How the original nine letters
(i.e., one line of code)
expand into 77 lines
The original nine letters of the above acrostic form three
Hebrew words composed of three letters each that read:
"I-will-forgive my-enemy,
It occurred to me that this middle Hebrew word,
"my-enemy", is part of the same word found in the book of
Jeremiah where it is used as an Atbash code. There are only two clear
examples in the bible of Atbash and its use here in the acrostic caused me
to consider whether the acrostic was meant to also be transposed into
Atbash. This began the process of multiplication that naturally
unfolded, like the splitting of a DNA strand.
The entire process of expansion utilizes biblical numbers that enhance the
meaning of the code.
(The Atbash in Jeremiah is explained in the Bel-Qoph
Atbash. (Also see River
Atbash and Mene Tekel
Atbash for other examples of Atbash.) The following is a quote
by the scholarly "Keil and Delitzsch Commentary on the Old

The first letter of the alphabet
is substituted for the last letter, and the second for the
second last letter, etc. An Atbash code using our English
letters would look like this:
Normal: a-b-c-d-e-f-g-h-i-j-k-l-m-n-o-p-q-r-s-t-u-v-w-x-y-z
Atbash: z-y-x-w-v-u-t-s-r-q-p-o-n-m-l-k-j-i-h-g-f-e-d-c-b-a
Ancient and Post Exilic (modern) Hebrew,
and Atbash

Five Steps of Expansion
Here, then, is the first five of the ten steps that
multiplies the initial code of nine letters into the 126 + 9 letters as
seen in the image. (Please keep in mind throughout that Hebrew reads
from right to left as do many of the charts.)

To form the image of Creation, the above
letters are simply laid out horizontally
rather than vertically as here, other than that, the layout of
the letters are identical.
Click image to enlarge

The Five Steps
(Forms an image of the Creation)
1.) We begin with the said acrostic of the first nine
names of Adam to Lamech, who was the father of Noah and the flood. (Note:
lived 777 years of age and died 7 years before Noah's family came up out
of the ark. He was born 70 x 7 x 7 years before Christ in the year 3430
2.) The above, plus its Atbash.
There are now two lines of letters,
each with nine plus nine letters, a total of 36 letters. There is the
nine letters of the original acrostic, the nine of its Atbash, and the
doubling of both these because the code reads both forward and
backward. This forms the sky in the image.
3.) Reading down and then back up along the above two rows
of nine letters going side to side.
4.) This is repeated except going side to side in the
opposite motion. (See above chart.)
There are now six lines of letters,
each with nine plus nine letters, a total of 216 letters. That is, the
former 36 letters read downward in a side-to-side motion right to left,
and then again the same except side-to-side beginning from left to
right. This forms the sea in the image.
5.) Again reading down the first 36 letters (of
steps #1 and #2), except this time in a zigzag motion starting right to
left then repeated except left to right. This is not read backward like
all the previous times.
Thus, we have the previous 216 letters
(6 rows of 18 letters each), plus 9 + 9 letters more for a total of 252
letters. This forms the land.
The last nine letters are simply repeated again at the
bottom of the image that also forms land. It therefore repeats the same
thing again. We explain why this last line is added by repetition later.
There are now 135 letters and the
matrix is complete. We have an image of just the creation at this point.
Numeric for this code is explained at the bottom
of this page
Last Five Steps
of Expansion
(Forms an image of the Flood,
the Red Sea crossing, and the cross.)

6.) To form the image, the above 7½-lines of code
are laid out horizontally reading top to bottom, each line is 18 letters
long with the 8th (repeated) line only 9 letters long. However, amazingly
all 18 lines read down vertically as well! (This is nothing but
astounding!) Thus, we now have 18 more lines of code that overlap what was
already before deciphered. (It thus uses the same matrix of just 135
letters.) This downward flow of letters symbolizes the falling rain
of the flood as well as the separation of the earth from sky, and the
waters from the sky in the creation story.
7.) The middle four rows of the 18 rows also reads
backward (upward)! (Thus, this part of the code reads in all four
directions, including dimensionally by using circles as explained in step
#9.) This symbolizes the rush of water up from the springs
of the earth during the flood as recorded in the Flood narrative when
"the great fountains of the deep were broken open." The
split-upraised land also symbolizes this.
8.) The swirling clouds in the sky are created from 17 alternating
circles that read from right to left across the image. They also repeat
themselves if read left to right instead.
9.) The waters bursting up from the land is formed from 15
alternating circles that read in two directions. They have different, but
similar messages. Thus there are a total of 30 circles (15 in overlap).
These circles represent swirling water that are located within the sea.
They also represent a pillar of cloud as when Moses crossed the Red Sea.
The four lines that read from bottom to top mentioned in #7 run through
the middle of these clouds. We now have a total of 77 lines of code
contained within the original 135 letters of the matrix.
Hebrew of the 47 Circles
images to enlarge!

Lastly, there is the cross. Upon it hangs the last letter of the Hebrew
alphabet, a "Tav". (In Greek it would be "Omega", Rev.
21:6). There are also two large circles hanging down from the cross. The
cross is shaped like the ancient Hebrew letter "Vav"
("Y"). The ancient "Tav" (Greek, "Omega")
was shaped like an "X". The two large circles are shaped like
"0". Originally Hebrew was a pictographic language. Each letter
was a picture that represented its sound. The Vav was a "hook",
the Tav was a cross-shaped "mark", and an
"Ayin" was shaped like the "0", and represented an eye
or a fountain. The bible code will also make use of other
letters as well, but these three are the ones that an image forms them. (All
this is discussed in detail later.)
The ark of Noah is at the right side of the image upon the
waters. It reads, "Ark of (pardon)". See line #2.
It is the Atbash of the word above it, "I will bear up". The bible
code suggests that God will bear His people up like the Ark bore up

note the "Mem", meaning, "water". This letter, too,
is formed during the process of expanding the code until it reached its
full size as explained in steps "3 and #4 where it forms the
waters. An ancient Mem was shaped like water, a line going side to side
like an "S" except one squiggle longer. Also, the
"Shin", Atbash of "Bet", looked like a
"W", as in the zigzag of #5 that forms the land. The code
itself explains the symbolism of each letter by name. Click on image at
right to enlarge.)
Understanding the Message
The full message contains many plays on words to do with
the Atbash of the letters of the Hebrew Bible. The bible code is thus a
riddle. It is understood when one realizes that the message is constantly
alluding to the symbolism of the Hebrew letters and its Atbash from whence
it was formed.
To understand this intricate bible code one must review
the biblical stories from the Creation to the Flood (which covers the
period of the nine names of the genealogy), as well as the parting of the
Red Sea and the crucifixion of Christ.
The Seven Horizontal

("Heavens", in Hebrew, is a dual
noun, meaning two heavens.
Thus, the heavens are represented by two lines of code!)
1.) I will pardon/carry the one who rose up against me,
having compassion upon my fatling lamb. The stroke of decay I will
bear! (The word "pardon" can
mean "bear up", "carry", etc.)
2.) The ark of my pardon
are like pockets (for) the hands/Yods of a daughter/Bet!
(The word for "ark" and
"pockets" mean much the same in Hebrew. The word for Noah's
"ark" simply means a box or basket. The word is also used for
the "basket" that baby Moses was placed in. The word for
"pockets" is usually translated "bag". Thus, both a
"basket" and a "bag" are used to carry things in.
This is also the idea here. Christ carries his people having
covered their sins. The Hebrew word "pocket" is itself formed
by 3 pictographic letters of two hands being supported
{as by a pocket}. For more on the letter "Bet", see "What
the Ark reads". )
(Read back and forth
like the ancient letter Mem, uses 36 + 36 = 72 letters)
Forms the
"waters" in the image
in Hebrew, is also a dual word. However, the waters of the sea are
formed using four letters. It happens that the first two lines of the
sea are crisscrossing as in a mirror the bottom two lines of the sea.
Thus, the doubling of the dual "waters", "Mem". The
word "Mem" is spelt using two Mem's, and a Mem in ancient
times was shaped like squiggles that resemble water, and these squiggles
shaped like Mem's are themselves literally formed by the bible code in
its original form, when it formed two Mem's that overlap two other
In the following, every time the
letter "Mem" is mentioned it can also read
"water", and every time "day" is
mentioned it can also read "sea". Therefore we have a
remarkable play on words for the waters of the sea. This is very
significant because these four lines of code in fact form the
waters of the sea in the image. The sea is also divided from day
and night. (This is why the right half of the image is darker
the left half.)
sea is so arranged that the first two lines
that form the sea crisscrosses with the second two lines that
form the sea. Note that the letters "Alpha" and
"Omega", (Hebrew, "Aleph" and
"Tav") are not spelled out here, but are just single
letters. Notice that these two letters are located at the first
and last of lines 4 and 5 respectively. (See diagram at right.)
However, these same two letters are also the center of all four
lines. (See location of "Alpha" and "Omega"
below in lines 4 and 5 --- they are at the center of the four
Also, together these two letters
spell "a letter" ("a mark"). (These two
letters have been "torn apart", as it were.) However,
the crisscrossing
effect forms the letter/mark of "Tav", which in modern
day Hebrew now looks like an Aleph! Thus, the letters
"Alpha/Aleph" and "Omega/Tav" are located at
the beginning, middle, and end of the sea, and crisscross so as
to form an ancient Tav or a modern Aleph! Thus, we
are reminded of the verse in the book of Revelation:
"I am Alpha and
Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is,
and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty," Rev
"Everything is
finished! I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.
I will freely give water from the life-giving fountain
to everyone who is thirsty," Rev. 21:5-6.

The related "Y"-Shaped
Cross in the sea is explained later
in this document.
3.) The Atbash of a letter was crushed until small, a
"Mem" from the genealogical records of a king! (Note
that the Atbash of the letter "Mem" is a "Yod", the
smallest letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Also note that the entire code is
literally located within the "genealogical records of a king",
Yeshua/Jesus! Luke 3:23-38.)
4.) He finished them! He will tear apart the
seas/days apart! When I bow my head (then) I will rest from work! Alpha!
5.) Omega! I will rest from work! I will bow the
head! O' seas/days being torn apart, it is finished! (Or,
"Omega! A fire O' daughter/Bet! I will burn up the seas, tearing
them apart! It will be consumed!" (Or,
"Omega! A fire O' daughter/Bet! I will burn up the seas, tearing
them apart! It will be consumed!" Deut.
6.) Go back O' sea! Take pity O' water/Mem!
It will be crushed small, which is the Atbash of a letter! (Or,
"Keep moving O' day of mercy! A "Mem" will be crushed
until small, which is the Atbash of a letter!")
(Read back and forth in a
zigzag, uses 9 + 9 = 18 letters)
the "land" in the image
("Land", in Hebrew, is a
singular noun, meaning one.
Thus, the land is represented by one line of code!)
7.) I will come quietly/bleeding, writhing in pain (as
in labor)!
(Or, "The Father of Adam makes (men)
tremble!", or, "Alpha came, he bravely bled!" The word
for "quietly" can also read "bleeding".)
You, (O' daughter), will be quieted, resting.
He will uphold (you)! (I.e., 'Sa'mek
(A total of 126
letters, or "A time, times, half-a-time"! Arranged as
3-squared times 4-squared = 126. This does not include the 9 repeated
letters of the 8th line. There are 40 Hebrew words thus far,
but 42 if the 8th line is included.)
These seven lines form a matrix of seven
letters (down) by 18 letters (across), a total of 126 Hebrew letters.
However, close examination of the bible code reveals that the image
repeats the second half of the 7th line again to make 7½-lines of code
total, or 135 letters. Thus, the original 9 letters of the code
"multiples" itself and produces a total of 126-letters more!
8.) You will rest. He will uphold (you) (Sa'mek
Line # "8" is only half-a-line
long and is the repeat of the second half of line # "7". Thus,
there are 7½ lines of horizontal code symbolizing the seven days of
creation, plus the night before the new beginning of the 8th day. (See
note on the codes numeric.) The
first seven lines can read forward or back ward. The seventh lines
cannot, they, as it were, "rest" from being able to be read
unto infinity if read in a circle. {The bible begins each day at
evening, thus the first 12 hours of a day are dark. In the new creation
described in the last book of the bible, there is no more
"night", Rev. 21:25; 22:5} Also note that (according to the
traditional interpretation of the bible regarding the chronology of
Jesus' death), that, Jesus died toward the evening of the 6th day of the
week, "Good Friday", and rose again toward day-break of
the 8th day, Sunday, which is also the first day of the new week. Hence,
Jesus was in the earth part of the 6th day, all of the seventh day, and
part of the 8th day, which in Jewish reckoning means "three
days". The last 1½ of code also form the land in the image. It
splits the land apart at the middle of the image where the great deep
breaks open in accordance with the Flood narrative, Gen. 7:11. The word
"Sa'mek" is also repeated twice in order to balance the
repetition of the letter Chet, it's Atbash, in vertical lines #13 &
The 18 Vertical Lines
(read top to bottom)
each horizontal line represents one day of the creation
week, thus the first 9 vertical lines depict the night (darkness)
and the last 9 vertical lines depict the day! Thus, the earth is half in
the night and half in the day. Interestingly, in ancient times the Jews
divided the night and the day into three parts each. Since there are on
average three letters per each word in the code, thus each word, on
average, divides the night and the day into its equal parts also! (Also
see note on "Time, times, and
also seems likely that the image of the earth here is a two dimensional
(flat) representation of a sphere, evident by the fact that the lines
more or less read in all directions. Also, except for the land, the
letters that form the day and night mirror each other horizontally, as
does the land and the heavens vertically by their subject-matter.
Moreover, the words located within the first two lines of the sea crisscross
diagonally with the words in the bottom two lines that form the sea. It
does this 10 times thereby highlighting the center of the image, which
is where the cross is located.
1.) O letter, Surely you were hung!
(Or may read, "A
letter was crushed into {another} letter!"
See #3 & 4.)
2.) The one who was hung returned to rule, a
(The Hebrew letters that spell "to rule" also spell
3.) The mark/letter/sign
of my departure is a letter/mark/sign/you/miracle!
(I.e., note the death and ascension
of Christ with the ark dates. The word
for "departed" or "removed" is also used of the
removing of the pillar of cloud that led the Israelites in the wilderness.
Compare to #5, which uses another more harsh word for "remove".
Also see #1.)
4.) My holy ones are (returning) with the One who was
crushed small!
(Word for "Holy" is also used in #11 & 15, and a synonym in
#6(7) & 11. Thus, grace and holiness by sacrificial death by hanging
on a cross/letter is the major theme here, all the while couched in the
language of Noah's flood and Atbash play-on-words. "Crushed
small" links back to earlier diagonal line #6, and also to the
above #1 & 3. Also see bottom-to-top lines, "minus #8
& #9".)
5.) Whom did I remove in my great heat?
(I.e., anger, "heat" same
word for "Ham", the cursed son of Noah. Interestingly, the root
word for "remove" is likely "to prick". The word
carries the idea of being 'provoked to removal'. See notes for #3.)
6.) The rich storerooms of my Grace shall be enlarged! (or,
"stretched out",
cf., Isa. 40:22.)
Note: "Grace" can also mean "Holiness"; compare with
#12 that uses the same Hebrew root word, "Chesid". "Chesid"
means "to set apart as holy", and the 'separating of one
thing from another' is a major theme of this code. Often the
bible refers metaphorically to "storerooms" where God stores His
hail, wind or rain for judgement, such as at the Flood, "He gathereth
the waters of the sea together as a heap: He layeth up the deeps in store-houses,"
Ps. 33:7.)
7.) He rises to show pity!
("My Grace" is located on
this line. It occurs on previous line to properly translate.)
8.) Who/waters
arose sufficient for (the) day?/sea?
9.) Over you who will reign?
(#8,9 correspond with #1,2.)
(126 letters plus 72
more = 198.)
10.) Because of you (sg.
fm.), a slayer
11.) sanctified the waters/Mem,
(Lines 10-11 is also what the cross
reads that sits upon the sea.)
12.) a Holy one. You will waste away
("You wasted away" taken to
be a cal. stem, prophetic future tense, cf., Isa. 34:4;
or perhaps syncopated to read, "O' gatherings of" the sea of
fear lift up! Gen. 1:10)
13.) O' terrifying sea! (or,
"day!") (or
"O' sea of Chet") Lift up! Rise
14.) up! He will bear the terrors (Chets)
(The letter "Sa'mek" is
used in place of a 'Sin', which does occur sometimes in the bible.
Importantly, the removed letter "Sa'mek" is the Atbash of Chet,
in both #13 and 14. The word "Rise up" is split between #13, the
number of curse, and #14, perhaps symbolizing a curse to blessing? The
splitting of a Hebrew word occurs no where else in the bible code except
perhaps in horizontal lines #4 & #5, where if "Alpha"
{Aleph} and "Omega" {Tav} are joined together spell "a
15.) of the saints by means of me! (or,
"in me!", "...because of me!" See notes #4.)
16.) The marks/letters
in me plundered
17.) that which wore you out O' mother, (The
name "Eve" is related to the letter "Chet". She is
called "the mother of all living", Gen. 3:20. Here,
"mother" perhaps symbolizes the earth itself?)
18.) A mark/letter
similar to your curse! (6 + 6 + 6 = 18)
(Lines 16-18 are explained
later. Compare with #1-3.)
(198 letters plus 72
more = 270. I.e. 126 + 126 + 18 = 270. Thus, a total of 12 x 12 letters
more added, thus, 3 x 3 x 4 x 4 + 12 x 12.)
The Four Vertical Lines
(read bottom to top)
-8.) O' waters (Mem) of/from the hand (Yod) of the One who
raises up
-9.) all the waters (Mem's) of every sea, (Ps.
-10.) (even) he has completed (it)! The Almighty
has finished
(his work),
-11.) O' rising-up ones!
(Note: These last 4
lines of code read 'rising up', thus the previous 18 lines depict the
raining down of judgment, which also agree with its theme!)
30 lines of code total
17 Top Clouds Read
(Also can read in both directions!)

Hebrew of the Circles
Click on images to enlarge!

A key verse to keep in mind when reading this bible code
is from the book of Peter.
"First of all you must understand
this: In the last days mockers will come and, following their own
desires, will ridicule us by saying, "What happened to his promise
to return? Ever since our ancestors died, everything continues as it did
from the beginning of creation." But they deliberately ignore
the fact that long ago the heavens existed and the
earth was formed by God's word out of water and with water,
by which the world at that time was deluged with water and destroyed.
Now by the same word the present heavens and earth have been reserved
for fire and are being kept for the day when ungodly people will be
judged and destroyed." (2Peter 3:3-7, CEV)
1.) The Atbash of a letter --
2.) the Atbash
3.) of a small letter
4.) is rising! A Mem will be crushed small!
5.) A sea
6.) will be forced back! The one noble-born from the
genealogy will take pity on
7.) those being shown pity,
8.) because he will certainly reign, O' sea, over you!
9.) Just as he completed (the heavens
and the earth), even so
10.) (again) he will finish them! He will consume them!
11.) He will tear them down! He will sweep them away,
12.) tearing apart sea
13.) from sea, west
14.) from east (with) an east wind!
(Ex. 14:21-22 records the waters
of Red Sea divided by "a strong east wind". May read, "An
Eastern Sea".)
15.) When I bow, I will bow my head
16.) to rest. I will rest!
17.) I will rest!
(Less likely, the last
three lines may also read, "When burning, I will set on fire the
captives of fire. I will completely remove (them)!")
All 30 circles below the
top line of clouds
(Top first, right to left working down,
then again up.)
Please note that the following continues
what the top clouds just read. Together they form a unit, one great
swirling mass of watery-cloud/fire. The following 30 circles connect to
the clouds above and appears to form a pillar of cloud leading God's
people through the Sea like in the days of Moses, except upwards!
Exodus 14:21-22 records the Red Sea divided
by "a strong east wind". In the following we have allusions to
several different epoch events to do with the sea as recorded in the
bible, including the creation, the flood, the Red Sea crossing, the cross,
and an end-time event still to happen. Also keep in mind that the bible
code is still using play-on-words for certain letters of the Hebrew
alphabet; here, "waters" for "Mem" and hand for
"Yod", which is the Atbash of Mem.
By so doing it personifies the
"waters" (Hebrew letter "Mem") in this poetic description
of 'Christ bowing the head on the cross -- hands outstretched'. The poetry
uses mirrorism, that is, it is structured so that the first lines mirror
the last, and so forth.
"When Jesus had received the sour
wine, he said, "It is finished," and he bowed his head
and gave up his spirit", (John 19:30).
"And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice and
yielded up his spirit. And behold, the curtain of the temple was
torn in two, from top to bottom. And the earth shook, and the rocks were
split", (Mat. 27:50-51).
The waters springing up read:
1.) The ones bowed down
2.) are rising! Waters are rising!
(May refer to the falling
{"bowing"} of rain water downward so as to cause rising water,
symbolic of death and resurrection. Line #1-2 may also read: "A
terrible fire is rising!", see #25; or, "O' east wind, waters
are rising!")
3.) Seas
4.) are rising!
5.) A crushing east wind
6.) strengthened!
7.) More than enough sea!
8.) O' waters of the sea,
9.) a Mem will rise! Who will rise?
10.) Being still, he bows the head! Who bowed the
The one kindling the ancient waters (into) a flame!
11.) A hand is upraised,
(Or, "The hand of my enemies is
raised up!" Or, "He will be crushed small.")
12.) even hands
13.) (over the) seas?
14.) Whose hands
15.) O' east wind?
16.) Who crushed them? A hand is upraised!
17.) Whose hands
18.) O' seas?
19.) (By) whose hands is
20.) a crushing east wind
21.) strengthened,
22.) that causes to rise
23.) the waters of the sea?
24.) More than enough sea!
25.) Being still, he bows the head! Who bowed the
The one kindling the ancient waters (into) a flame!
26.) A hand is upraised.
27.) Rising waters!
28.) Seas
29.) are rising!
30.) A hand is upraised.
77 lines of code total
Hebrew of the Circles
Click on images to enlarge!

The Ark
and the
"Y"-Shaped Cross
in the Sea

The "X"
hanging upon a "Y"-shaped cross
In the above image, the letters Aleph (Alpha) and Tav
(Omega) hang upon a "Y" shaped-cross in the middle of the waters
of the sea. This "Y" cross stands between heaven and earth.
This "Y" shaped-cross reads downward and then
up, "Because the slayer perfected them!" (that is,
"perfected" or "made blameless"). (Recall vertical
lines # 10-12 that also read in both directions. These three lines of code
run through the image of the hanging "Tav".)
The Tav ("X") reads, "My Mem", or,
"Their sea."
The cross is "Y" shaped because this is how the
Hebrew letter "Vav" looked like in ancient times. And the
"X" shaped letter in ancient times was a "Tav"
{Omega}. It happens that the letters "Tav" and "Vav"
in Hebrew, are "X" and "Y". Therefore, the image
depicts a Tav as being crucified upon a "Y"-shaped cross. (The
letter "Vav" means a " hook" or " nail" in
Hebrew, that is, something one hangs something on. Thus, the
"X" appropriately hands upon a "Vav" (hook)! The bible
code alludes to this image often and for this reason we are sure as to its
The cross is located at the very spot that divides the
waters from the waters, the day from the night,
and the heavens from the earth! One hand (Yod) stretches out toward the
day and the other toward the night as
if pushing them apart so as to divide the created elements from one
another as described in the first chapter of Genesis!
(The letter "Yod" in Hebrew literally means a "hand".
Thus, whenever the word "hand" appears in the bible code it can
also refer to the letter "Yod", which is the Atbash of the
letter "Mem", meaning "water".)
(Also see note about how the words in the
sea crisscross each other ten-times overtop this cross as illustrated
at right. This also serves to emphasize the importance of the cross in the
image. The importance of "Tav" {"Omega"} as a letter
has already been explained. See
illustration at right. Click on any image to enlarge.)
Both the letters
"Mem" and "Yod" are spelled out in full here. As
said, they are each others Atbash. Keep in mind that an ancient Mem was
shaped like and indeed was a pictogram of "water(s)", as a Yod
was a "hand". Also, the letter Aleph (Alpha) was a "bull's
head". A Tav was a "cross-shaped mark", either as
"X" or "+". It is sometimes used in the bible to
signify a "mark", Ezek. 9:4.
Note: Concerning the
"mark", see vertical lines 16-18
where it reads: "The marks in me plundered that which wore
you out, O' mother, a mark similar to you curse!".
"Mark", here, is the same word for "letter".
However, the image suggests that the particular letter here in
mind was the "Tav". Lines 16-18 tell us that the curse
that fell upon Eve, who in the bible is called "the mother
of all living", was carried by Jesus upon the cross. The
plural of "mark" suggests the marks in his hands and
feet. The image itself is meant to be read in all directions
just like the rest of the code. |
The image can be placed upside down so that both the
"X"-Tav and the Ark stand upon the land. (We illustrate this
shortly.) This multidirectional aspect of the code emphasizes the all-
encompassing work of the cross.

All Letters Hang Upon the Cross ("Y")
"Living Waters!"
"Living Words!"

The two thin yellow vertical lines in the above image show the
location of the middle four rows where the text reads in all directions.
Within the four-by-four letters where the "Y" stands within the
sea, these middle 16 letters are predominantly "Mems" and
"Yods". Now it happens that every letter can be formed to hang
upon the "Y"-shaped letter at the center of the image. (As
explained, the "Y" is the Hebrew letter, "Vav",
meaning, "a hook").
In this image we show only the letter "X", the last letter of
the Hebrew alphabet, (Hebrew, "Tav"; Greek, "Chi" for
"Christ"). However, not just the "X", but indeed all
letters from A to Z can be formed in the same way as the "X"
here. All letters hang upon this "Y", (i.e., all letters from
Aleph to Tav; Alpha to Omega).
(The Hebrew letter "X" is the main letter
hanging upon the "Y" as evident by the fact that the entire
matrix is composed of crisscrossing words as explained
earlier, which repeatedly form an "X". In a way the
"X" represents all letters that lead up to it because it is the
last letter of the Hebrew alphabet. God is the Alpha and Omega and this
implies all letters in between.)
These large-shaped letters that hang upon the cross ("Y") read
much the same thing as the "X" does as shown here. This is
because the individual (actual) letters of the code at this spot are
predominately made from the same letters; they are made from the Yods and
Mems. Thus, all the letters hanging upon the "Y" more or less
read the same thing. They read about the "sea-waters rising".
What does all this mean?
It means that all letters hang upon the cross, and since letters form
words, therefore we see "living words" (just as the code says at
top) bursting forth from the fountain of life. Jesus said that His words
were spirit and life, and that the Holy Spirit would be in the believers
like a " fountain springing up to eternal life". Here, this
spring up is contrasted with the springing up of the fountains at the
flood that brought death. The same fountain that brought Jesus death
brought us life, lifting us up with and in Him, the ark of mercy!
The Letter Ayin: Two
Great Drops/Fountains of Blood
Also, two great drops of blood fall like water upon the
ground from the crucified "Mem" that are in the shape of the
letter "Ayin". An Ayin was shaped like a eye in ancient
pictograms, but which word also means "fountain" in Hebrew.
Thus, "the great fountains of the deep", as recorded in the
flood account, are breaking open as Christ hangs the "Y"-shaped
hook, the letter "Vav". Perhaps the two eyes "Ayins"
also represent two eyes, perhaps crying?
"Oh that my head
were waters, and mine eyes a fountain of tears, that I might
weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people!" (Jer.
"And the Lord had sorrow
because he had made man on the earth, and grief was in his
heart," Gen. 6:6.

The two fountains overlap and in so doing encircle the
word "Mem" ("water") that partly forms the cross. The
bible says that "both water and blood" flowed from Jesus side as
he hung upon the cross, and day turned to night at midday (John 19:34).
His side flowed like a cleansing fountain (Zech. 12:10; 13:1).
Remember that 'the fountain bursting forth from the
ground' during the flood can also be viewed as an image of 'the crossing
of the Red Sea' when the waters "stood still" while the pillar
of cloud passed through. Also recall what the "X" reads, that
is, "My Mem", or, "Their sea." The letter
"Mem" is thus a personification of Christ.
The two fountains are read in either direction and say:
1. "Water (Mem)
stood still, the one made to bleed!
2. The one bleeding stood still on account of the
The Weapon, the Letter

of great importance is the overall shape of the entire image. It is shaped
like the ancient Hebrew letter "Zayin" ("
which is the Atbash of the letter "Ayin" (meaning,
"fountain") that shapes the Zayin! The Zayin is formed by the
springing up of the "fountains of the great deep", (Gen. 7:11).
The ancient letter Zayin ("
in earliest times depicted a weapon, likely a knife. Again we have the
continuing theme of sacrificial death. Christ dies on the cross as a
sacrifice thereby taking upon himself the flood of judgment deserving man
--- as explained next.
of the Rising Ark
In earliest times the letter "Bet" looked like
and stood for a house. It was shaped exactly like the ark in our image,
Even the letters that spell "Ark
of (pardon)" (which forms the shape of the ark in the image) has
the word "Bet" in it, both forward or backward! (See horizontal
line #2.) Thus, the ark in the image is also
a house/"Bet" floating up the water/"Mem"!
word "Ark of..." is found at both the right and left side of the
image. There are not two arks, but just one. They represents
two places (actually four) along the arks journey. (The word for "Ark
of..." may also read "Arks", referring to its four
In the following four images we see the ark rising to the
top of the waters and then moving from the side of night (on the right) to
the side of day (on the left). After that, the waters lower so that the
Ark "rests" upon the land. The image allows for all four images
because the bible code, as said before, can be viewed upside down, just as
the code reads in all directions as well.
Above the ark(s) are its Atbash that reads, "I will
rise up!" The crosses likewise can be viewed upside down so that the
"X" (Tav), along with the ark, both move from resting on the
land to rising up on the "Y" cross as the ark rises upon the
waters. (The bible code throughout also interprets the image.)
"And the flood was forty days upon
the earth; and the waters increased, and bare up the ark,
and it was lifted up above the earth," Gen 7:17. (The bible code
uses the same Hebrew word for "bare up" that is used here in
this verse. The code reads, "I will bare up/lift up", and, as
said, is the Atbash of "Ark of...".)
Christ was lifted up on
the cross and then three days later rose from the dead. And then, 40 days
after that, he rose up to heaven, (Acts 1:3). The resurrection of Christ
occurred on the anniversary of when the ark rested upon Mount Ararat (as
well as the Red Sea crossing, Ex. 5:3; 14:5), and His ascension to heaven
occurred on the anniversary when Noah and his family left the ark. (The
anniversary dates are based upon both the traditional and civil new-year
dating methods. Scholars are divided over which New Year the dates for the
ark are based upon. However, when studying bible numbers always assume
that ambiguity is intentional and that the two resulting possibilities are
meant to be studied. In other words, both meanings are intended.)
Therefore, notice in the images that as the Tav
("X") is lifted up on the cross, even so the ark rises upon the
waters. Thus, the rising waters that brought death to all those not on the
ark are a type of Christ being lifted up on the cross to die, but who
brought life to those "in Christ", that is, to those who believe
on his name for salvation.
The word "Christ" is Greek. In Hebrew it means
"Messiah". It happens that the first letter in the word
"Christ" in the original Greek is spelled with a "X"
and is the basis for the word "Christmas" being spelled
"Xmas". Scholars often let the first letter "X"
replace the full spelling of Christ for that reason. And so, here, in our
image, either in Greek or in Hebrew, we see "X" lifted up and
"hung" upon the "Y" hook-shaped cross! A
"letter" hung upon a "letter" even as the
"Bet" rises upon the waters! All this with the massive watery
Zayin-shaped letter "
is in the background, a "weapon" of death!
Please notice both the Tav ("X") and the ark
as you follow each image down one at a time. The ark rises up in the night
(images one and two), but then in the daylight the waters lower until the
ark again rests upon land (images three and four). (The right half of the
image is in darkness and the left half is in the light as explained





of Matrix/Image

The image contains 126 + 9 = 135 letters.
The image is numerically complex and contains three
separate ways of viewing it numerically.
1.) As Creation Days:
of the seven horizontal lines represent one day of creation with the
extra 8th line only half a line and thus half a day. The code unfolds
itself so that the first 9 vertical lines of code are in some form or
another simply mirroring the last 9 vertical lines of code. The bible
says in Genesis that the day began in the evening. Because each of the
7.5 horizontal lines of code represent a day, therefore the first 9
vertical lines depict the night and the other 9 depict the day. Thus,
there are 8 nights and 7 days. The pattern suggests the dawning of a new
creation on the morning of the 8th day. The land, therefore, also
represents the seventh day when God rested from the previous 6 days of
2.) As Years:
Each horizontal line has 18 letters except for the 8th
line that has 9. The sky, therefore, has 36 letters, the sea has 72, and
the land has 18, but with half the land repeated to form the partial 8th
line. This produces the "Time, times, and a half-a-time"
pattern referred to in the books of Daniel and Revelation where the
"1260 days" (3.5 years) is broken down into 360
+ 720 + 180 days. Thus, each horizontal line of code of 18 letters
represents 180 days, or half-a-year.
3.) As Total Days:
However, because each letter is read at least twice
(i.e., it is read in two directions, horizontally and vertically), but
with the middle four vertical rows read in three directions, this means
that each horizontal line produces 40 Hebrew letters of code when
written out in full. 18 horiz. + 18 vert. + 4 horiz. = 40 letters per
horizontal row. (This does not include the circles that form the
pillar of cloud, nor the left arrows since they only repeat what the
right arrows read.)
The number 40 is used several times in the flood
narrative. (For example, it rained 40 days.) The vertical middle section
likewise produces 120 letters, 40 x 3. It is also noteworthy that the
Hebrew letter "Mem" that figures so largely in this bible code
(meaning "water") is also the number "40" in Hebrew.
The Number Three:
There are therefore a total of 300 letters
produced by the overlapping of the lines, (40 x 7.5 horizontal lines =
300 letters). And there are 30 lines of code. And the image has three
levels/sections vertically and three horizontally. As said in
point two, the sky and sea total 108
letters thereby depicting three years, (3 x 360
= 1080.) The average length of each word is also three letters
long. Each horizontal line of code is 18 letters long, divided into
night and day with nine letters each, or 3 x 3 letters. The lower
circles that form the pillar have 30 circles. And there are three
methods of viewing the numeric of
the image.
number three in the bible is the number of completion and resurrection,
which is also a major theme of this bible code itself. The creation
account in the book of Genesis also follows this pattern. The first
three days of creation were for forming, the last three were for
filling, and the seventh was for rest. Moreover, Noah's ark had three
levels to it and was 300 cubits wide and 30 cubits high (Gen. 6:15-16).
These are the very two dimensions visible in our image since the width
of the ark at 50 cubits is not visible from the viewpoint of the image.
The ark in our image is also made up of three letters. Noah also had
three sons and their three wives:
"And the rain was upon the earth forty days
and forty nights. In the selfsame day entered Noah, and
Shem, and Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah, and Noah's wife, and the
three wives of his sons with them, into the ark,"
Gen. 7:12-13.
Jesus rose from the dead on the morning of the 8th/1st
day of the week after being in the grave three days.
There is much more to this Atbash!
See Atbash of Names
from Adam to Judah!
The original nine letters and its Atbash
also continue in the acrostic all
the way from Adam to Judah!
This is also true of the zigzag pattern as described in #15.

Below is the same image, but colors have been adjusted
just to bring out the idea of a pillar of fire
that looks like an atomic bomb.

Click here for
"What this code reads, without commentary."

Acrostic: Adam to Abraham
in the Genealogical Acrostic
Code: Adam to Jesus Details
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