the words "FEET" and "A NET" (or "A TEN")
where Jesus is walking that forms a circular pool around his feet. (Click
on images at right to enlarge.)
Jesus is dragging a net full of fish. (His
feet covers the "J" in JESUS.) The code is saying that there are
10 more feet (footsteps) to the cross, which is the precise number until
the letters "JESUS" overlaps the top part of the cross that
reads "SAYIN". ('Ten' is the number of completion in the
(The full beam says, "ESSAYING"
which means, "one being weighed (in the balance"), and thus the
cross is shaped like a Balance. (And See Balance Bible Code and Mene
Tekel Bible Code. It vertical beam also reads "ESS -AYIN",
which is an English and Hebrew letter respectively. The code spells
out the name Jesus using a mix of English and Hebrew letters. (The
rope that attaches to the horizontal beam spells the Hebrew letter "Yod",
which also means a hand in Hebrew, and is another one of the letters
needed to spell Yeshua in Hebrew. The "YOD" also implies a hand
is nailed to the cross-beam of the sail that reads, "DIE". There
is much more to this aspect of the code. The ropes form a vertical tilted
balance that is similar to that in the Balance Bible Code, and reads,
"Alpha, Omega! A hand of woe! Die!")
Notice the word "SEA" at every
third letter going along JESUS where it reads, "AT
(knees)". (Note: The code moves forward or backward.) Clearly,
the code is meant to be an image of Jesus "walking" on the
It is important to realize
that the image is a composite image of all the stories in the bible to
do with boating, storms, and fishing. The image
ties them all together. Therefore, one much think multi-directionally when
analyzing the code.
The bible code is also implying that all
things will bow down "AT JESUS FEET". (Read actual text running
along the watery path to the cross that reads, "Fell down at Jesus
knees saying, Depart from me for I am a sinful man..."
"Henceforth I will make you a fisher of men...") (Click on
image at right to enlarge.)
Moreover, the two circles, (i.e., the wake
of water at Jesus feet), also overlap two more circles that are located at
the foot of the cross that read, "A SEA WETS...". This overlap
occurs when it is moved up "TEN FEET" as directed by the words
of the code itself. (Note: "A SEA WETS..." is similar to what
the lower level of the boat reads, "Wet-Net" ("NET-EW".)
is much more here that reinforces our interpretation of the code, and the
phase, "A SEA WETS..." is just a fragment of a riddle that the
code tells. The full riddle, found going down the cross in alternating
circles (as in the Mene Tekel
Bible Code seen at right and left), reads, "A Nation ("Goi")
am I! "You walked by along (Hebrew, "Adita") a sea,
(and then "towards" the boat). A sea wets (your)
feet (and) a net!" (The words goi is also intersected by
"GOY-OG", which forms the image of another parallel net,
a net of nations.
"Goi" and "Goy" mean "a
nation" or "gentile" in Hebrew, but is also a word found in
our own English dictionary because of its common use. This is all part of
yet another offshoot of this code. It forms an image of a river with
fishermen fishing along its shores at Engedi near the Dead Sea. And this
again ties the code in with the Balance Bible Code, which is an image of a
river that reads, "Be Still! Be calm and bow before me! I am
Yeshua! Forever my name is the Lord! Be still and you will shine/flow
like a river".)
Also, note the "CASE" of luggage
at the foot of the sail/cross. This is a play on words. This is the
"CASE" that God has against mankind, which case Jesus
bore on the cross! For as the Balance Bible Code brings out, it is because
Jesus bowed (humbled himself) to the obedience of the cross that all men
should bow down to him. Jesus stills the storm by bowing to the cross. The
wrath of God is appeased! The flood waters of Noah abate at His command!
Jesus is weighed in the balance for us! We were found wanting. But our
bowed-down scale became level when He did "DIE" and thereby make
all things level --- all things "ONE" in Him. ---- One New
The numeric is more amazing than the image,
but takes more effort to study. This numeric allows the image to move and
overlap like a motion picture. Thus, the motion of Jesus walking toward
the cross is itself literally encoded. He actually moves up the
"TEN" letters to the cross! The encoding for the movement is
actually and literally encoded.
Is anything too hard for God!

Some Interesting Numeric Details On the Mirroring
The entire code is numerically
The (encoded) symmetry of the images speak
for themselves. (Random chance would not have the mirror of the one head
and owl (and mountain) so perfectly positioned to the another. You
may find the numeric difficult to comprehend, but the symmetry of the
image speaks for itself. One does not have to understand the complex math
behind a beautiful piece of music to appreciate it. In the same way, you
do not have to understand the mathematics behind these images to
appreciate them.
all the letters used in this English code (about 1000), these are the only
two mirroring positions available! (This does not
include the Hebrew picture codes, which Hebraic images also overlap the English
encoded images precisely!)
positioning of the letters are perfect in every way.
A letter must represent an exact day
of a specific year in order to create a mirroring effect. That is,
a letter must represent the end of the year (Dec. 31), but is also a
specific year in time that is exactly half a number that is either 1150,
1260, 1290, or 1335, or is a logical combination of these same biblical
time frames, (Dan.
8, 12; Rev. 12).
Our images use two specific letters in the
matrix that act as this 'fulcrum' producing the mirroring effect. It represents
a date and year that in this case is 1335 + 1335 + 1150 + 1335 + 1335 back
to its own mirrored
date; and, 1290 + 1260 + 1150 + 1260 + 1290 back to its own mirrored
date. Each of the two letters, therefore, represent Dec. 31st, and are the
years 3246 BC and 3126 BC respectively. (The first date is
the day and year of Noah's conception and of the anniversary of
when the flood ended. The second is 120 years later. This "120
years" is an important numeric to do with Noah in the Genesis account
of the flood --- and the flood of Noah is one of the main themes of the
code. Each row in the code is 120 years apart, or to be exact, 119.82
"letter-years", since the English code is at an ELS of 11982
letters, and each letter represents 3.6 days, that is, one one-hundredth
of a 360-day year.)
two owls are produced by the said 3246 BC
date (left image), whereas the 3126 BC
produces the two heads facing away from each other, (see above-right
image). The combined image of both (right image) is when the one date
mirrors into the other date.
[Midnight of Dec. 31/Jan. 1, 3246/5
BC + 1335 + 1335 + 1150 + 1260 + 1290 letters/years to AD
3125/6, midnight, Dec. 31/Jan. 1. Note: 3246/5 BC is
the mirror of AD 3246/5 and 3126/5 BC is the
mirror of AD 3126/5.]
This is the same methodology consistently
used for many years
on our websites, long before this English code was discovered, and it
likewise uses the same creation date.
Such letters (fulcrum letters) are fairly
rare, especially when the code is on a ratio of one to a hundred as is the
case with this English code. (Each letter represents 100 days of
consecutive time being counted down from the year of Creation).
As you can see, the image is perfectly positioned to allow this mirroring
effect. Just one letter out would change the image by two spaces. Two
letters out would move the heads and owls four letters away from each
other, etc. The positioning is exact.