Picture Bible Code Prophecy
"Deep Impact" Bible Code
Update: Stardust Mission
Concerning Comet Tempel that struck July 4, 2005
(Also see, Summary of Hurricanes
of notoriety and timeline)
This Bible Code is found in Isaiah 45:2-5.
(NASA's Banner is below.)

Why this is written?
The purpose of these series of articles
that detail the rhyme and reason for when these events (including events
surrounding Saddam
Hussein from the time that the Twin
Towers fell) is to demonstrate
that God has everything timed. It
is to prove that God alone can predict
things like a storm
years in advance. He alone is God!
Dan 9:26
"And after the sixty-two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, and
shall have nothing; and the people of the prince that shall come
shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall
be with an overflow (flood), and unto the end, war, --the
desolations determined."
We are not saying that this is the final
fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Instead, what we are saying is that God
is now revealing the kind of numeric patterns that He uses when He
"determines" world events. These numeric patterns can be
studied and learned from in order to prepare the yet future generation
to come who will actually see the final and culminated fulfillment of
all things in a future period often referred to as "The Great
Tribulation Period". This work is to prepare that future
generation. The only claim that I am personally making is that the work
in the Picture Bible Codes
and numbers
is a partial
fulfillment of the prophecy in Daniel:
Dan 12:4, 9
And thou, Daniel, close the words, and seal the book, till the time
of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be
increased. ... And he said, Go thy way,
Daniel; for these words are closed and sealed till the time of the
Dan 12:10-13
Many shall be purified, and be made white, and be refined; but the
wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand;
but the wise shall understand. And from the time that the continual sacrifice
is taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there
shall be a thousand, two hundred, and ninety days. Blessed is he
that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and
thirty-five days!}
God began revealing these things to me
since 1991. Each revelation is also timed, using the numeric revealed in
the above prophecy of the 1260/1290
and 1335 days/years. These revelations were accompanied by a steady
stream of personal
that goaded me to further study. Beyond this I make no other
claim. (Also see "How my
Prophetic Calling Works".)
This bible code is meant to be read in accompaniment with the Balance Bible Code embedded one chapter later. Both go together and are at the same skip sequence.
(ELS 11)
 The image is of a moth
(compare to Moth bible code) or cherub (i.e., an angelic creature, see Balance bible code). Also, because I had planned to do a write-up about the Deep Impact Comet strike
today (July 5, 2005) as it related to the seven-woes bible code, I cannot escape the fact that both the theme and the image of this newest code also fits the image of a meteor being impacted by a flying object!
(Note: The cloud in this code suggests regular storm clouds as
well as the cloud of dust from the Deep Impact collision, as discussed next.)
Interestingly, the comets name was Tempel and the moth-code is
also the same as the Temple Picture Bible
Code. Cyrus was prophesied to rebuild God's temple in Jerusalem in Isaiah
44:28. Since plays-on-words are common in the bible, I believe that comet tempel is also a prophetic play on words for temple. The seven
woes of the Genesis Creation Code are similar to the woes found in the book of Revelation that are
being announced from God's temple in heaven. In that passage we read
about a comet or star striking the earth with a very deep impact.
"And I saw, and I heard an eagle (or angel), flying in mid heaven, saying with a great voice, Woe, woe, woe, for them that dwell on the earth, by reason of the other voices of the
trumpet of the three angels, who are yet to sound. And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star from heaven fallen unto the earth: and there was given to him the key of the pit of the abyss. And he opened the pit of the abyss; and there went up a smoke out of the pit, as the
smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit," (Revelation 8:13-9:2).
Deep Impact is thus a sign of this woe that is yet to come, about which men will vainly try to stop. Currently, NASA is waiting for the smoke to clear so that they
can peer into the pit they made on the face of their star/comet!
"Deep Impact" is the name given to the space project seven years ago,
and coincidentally it has the same name as a movie put out also at that time. It was about an attempt to stop a comet from striking the earth. (The film is unfit to watch due to
swearing.) The Deep Impact project to comet Tempel also hopes to give scientists understanding of how better to deflect any future cataclysmic strike by a meteorite (comet) against the earth. The primary said objective is to find out the origins of the universe, and this is why
the project is such an affront to the Creator! "Who is the Creator?" is the theme of the bible code. Is
the Creator a mere hunk of rock or is it the living God. This again compares to the
Balance Bible Code which is encoded one chapter later in the book of Isaiah.
That code mocked the failed attempt to know our origins from studying space
dust when the space craft called, "The Genesis Project", plummeted to the earth.

The stunning fall of the Genesis craft (right) is a sign of the fall of Lucifer, "the guardian cherub," (Ezek. 28), about which that earlier code (left) alluded.
Whether or not you believe that the Deep Impact mission is alluded to in this newest code has no bearing on the code itself. It remains a remarkable code about Jesus the Messiah. (The
cloud of dust in the Deep Impact code also suggests regular storm clouds as
The bible code speaks about a "rich man" and king "Cyrus."
By reading the bible passage where it is encoded should answer such questions by themselves. (See context of the code.) Amazingly, the pagan Cyrus is a type of the Messiah Jesus who shall rule over the kingdoms of this world and
restore to His people their inheritance. Cyrus the Persian conquered Babylon on the occasion of the writing on the wall, when God wrote, "Mene, mene, tekel, uparsin!" The bible code is careful to explain
that Jesus is only like Cyrus in certain things, but not in everything (of course).
The numeric is awesome!
The bible code contains a riddle about "measurements." "With me (wisdom) He measured off the measurements of the heavens!" This is a clue that we should take note of the measurements of the code. The moth/cherub wings measure
50 and 60 letters (5 x 10 and 5 x 12 letters) and agrees with the Mene tekel bible code. A 'mina' (mene) was worth 60 Babylonian shekels ('tekels') or 50 Hebrew shekels. 'Peres' meant
half-a-shekel or mina. Therefore, as 1/2-shekel or as 1/2-mina we have 25 or 30 shekels and it happens that the crisscross of the wings divides the 50 and 60 letters in half at the said 25 and 30 shekels/tekels, and the space in the middle is 1/2 letter at center. Etc.) The
numeric thus speaks of the union of Jew in Gentile in Christ, with Christ having been "Tekel" ... "weighed in the balances" for us when He died on the cross. The full length of the long straight line of code is 12 x 10, or 60 + 60 letters. (I.e., 'Mene'
'mene'! Compare numeric to Balance Bible Code.)
#47182 in Isaiah.) The two balance handles are 75 letters apart. (The top of each handle is where His hands were nailed with 'deep impact' on that fiery cross! "I AM the Lamp/Balance," reads the code! See image at left and right.)
means that from the center of the comet to the bottom handle of the Balance Bible code equals 1335 letters, (1260 + 75 = 1335 letters). This letter for the lower handle is a
Yod. (Letter #47227 in Isaiah.) Mem and Yod (of the two handles of
the balance) spell "Who" in Hebrew, as in "Who is Jesus!" (How AWESOME is God!) (The main phrase of the Balance/Lamp Bible code is, "I AM Jesus!") Both 1260 and 1335 are biblical
numbers, and go together in bible prophecy, (as does 1290 days as well! See below left image; a perfect fit in
every possible way!) (See Daniel 12:11-12 and Revelation 11:4.)
above right image, note that the fiery line that outlines the path of the striking of the comet also aligns with the fiery line of the seven flames atop the Lamp of the Balance code! (It is also side by side with the image of the cherub of the Balance code.) (The abyss of the
Balance Bible Code is also 1260 letters long and runs along the same path. See right image and recall the woe of Revelation 9:1-2.)
What does it mean?
In effect, the people of God cross the river along the balance to the other side during this 75-day/letter interval. God's people are passed from death to life and do not suffer the wrath of God. However, at what point we are taken up out of this
world is intentionally vague in bible prophecy.
After Hurricane Dennis and "Our Rock"
for more on what the image Deep Impact means as an illustration of Christ our Rock.)
Hence, the code calls to mind many of the other picture bible codes, either numerically or by what it reads. As always, the code is interpreting the surface text of the bible in which it is found as it relates to Jesus the Messiah. (Thus,
the codes' theme concerning Cyrus, the Creation, and the key word "Who." I.e., Who is the Creator? [Isaiah 44:24; 45:21; 46:5].)
Deep Impact Bible Code
Also see the sign of NASA seeking water from a rock:
Moon Blast on Oct. 9, 2009
{Posted on
the Forum, Oct. 9, 2009})
(As always, the seven circles that make up the meteor
are read in alternating directions.)
(This bible code will not be understood without studying the text in which it is encoded. It may otherwise sound irreverent. Jesus Himself once
asked, "Who do men say that I am?" And, "Then Jesus spoke to the crowd, "Did you have to come with swords and clubs to capture me, as though I were an outlaw? Every day I sat down and taught in the Temple, and you did not arrest me," (Matt.
26:55, GNB).
The name of Jesus means, "Jehovah (The Lord) saves!" The bible code is declaring that Jesus is Jehovah, and no mere great man (Cyrus) or angel (cherub), and that as Creator He does no wrong, but has redeemed by His blood all
that turn to Him and makes the same sevenfold confession as in the code. However, the implication is that both Cyrus and angels nevertheless still typify and symbolize Him---"The Righteous Prince."
(The speaker in this bible code appears to be wisdom personified speaking on behalf of his people, similar
to Proverbs 8. It appear to be addressing those who would attempt to disprove Christ as Creator.)
Who is Jesus, a rebel!?!
Who are you, my enemy?
Who are my enemies?
{(And), who is in the blood and in His likeness?}
O my enemy, where did He die?
By me (wisdom) He measured off the measurements (of the heavens)!
(Isaiah 45:12)
Is Jesus --- even His blessed One --- like the transgressor (king) Cyrus!
(See context.)
Is my Maker (merely) like a rich man or even like a great cherub?!
Who is Jesus?
(He is) My God!
My Master!
My Prince!
My Righteousness!
My Inheritance!
My Perfect One is Jesus!
Who is My Great One?
Mighty (God) is Jesus!

each line of text is located in the image.
Who is Jesus? You rebel!
(Or, "Who is Jesus, a rebel [as Cyrus]?)
(The long line of code striking the meteor.)
Who are you? My enemy?
(Or, Who are you, my enemy?) (The four circles going around t
Who are my enemies? (As above.)
(And) who is in the blood and in His likeness? (As above.)
Where did He die, O my enemies? (As above.)
With me (wisdom) He measured off the measurements (of the heavens)! (Lit., "With/By me He measured their measurements." See Isaiah 45:12.) (As above.)
Is Jesus--- even the Blessed One--- like the transgressor (king) Cyrus! (The three circles that the four surround.)
Is my Maker (merely) like a rich man or even like a great cherub? (As above.)
May also read: "Is my Creator like a rich man, or like a soft moth, or even like a great cherub?" (Hence, the image of a moth or a cherub! See moth bible code.)
Who is Jesus? (Same as at top, except now forming Left-Right wing --ELS 5 x 12 = 60.)
(He is) My God! (Right-Left wing --ELS 5 x 10 = 50.)
My Master! (As above.)
My Prince! (Center of moth/cherub.)
My Righteousness! (As above.)
My Inheritance! (As above.)
My Perfect One is Jesus! (Full line of code bottom to top, 12 x 10 = 120 letters.)
Who is My Great One? (Left wing along left side of wing. For , see Hoses 5:13; 10:6.
Appears also to be a name.)
Mighty (God) is Jesus! (Right wing along right side of wing. Appears also to be a name. This is also what King David named his 6th son.)
Note: There is more to this code, but that is all the time I intend to spend on decoding it. The basic message is there, that is sufficient.
Also see Hurricane Dennis
Text and Context of Code
Isaiah 45
The dark red is where the bible code is found.
Isa 44:28 That saith of Cyrus, He is my shepherd, and shall perform all my pleasure, even saying of Jerusalem, She shall be built; and of the temple, Thy foundation
shall be laid.
Isaiah 45:1 Thus saith Jehovah to his anointed [same word for "messiah"], to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden, to subdue nations before him, and I will loose the loins of kings; to
open the doors before him, and the gates shall not be shut:
Isa 45:2 I
will go before thee, and make the rough places smooth; I will break in pieces the doors of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron;
Isa 45:3 and I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that it is I, Jehovah, who call thee by thy name, even the God of Israel.
Isa 45:4 For Jacob my servant's sake, and Israel my chosen, I have called thee by thy name: I have surnamed thee, though thou hast not known me. ("By thy
name" is where all the "Who..." questions originate in the code.)
Isa 45:5 I am Jehovah, and there is none else; besides me there is no God. I will gird thee, though thou hast not known me;
Isa 45:6 that they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none besides me: I am Jehovah, and there is none else. (Hence, the code is apparently declaring that Jesus is
Jehovah, and no mere great man or angel.)
Isa 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness; I make peace, and create evil. I am Jehovah, that doeth all these things.
Isa 45:8 Distil, ye heavens, from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness: let the earth open, that it may bring forth salvation ["salvation," here, is same as name "Jesus"],
and let it cause righteousness to spring up together; I, Jehovah, have created it.
Isa 45:9 Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker! a
potsherd among the potsherds of the earth! Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, What makest thou? or thy work, He hath no hands? (Interestingly, the two arms/hands of the creation code
at right put out a week before Deep Impact are formed by the same words, 'Woe!' 'Woe!')
Isa 45:10 Woe unto him that saith unto a father, What begettest thou? or to a woman, With what travailest thou?
Isa 45:11 Thus saith Jehovah, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker: Ask me of the things that are to come; concerning my sons, and concerning the work of my hands, command ye me.
Isa 45:12 I have made the earth, and created man upon it: I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens; and all their host have I commanded. (Contrary to what NASA
Isa 45:13 I have raised him up in righteousness, and I will make straight all his ways: he shall build my city, and he shall let my exiles go free, not for price nor reward, saith Jehovah of hosts.
(Update: Note also the seven-year "Stardust Mission" of NASA to again supposedly
find our origins from a comet-rock that was spewing dust and steam "like a fountain". The space craft glowed as "a bright orange fire ball" over Nevada as it speedily reentered earth's atmosphere and landed safely 2 am, Jan. 15, 2006, "a perfect
bulls-eye" landing. It was the longest and fasted trip on record, and on board were not only space dust, but microchips engraved with the names of more than 1 million people!)
Also see Hurricane Dennis
(See Epilogue: After Hurricane Dennis and "Our
for more on what the image Deep Impact means
as an illustration of Christ our Rock.)
Also see...
Jacob's Bible Prophecy
and The Lion
Bible Code
For comets
# 1-5 click here on the Lion
Bible Code
here for audio part 1)
the sign of "Deep Impact" (see below), that makes 12
comets/stars within this 3.5-year period!
Recall the 12 sons of Jacob and Jacob's Bible Prophecy
Acrostic upon which our study is founded, and recall the 3.5 years (1260/1290 days) in Rev. 12 (and Dan. 12), and the "12
stars" described there!
full details about these comets,
and what it all means, see The Lion
Bible Code.)
#1-3 (Bradfield) C/2004 F4
(Mag. 3.3 in April 2004) (Linear)
C/2002 T7 (Mag. 2.2 in spring of 2004) (NEAT)
C/2001 Q4 (Mag. 2.8 in May of 2004) 
Click to enlarge!
10-24. 3 comets at 2-day intervals
#4 (Linear) C/2003 K4 (A dim Mag. 6)
(Early autumn of 2004) 
Comet Linear. 3 day intervals (Oct. 6 - Dec. 8)
Machholz C/2004 Q2
(the fifth naked eye comet in 2004)

Click to enlarge!
showing path of comet
here for full article on this comet
(Machholz) C/2004 Q2 (Mag. 3.5 in
Dec. of 2004)
====== (For
full details about these comets,
and what it all means, see The Lion
Bible Code.)
Comet Tempel "Deep Impact" (July
4, 2005)

Also see, "Deep
Impact" Comet Bible Code"
NASA launched a space craft of
"Deep-impact" and hit a small impactor moduleagainst the nucleus of comet (in Virgo) successfully on July
4, 2005, as foretold in the bible
code a year earlier!
The impact
was not visible to the naked eye
as expected, and so is not counted among the 12 naked-eye
comets within the said 3.5 year period.
#6, Comet Pojmanski
(February 2006) (Mag. 5)
See bible-code
article on Comet
Machholz for comment made on comet Pojmanski
Comet Pojmanski has brightened
unexpectedly and was visible as a faint streak to the unaided northern observer
in the eastern morning sky.
"The comet moved on a northward path across
the night sky, and reached maximum brightness around the beginning of March.
Comet Pojmański reached the very fringe of naked-eye visibility at about
magnitude 5, and was best visible through binoculars or a telescope. It could be
found in the dawn sky within the constellation Capricornus, close to the horizon
in the northern hemisphere, during late February, but viewing circumstances
became better for the northern hemisphere as the comet departed southern skies
and continued north."
#7, Comet
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3
(May 2006) (Mag. 5.1)
An interesting and fragmented comet. The
brightest fragment peaked at mag. 5.1 on May 11. The comet was being a naked eye comet in May
2006 close to the Earth about 11 millions kilometers.
is a rare opportunity to watch a comet in its death throes—from very close
range," says Don Yeomans, head of NASA's Near Earth Object Program at JPL.
Comet SWAN
(October 24-26, 2006) (Mag. 4.2)
Although perihelion was Sept 28, 2006, the
comet flared dramatically from seventh magnitude to fourth magnitude on
October 24 2006, becoming visible with the naked eye.
#9, Comet P1 McNaught02
(Jan. 2007) (Mag 'minus'
Below, Comet
P1 McNaught02 on January 23, 2007,
became the brightest comet to appear in over 40 years.
The comet was brightening
very rapidly, reaching naked-eye visibility in early January 2007. It was
visible to northern hemisphere observers, in Sagittarius
(commonly depicted as a centaur
drawing a bow), and surrounding constellations, until about January 13. The comet was visible in daylight about 5°- 10° southeast of the sun
from January 12 to 14, with a peak brightness of magnitude minus 5.5.
# 10 Comet Machholz 96P
(April 4, 2007) (Mag. 1-2)
But visible
only just before sunrise.
#11, Comet LONEOS
(C/20067F1 LONEOS)
(Oct, 2007) (Mag. 5)
Comet Loneos obtained a brightness of the 5th
magnitude around October 28, 2007, but was also just visible to the naked eye up to about a week earlier (in the
constellation of Bootes). This puts comet Loneos just days before and
cotemporaneous with comet Holmes in our numbering of comets one to twelve. This
means that the 12 comets began and ended with two or three comets visible in the
sky at the same time.
(Magnitude 6.5 is considered the very extreme fridge
of viewing possibility with naked eye.
The lower the number the brighter it is. Each number higher decreases in
brightness by 2.5 times.)
#12, The Amazing and
Unexpected "Comet
Holmes" (17P)
(Oct. 24-25, 2007, to ...)
(Mag. 2.4)
Discussion on Comet Holmes
distant comet suddenly and unexpectedly flared up 3.5 years (1290 days, see Dan.
12) after the 2004-comets appeared. It is the 12th naked-eye comet within this
1290-day period (3.5 years).
(See our website: www.360calendar.com
for the added leap month within this 3.5-year period, that is, the 1260 days of
Rev. 12, plus 30 days equals the 1290 days of Dan. 12.)
Comet Holmes remained visible to the naked eye for many months afterward.
This 12th comet was one of the most unusual ever witnessed, enlarging to a space
much larger than the sun!
Thus, the 12
comets/star began and ended dramatically, with the 9th comet being the brightest
in 40 years, and add to this "Deep Impact" in 2005!
full details about these comets, and what it all means, see The Lion
Bible Code.)
Remarkably, there was a fifth comet in 2007, just as there was
five comets in one year in 2004.
The fifth comet is not within the 3.5-year span (it falls within 3.75 years),
but it does occur within the year 2007, on the very last day!
This forms a bracket of 5 comets for the four years of our prophecy.
2004 -5 comets |
2005 -0 comets
(plus "Deep Impact") |
2006 -3 comets |
2007 -5 comets |
Like Linear K4 in 2004, Comet Tuttle 8P was just on the border
of naked-eye visibility at mag. 6-7 on the last day of 2007.
It improved up to mag. 5 a few days later. Comet Holmes was also still (faintly)
visible at this time, two months later.
Comet Tuttle 8P
Dec. 31, 2007 (Mag. 6-7)
(For full
details about these comets, and what it all means, see The Lion
Bible Code.)
Passover-Tabernacle Blood-Moon Tetrads
and the Menorah of Time

Did you know that Passover-Tabernacles lunar-eclipse tetrads first began
around Noah's Flood? And that they also occurred
the exact day when Israel entered Egypt, and
again when Jacob died (and prophesied about our future); then again with Saul, David, Solomon,
etc. ...plus those more well-known recent events?
Click Blood-Moon-Tetrad chart to

All Passover/Tabernacles tetrads, including distant
future. Click to enlarge.
Bible Code Acrostic
Also see "Hurricane Dennis"
Another example
of overlapping of images.
Click to enlarge!

and Cherub Bible Code
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