Bible Code Prophecy

Bible Prophecy about Russia
and Putin's Peace Treaty Plans
letter sent to me.)
Hi Dean,
Have you given any consideration to the idea
that all the prophecies you are seeing are not just foreshadowing's of what
will happen but rather are happening to fulfill the scriptures?
Consider that the days were shortened for the elects sake. So Satan will
come down with his time shortened but the stuff that is supposed to happen with
him here has already happened in types and shadows with out him and the earth
just swallowed up the flood of lies. Please consider this and the
implications of it if it is true. It would be time to "wake
up" if it is happening and we just don't have eyes to see it.
My response..
I see these events as preliminary---in exactly
what way they all connect I cannot say with certainty. I noticed that Putin of
Russia is currently trying to broker a peace treaty in the Middle East, (see
prophecy in Ezek. 38).
Interestingly, as a token of peace toward all religions, he visited the wailing wall and the place where Jesus died and
rose ---and he did this exactly in the
'middle' of Passover week, (yesterday evening, April 27, 2005, Nisan 18). The bible says that
antichrist will make a covenant with many for "one week" and in the middle
will break it. (Daniel). Interestingly, the Roman
Catholic mass (counterfeit covenant) at
the inaugurating of the new Pope
occurred 3.5 days earlier on the first day of Passover week. Something
is happening, that's for sure! See Acrostic
Bible Code Prophecy).
Keep praying,
God bless,
Also see Dream
about Russian Invasion
Sea Volcano"
(as separate document)
Dream about a boiling pot from the north
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