.
On a personal level, it was also Sarah's 21st birthday, whom God told me
to watch as a sign concerning SARS back seven years ago, and SARS, in
turn, was just a warning about a coming epidemic. See sign of Sarah's.)
For the above reasons, I believe that the nuclear test
by North Korea is a warning to the world that their fears will one day
be realized, maybe not from North Korea, but from somewhere else in the
world. Moreover, an article
was written about the first (but smaller) bomb test in North Korea back
in October of 2006 to do with the Mene
Tekel Bible Code. Is Iran, China,
Russia, or North Korea that coming fiery "east wind"? 
following are quoted directly from articles
put on the internet about two years ago from the KJV Bible Code
Click here to view the
original document
from where the following was quoted and the images copied.

Please excuse the roughness of below image. It was done in
The see-through house is fully three-dimensional. What it
says is most amazing!

The above picture bible codes to be explained in detail
It contains an important prophecy about Russia, Asia, Europe and America.

Next Quotations...
Click here to view the original
document from where the following was quoted.
The mouth of the red dragon numerically overlaps the mouth
of the prophet/prophetess in this KJV Bible Code. I hope to explain this
later. (See image at left.)
The bible code is multifaceted and is meant to be viewed
in several ways and directions. When the dragon image is inserted at the
place numerically encoded for it, then the composite image (in part)
depicts the false prophet spoken of in the book of Revelation, who,
'looked like a lamb but spoke like a dragon'.
And it represents the dragon spewing a river, and it
represents the dragon about to swallow "the man child", Jesus,
as soon as He is born. But it also represents the false messiah arising
out of the sea, up from Sheol. (The head of the dragon in Hebrew reads,
All these events are found in the book of Revelation. The
position of the dragon as seen here overlapping the other images is not
in any way contrived. The numeric producing the image was put on the net
in several documents two years before the KJV Picture Code was even
About w-hoo-m
does the code speak?
great horned owl called "ROME",
who claims to be the dove of "EDEN", but is a "WHORE"
decked in jewels, plots "WAR" and is on the way to
"HELL"! She sits upon many waters and rides a dragon/beast
composed of seven hills. The dragon stirs up the sea. And there is a large
mountain made from these seven smaller hills, (which partly excludes the
seventh hill). All this overlaps the face of a prophetess. The bible code
is encoded using bible prophecy numbers, 666, 1260, and 144,000.
For those familiar with the book of Revelation, the
meaning is obvious, because the imagery closely resembles Rev. 11-18. But
I cannot take time to explain it here.
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document from where the following was quoted.

God has again been predicting the
hurricanes this year as He did in 2004 and 2005. Thus, along with the
fires in Greece are the Hurricanes again. Even today, as I write this, two
more hurricanes are striking strongly Roman Catholic countries as they did
the predominately Protestant United States in 2004-2005. (Note that the
house at right in the bible code is identified as "Rome".)
someone reminded me, for the first time in recorded history there is a pincer
movement of 2 hurricanes from different directions. One from the Pacific and
the other from the Atlantic on Central America that make landfall about the
same time. Note the image of the two owls/eagles swirling around each other
like two great storms, forming a symbol similar to that of the hurricane
symbol. The timing of the storm has to do with the 2300 of Daniel 8 and the
conquest of the Promised Land in 1406 BC "in the mirror,
but I cannot elaborate now so as to keep things short.)
12. As most commentaries will tell you, the 1150 days of
Dan. 8 is further broken down as 40 + 1110 days (or 70 + 1080 days). (The
swine was offered to Zeus exactly three years before the temple was
cleansed, 168 to 165 BC.) 1080 days is three years. (360 x 3). 1110 days
is the same as 360 x 3 except it has a leap month added, as was the case
between the years 2004 and 2007.
These events, the sacrifice of Isaac and the recovery of
the temple mount, both have to do with sacrifice or desecration and
therefore relate well to the theme of the 1150 days and the fires at the
grounds where the temple to Zeus once stood --- and his image --- one of
the seven wonders of the ancient world. God repaid Zeus for what he did by
his servant Antiochus, and serves as a warning about what God will again
do when the antichrist sets himself up in the temple that will be rebuilt
in Jerusalem one day --- and his image. God will again judge the
antichrist and the god of the antichrist.
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document from where the following was quoted.

that the English Bible Code happens to have "Sow"
(female pig) written twice upon the roof of the false temple (i.e.,
the whore house) to "Baal"/Zeus. Recall that swine was offered by
the Greek tyrant Antiochus upon the Lord's altar when he desecrated the
temple of the Lord for 1150 days in 165 BC.
(Image at right was put out on the internet about a week
before the fire. Click here for main article on the English
Picture Bible Code. Click on image at right to enlarge. Note
'house' at upper left corner. The Lord's "temple" is parallel to
the false one, and is above the glasses in the shape of a crown, that is,
just above the head of the owl.)
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document from where the following was quoted.
Note: When a hurricane
hits land it begins to die. Dean almost did. Here is the NOAA (NASA)
advisory for that day:
"500 PM EDT
But on the 8th day of the storm, Dean revived,
only to die again that same day, (Aug. 22, 2007).
(Historically, the 1150 days of Dan. 8 was
fulfilled by the tyrant Antiochus Epiphanies between 168-165 BC.
Today that event is memorialized in December in the Jewish festival
called Chanukah, or in the gospel of John it is called "The
feast of Dedication", [John 10:22], when Jesus visited the
temple 1150 days into his ministry, with 110 more
days until his death on Passover in AD 30, a total of 1260 days,
[Rev. 12]. [Or, 1290 days if there was a leap
month, and about 1335 to His ascension and Pentecost, Acts 1:3;
2:1.] Chanukah is also called "The festival of Lights"
because, according to traditional, the oil for the menorah lasted
eight days when they cleansed the temple. There was oil enough for
one day but instead it lasted seven extra days. This is similar to
Hurricane Dean. It struck on the 7th and 8th day
after the 1150 days as commencing from June 20, 2004. Or 1150 days
as from June 27, 2007, when the Balance Bible Code was discovered.)
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document from where the following was quoted.

Ark heads towards the direction
of the "red arrow of war"

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document from where the following was quoted.
positioning of the letters are perfect in every way.
A letter must represent an exact day
of a specific year in order to create a mirroring effect. That is,
a letter must represent the end of the year (Dec. 31), but is also a
specific year in time that is exactly half a number that is either 1150,
1260, 1290, or 1335, or is a logical combination of these same biblical
time frames, (Dan.
8, 12; Rev. 12).
Our images use two specific letters in the matrix that act
as this 'fulcrum' producing the mirroring effect. It represents a date and
year that in this case is 1335 + 1335 + 1150 + 1335 + 1335 back to its own mirrored
date; and, 1290 + 1260 + 1150 + 1260 + 1290 back to its own mirrored
date. Each of the two letters, therefore, represent Dec. 31st, and are the
years 3246 BC and 3126 BC respectively. (The first date is
the day and year of Noah's conception and of the anniversary of
when the flood ended. The second is 120 years later. This
"120 years" is an important numeric to do with Noah in the
Genesis account of the flood --- and the flood of Noah is one of the main
themes of the code. Each row in the code is 120 years apart, or to be
exact, 119.82 "letter-years", since the English code is at an
ELS of 11982 letters, and each letter represents 3.6 days, that is, one
one-hundredth of a 360-day
two owls are produced by the said 3246 BC
date (left image), whereas the 3126 BC
produces the two heads facing away from each other, (see above-right
image). The combined image of both (right image) is when the one date
mirrors into the other date.
[Midnight of Dec. 31/Jan. 1, 3246/5
BC + 1335 + 1335 + 1150 + 1260 + 1290 letters/years to AD
3125/6, midnight, Dec. 31/Jan. 1. Note: 3246/5 BC is
the mirror of AD 3246/5 and 3126/5 BC is the
mirror of AD 3126/5.]

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document from where the following was quoted.
Around the four points of the cross/sail
it reads "DEEN", which is a Hebrew word for "Justice".
Jesus is bearing the judgment of the stormy wrath of God for mankind. And
so, note that Tropical Storm "DEAN" just formed today, August 14,
2007, which, as
said, is 1150 days (Dan. 8) from the week of the discovery of the Balance
Bible Code (June 20-27, 2004). Tropical Storm DEAN, therefore,
is a sign that Jesus bore our "judgment", but it also speaks of a
great storm to come.
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document from where the following was quoted.

Hurricane Flossie and 1150 Days from
the Balance Code
Flossie is expected to pass a little south of Hawaii on Aug. 14, 2007, which is
1150 days from the week of the Balance Bible Code as examined above. Perhaps
Flossie will fade completely out a week later?
The number 1150 (from Dan. 8) is a pivotal time frame in the Bible Numbers.
(See Hurricane
articles with their links that examine how that numeric time frames spoken of
in the book of Ezekiel are being forwarded to the present by precisely 1260 +
1335 years.)
As for why 1150 days, the mirrored
images (see below) are produced by the numeric of "1335 x 2 + 1150
+ 1335 x 2" and "1290 + 1260 + 1150 + 1260 + 1290". (See
Dan. 8 and 12, and Rev. 12 for these numbers.)
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document from where the following was quoted.
What is the importance of 1150 days
or 1150 years? See the following articles... They serve as references
for more information, but also to prove that the number 1150 is a
primary time frame in the bible as discussed on my websites. The other
bible time frames being 1260, 1290 and 1335 days or years. This proves
that I was expecting the hurricane signs to likely resume on the said
August 14-21, 2007, 1150 days after the Balance Bible Code, which is
1260 + 1335 years after Ezekiel completed his 390 days,
"a day for each year", (Ezek. 4).
The first four sites that come up on
when typing in the search term 1150 days are our
two websites - (on Aug. 21, 2007)
(Note, I have disabled the "cached" links.)
- Bible
Prophecy Numbers 1260 days.
1150 days{9} equals 2300 "evenings and
mornings" of consecutive "sacrifices" ... b.) 1290 days:
(The 1290 is the 1260, except with the 30-day intercalary
month ...
days-bible-prophecy-numbers-... - 21
- Bible
Prophecy Numbers: 1260 days, 1290 days, 1335 days,
1260 years.
2e 390, 430, (1290), and the 1150. Ch. 2f 1260 days/years,
1290 days/years. Ch. ... discuss the principle that
"Each day equals a consecutive year/date of ...
- 29k - Cached
- 2300
days of Daniel
Why 2300 evenings and mornings can be viewed as 1150 full days.
... 1260 or 1290 days, by the way, so that the final 1335th day
lands of Pentecost, ...
www.bible-codes.org/2300-as-1150-days-daniel.htm - 14k - Cached
- Saddam
Hussein and the fall of Babylon-2!
We begin by discussing the 1150 days of Daniel 8
since we have already discussed ... at the time that the day
chosen was 1335 days from when the code first ...
writing-wall-mene-1b.htm - 37k - Cached
The first four sites that come up on
when typing in the search term 1150 days are our
two websites - (on Aug. 21, 2007)
days of Daniel
Why 2300 evenings and mornings can
be viewed as 1150 full days. ... The
dividing of the 2300 as 1150 days is, I would say, the
more common interpretation of ...
- 14k - Cached
- Similar pages |
hand appears again! Saddam Hussein and the fall of Babylon!
[The 2300 of Daniel 8 as 1150
days is explained here.] ... As there was 1150,
1260, 1290, and 1335 days from when the mene-code
began to be decoded unto the ...
Exact-dates-code-writing-wall-mene-1a.htm - 35k - Cached
- Similar pages
[ More results from
www.bible-codes.org ] |
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document from where the following was quoted.
All that background was necessary so that you can understand my
frustrations. (I said that I was going to be frank while writing this!)
Hurricane Flossie began when I put out the first English bible code
ever found (the one that we are here discussing --- put out on Aug.
10, 2007). It was the first hurricane of the Pacific
season. (All the other hurricanes of the code had been in the
Atlantic side in 2004-2005.) Then, four days later, the first
hurricane of the
Atlantic season was born --- Tropical storm Dean --- and you guessed it, on
the morning of Aug. 14, 2007. No coincidence since, as said, I was
expecting it.
seven days later, right on schedule, Dean slams into the Yucatan
peninsula the morning of Aug. 21, 2007 --- right on schedule --- the
first category 5 hurricane since Andrew in 1992. It was the 9th most
powerful on record, and the 3rd most powerful to hit land at top
strength. And there it was, on the said 1150 days from the Balance
Code, both when it was born and died! Although, it is expected to
revive briefly over the southern Gulf before hitting Mexico on the
22nd. (Hit about 2 pm EDT as cat. 2 on 22nd, and then dissolved
But all this frustrated me!
I wanted God to strike a populated area! Otherwise,
no one will take the code seriously!
God rebuked me. He reminded me that Dean was one of His many names.
In Hebrew it sounds like the word for justice or judgment. (Deen or
reminded me that the picture bible code was about grace. That God
had borne the flood/wrath on the cross. (This is the meaning behind
the image of Jesus walking toward the boat with the sail that looks
like a cross. Click here for main article on the English
Picture Bible Code.)
And I told others this on the forum.
So God showed Grace, just as the bible code
--- even if grace does not make the news very well!

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document from where the following was quoted.
Importantly, the codes are a prelude
to "the real thing", just as Ezekiel's siege was only a
symbolic portrait of what was to come --- a prelude to the final climax. For
this earth is soon to come under heavenly siege.
All these things, the heavenly signs, the hurricanes and
earthquakes and fires and floods, the Twin Towers that fell, the wars, and the
coming bird-flu, are warning signs of what is to come after
them. They are just a prelude of what is to come. These events may seem
great in our eyes now, but when the final days come upon men these present
calamities will seem as nothing other than what they in fact were --- just
preludes to the final tribulation --- signs of what was to come --- echoes of
what is yet ahead. The events that we now see are all tempered with much
grace, but that day will witness not so much His grace, but His wrath.
Official Swine Flu Total on May 25, 2009
(Mathematical calculations for exact times)
WHO gives its new totals every day at 6 am GMT
(2 am Toronto time where I live). The total given at the start of the 25th was
12515 and on the start of the 26th was 12954. This means that on the 25th of
May the official WHO number surpassed both 12600 and 12900, Toronto time,
since there are about 18 official new cases reported an hour. Both numbers are
significant although it was 12900 that I was primarily looking for. (The unofficial
actual number with Swine Flu is about 20 times this, but no one can know for
"Influenza A(H1N1) - update
As of 06:00 GMT, 25 May 2009, 46 countries have
officially reported 12515 cases of influenza A(H1N1) infection, including 91
"Influenza A(H1N1) - update
As of 06:00 GMT, 26 May 2009, 46 countries have
officially reported 12954 cases of influenza A(H1N1) infection, including 92
It would have been 2 or 3 am
on the 26th GMT when 12900 was reached, however, because the day of the
26th was so new, arguably,
The nuclear blast was at 1am
GMT, May 25, 2009, which was the 3rd or 4th month, the 5th day,
on the 360 calendar, which was Pentecost or the month after. The Flu numbers
surpassed 12600 about 10 am, May 25, GMT. However, it would have been
after evening on May 25th when 12900 was reached, and thus the 3rd
or 4th month, the 6th day on the 360
calendar. At any rate, North Korea further provoked the world again the
next day, May 26, by launching two rockets into the "East Sea". Both
the bomb and the rockets are necessary to test in order to ever deliver a
nuclear bomb beyond its borders.
"North Korea
reportedly fired two more short-range missiles into waters off its east
coast Tuesday, undeterred by the strong international condemnation that
followed its detonation of a nuclear device and test-firing of three
missiles a day earlier."
"It had threatened to
conduct the (Atomic bomb) test if the U.N. Security Council did not
apologize for imposing sanctions on North Korea after it tested a rocket
April 5."
Korea's previously botched a launch of a satellite that ended up in the sea.
That was 50 days earlier, on April 5, which therefore was Passover (or second
Passover) on the 360 calendar! (Pentecost literally means, "50",
because Pentecost is 50 days after Passover, Lev. 23:16. Also, concerning
April 5, see chart. The image
of the Red Sea Crossing/Atomic Bomb was completed one month earlier, etc.)
(Click here for Part
which is the main article on the Swine
years after the Moth Bible Code