Haiti Earthquake
The Timing Seems Significant
A Sign of the Sixth seal?
The Haiti earthquake occurred on January 12, 2010,
which is the 11th month, the 27th day on the 360 calendar, {with
the symbolic date of "34 BC"}. (See below note
about the 360 calendar and symbolic date.)

have been asked, "Has God spoken to you about the recent Haiti
earthquake that killed about a quarter of a million people?" Today, my
daughter is talking about going to Haiti with YWAM to help out there, and so
I decided to look into the matter.
It occurred to me that the quake is numerically connected to
the timing of when the seven bible code
pictograms were revealed to me. (See, "The
Seven-Sealed Scroll".)
I do not think that it is a coincidence that I just
researched my diaries and then put out the dates of when I discovered these
seven clusters of codes, on the 27th of January, 2010. In other words, if
God had not put it into my heart to check these seven dates and compile them as I
did, then I would not likely have noticed the following about Haiti.
Remember that major events in the world, such as the death of Saddam
Hussein, earthquakes, hurricanes, etc., have also been timed to these codes,
so why not again?
I present the following for the reader to think about. I do
not claim to prove that the following timeframes are anything
more than coincidental, but I do personally believe them to be. The seven
seals of the book of Revelation were accompanied by earthquakes when they
were opened and so it would be fitting that the opening of the "seven
seals" of the bible-code pictograms would likewise be accompanied by
quakes in some way. (See below note for #2, for example.)
(By quoting the below verses, I am not saying that the
Haitian quake is the one spoken of here in the book of Revelation, but I
quote it mostly to show that quakes do accompany the opening of the scrolls
in the book of .)
6:12 And I saw when he opened/loosed the
seal, and there was a great earthquake; and the sun became
black as sackcloth of hair, and the whole moon became as blood;
(Recall that right after
the quake, the sun was darkened by all the dust raised, and I
venture to guess that the moon would also have shone reddish through
the dust and smoke that night on this ISLAND of Haiti. The
sun set shortly after the quake amid grey dust shrouding the sky. It
is interesting to note that the sixth seal in the above right image
of the "Yeshua" scroll reads, "Loose"
in Hebrew, or, if read from bottom to top, the sixth seal reads:
"A Lamb" .
Thus together it reads, "O' lamb, loose/open (the sixth
seal)! Each of those two seals begin with an "s" in
Hebrew, which is how to spell "six" in Hebrew. Moreover,
it is also the 600th letter in the code of the scroll, (120 x 5 =
600). Also, the scroll also forms a bright cloud of dust that
shrouds the light of the lamp upon the mountain. These are the only
two seals of the seven in the code that spell anything in Hebrew,
and are thus important. Interestingly, the word "loose" is
the literal very word in the actual text where God says to Moses,
"Loose the sandals from off your feet", Ex. 3:5. )
Rev 6:13 and the stars of the heaven fell unto
the earth, as a fig tree casteth her unripe figs when she is shaken of a
great wind.
Rev 6:14 And the heaven was removed as a scroll
when it is rolled up; and every mountain and island were
moved out of their places.
Rev 6:15 And the kings of the earth, and the princes,
and the chief captains, and the rich, and the strong, and every bondman
and freeman, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the
Rev 6:16-17 and they say to the mountains and to
the rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on
the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: for the great day of their wrath is
come; and who is able to stand?
Compare the above to the following quote from a newspaper:
"The entire mountain seemed to fall down all around me," said
Emmet Murphy, a US charity worker who was driving out of the city.
"People were panicking, buildings collapsed on the roadside and a
huge dust plume raised from the valley floor."
The magnitude 7.0 earthquake, the most powerful to strike
Port-au-Prince in two centuries, shook the earth for about a minute, but
even before it finished thousands of buildings had collapsed. Devastation
so instant, so thorough, that survivors struggled for words.
"Downtown Port-au-Prince is lost, dust and rumbles," said
Frederic Dupoux, a Twitter user. "Every other house is on the ground.
People are terrified and have no hope. Natural holocaust. Dead bodies are
People screamed "Jesus! Jesus!" as offices, hotels, houses
and shops collapsed. The poor, as ever with natural disasters, were the
worst hit, especially Belair and the area known as Carrefour, near the
sea. "The slums on the hills have completely collapsed. We have heard
of landslides, with entire communities being wiped out," said Sophie
Perez, country director for Care International. "We're particularly
worried about the children, because so many schools seem to have
collapsed. It's horrifying."
Soil, dust and smoke smothered the city for about 12 minutes, according
to witnesses. When it partly cleared the scene was apocalyptic."
"The cemetery reeks of death.
Dozens of tombstones are overturned. Crypts have been upended, inverted
and emptied of their macabre contents. It would look centuries old were it
not for the bright blue paint bouncing sunlight off the broken
wrote a major series of
articles about the 3.5 years from the Balance Bible Coded (#4) and the
unusual hurricanes during that period. The hurricanes also accompanied the
sign of the 12
comets in association with "Israel's Acrostic Bible Code (#5). And
then again in 2008, Haiti was hit with four more hurricanes! Thus, in the
above passage from the book of Revelation, note the mention of "stars
falling" (comets?) as from a "great wind" (hurricanes?). It
appears Haiti is an object lesson in keeping with this passage, a sign of
what's to come for the whole world, the loosing of the "sixth
I will not make this article a long drawn out affair. I will
simply state the facts. You are welcome to search my website for articles
written long ago that confirm what I now say.
Also keep in mind that several of these clusters of bible
codes pictograms mention "quaking", "trembling", the
mounting "being moved", "soaring and roaring".
Note: You can easily count lapsed days by yourself by using
the handy symbolic date for each event. For example, since the quake
represented the symbolic year of 34 BC, and the Yeshua Scroll Bible
Code (the first of the seven codes) has a symbolic date of "4834
BC", therefore the literal number of days lapsed between these two
events are exactly 4800 days. Please keep in mind that all the images here
have been on the internet for years. All the dates for the seven picture
codes are recorded towards the end
of this page.
Seven Reasons Why Haiti May Be a Sign
the Sixth Seal (still future)

From the Yeshua
Bible Code unto the quake are 4800 days. This is significant
because the Yeshua Bible Code, (along with most of the other codes) are at
skip sequences of 120 letters. Thus, each line in the Yeshua Scroll image
(and lamp) here seen at right are 120 letters apart. Note that
"4800" is 1200 x 4 (or 120 x 40). Thus, from top to bottom are
1200 letters, as is the mountain
that is shaking which overlaps it.
The following quote of what the mountain says does not mean
that this code was about the Haitian quake. The code is actually about
Moses' call on "the mountain of God" to deliver Israel from Egypt,
and his call to go up Mount Sinai to receive the law. (Moses is a type of
Jesus.) However, there are some similarities to Haiti that leads me to think
that God is saying that His heart is "stirred" along with those
suffering in Haiti, just as it was for the Israelites in Egypt. In other
words, in wrath God remembers mercy. In part the mountain reads:
"Where is it located? Where is the summit of
even the majestic summit of nobility? (or, "Summit
of a prince")
And there comes to them from the mountain the gift of a
The lowly King is stirred, along with the summit of Jesus.
(Thus, the mountain is shaking.)
Alas! The summit of Jesus is clouding over!
"O My Father, I AM in the thick cloud!"'"

2. From the "Mene,
Tekel, Peres" bible code, which includes the Moth Bible Code,
there are 3630 days, which can be understood as a ten-year period, that is
360 x 10 days, plus a leap month of 30 days. This seems certain since the
Mene Tekel Bible Code unto the death of Saddam Hussein (of which it
predicted in detail) are 360 x 7 days (that is, 1260 + 1260), so that from
Saddam's death unto the quake are 360 x 3, plus a leap month of 30 days.
This is the same pattern expressed before to do with both the Mene Tekel
Code, and especially the Moth Code, that is, a ten day or year period that
is divided up as 3 + 7, or 7 + 3 days/years. I have written numerous
articles on this, both on this website and on the forum. The Moth Bible
Code, (which is 1260 x 2 letters long), has this interesting phrase in it:
"Grace stirred!",
Or, "Grace shook!" And this code is directly connected
to the shaking of Moses on the mountain, of which we just discussed. The
basic meaning of the Moth Bible Code is that of plague measured out with
grace. That is, God shows mercy amidst the tragedy. God does not delight in
destruction, but in showing mercy.

3. From Israel's
Acrostic Prophecy (Bible Code Pictogram) unto the quake are 1923 days,
which is 480 + 480 + 480 + 480 + 3 days. We have already discussed the
significance of 480 days. The "three" days extra is simply because
in the below dates, if you look closely to what they are on the 360 calenar,
there is a pattern that connects these three days between the timing
of four of the seven revelations. (Actually, all of them, but the dates as
either on the 24th or the 27th of the month are the more obvious.) The three
days has to do with the diving of a week, but we won't explain that now. It
is enough to say that the significance of the three days was already deduced
before I looked at the timing of the Haiti quake, not after. (For example,
from the Yeshua Code unto the this code are 360 x 8 years, less the three
days, which is also 480 x 6.)
4. From the last code, (KJV
Bible Code), unto the quake are 945 days. This number is significant
because this is the literal number of days that Jerusalem was besieged by
the Babylonians, a key theme on all our websites. All dates are being
forwarded from this siege to the present by 1260 + 1335 literal years. (Also
see "945000 days until
the fall of the Twin Towers".) But what makes this number intriguing
here, is this date, along with the Balance Bible Code date (#4), are both
directly associated with the siege and fall of Jerusalem by the Babylonians
in 586 BC. Both are the anniversaries of either the start of end of
Ezekiel's symbolic siege of 390 days, which he did as a sign of the actual
that occurred 1260 days later. And I won't take the time to explain
that either! Even Ezekiel's symbolic siege of "390 days" happens
to be 1335 days when the actual siege of 945 days is added to it!
5. In the composite image of
all the bible code pictograms, put on the internet years ago, note that from
the top of the Moth code (that spans 1260 x 2 letters, that is, 21 x 120
letters), unto the rod of Moses, which is also a measuring rod, are 4800
letters! (Recall the 4800 days of point number One.)
Click to enlarge!

6. Why
God only knows. But the last code, the KJV
bible code, does come against the
religion of Rome, being mixed with paganism. (Recall point #4.) Haitian
religion is a potent mixture of Roman Catholicism and Voodoo. The images at
right are that of a "house of whores" upon the wing of an unclean
bird, with another unclean bird overtop it. The prophet (or prophetess) sees
with the eyes of the owl. The house has a cross overtop the door that lies
between three intersecting circles. The word "sow" is written all
over the house, which is an unclean animal, a female pig. The house is
called "Rome". The owl attacks/persecutes "Jesus". The
owl sits upon a dragon/serpent, about to swallow "Jesus", (see
Rev. 12:4). The image of Noah's flood, that is, Mount Ararat, is also in the
background. Note: the prophet(ess) has a dual meaning, is understood to represent
both a true and a false prophet.)
I would venture to guess that the meaning of the name of the
city most demolished, "Port au Prince", may be
Also that Haiti is an island, and that the city is surrounded by mountains.
These three elements, along with the quake and dust, tie the
passage into the one quoted earlier when the sixth scroll is opened. Thus,
the Haiti quake is a sign of what is to come. Haiti is also steeped in Voodoo,
but I do not think that Haiti is more wicked than most nations. Haiti simply
represents the fate of all nations that forget God.

Because I had a dream
two days before the quake about the coming of antichrist, I wonder if the "Entrance
way ("port") of the Prince" ("Port au Prince")
may be a warning of the
coming of the antichrist, who is called the Prince in Daniel 9, and of the
Christ? At any rate, God loves the people of Haiti and wants to turn this
evil around for good for them. Christians should pray towards this end. And
as to whether the above points are a coincidence given all that has happened
to do with the codes over the past 18 years, you decide. I realize this does
not prove anything, but it might give confidence to the suffering that
even when it looks like God has abandoned the earth, yet not a sparrow falls
to the ground apart from God's final say.
7. The symbolic date for the
day of the earthquake, as said, is 34 BC. It is worth noting that in 31 BC
there was a devastating quake as described by the historian Josephus. This
quake effected the burial of the Dead Sea Scrolls, and may have buried some.
(The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered around the time that Israel became a
nation, and were a sign of things going on in the spiritual realm.)
This passage in the book of Revelation about the sixth seal may well have brought
to mind to the people of that day this great quake. Interesting that it
effected those scrolls? The difference of three years (days)
may reflect the idea of resurrection, because when Jesus rose on the third
day there was a great quake and the seven-sealed stone over the mouth of the
cave where he lay was rolled away.
Below are the list of
dates, tabulated January 27, 2010,
as posted on the forum
and at this web page.
of the Seven Major Cluster of Codes, and When

Each cluster has paragraphs of text encoded. There are
about 40 pictograms in all. Date indicates year of discovery. Most
were discovered on biblical feast days, especially on the 360
calendar. While the scroll was the first code to be worked on, yet
I was unaware that it was an image of a scroll until later. The lamp
was the first image discovered, which overlaps the scroll, {Oct. 24,
1. Yeshua
Bible Code (Study begins slowly on Nov.
21, 1996, 4:30 pm., to early 1997. June 1997, fearfully
decide to publish initial
findings on internet {*9/27, 4834BC}.)
(Location: Ex. 4-5)
(Main images: Scroll, lamp, mountain, DNA, fiery sacrifice,
Moses at burning bush, {also, "7 seals",
but first 6 destroyed by fire}) (Key phrase:
"I AM Yeshua {Jesus}")
2. Creation
Bible Code (Nov. 26, 1999, also, local
quake occurs after preaching at my Grandfather's funeral as a type of
Jacob. {*10/17, 3734BC}) (Location: Gen. 1-3)
(Main images: Lightning, land and water divided,
serpent-dragon, Eden's sword, the crucified) (Key
phrase: "A group of three created!")
3. Mene,
Tekel, Peres Bible Code (Feb. 4, 2000, {*12/27,
3664BC}) (Location: Dan.
(Main images: Banner of 3 coins, serpent on banner/pole, hand,
moth, tabernacle) (Key phrase:
"The One putting him to death!}")
4. Balance/Lamp/Cherub
Bible Code (June 27, 2004, {*5/12, 2059BC})
(Location: Isa. 45-46)
(Main images: Balances, lamps, rivers, mountain, tree, open
door/book, comet, cherub, chariot, throne, Baal) (Key
phrase: "I AM Yeshua {Jesus}")
5. Israel's
Acrostic Bible Code (Oct. 7, 2004, {*8/24,
1957BC}) (Location: Gen. 49)
(Main images: Comet, lion of Judah, flying lion/cherub)
(Key phrase: "Yeshua, You shall fly!")
6. Names
Bible Code (April 30, 2006, {*3/24, 1387BC})
(Location: Gen. 1-6; Matt. 1)
(Main images:
Jacob's ladder; Noah's flood, dividing of waters from the waters) (Key phrase: "I will
forgive my enemies")
7. KJV
(Prophet) Bible Code (June
12th, 2007, 2 am, after about 15 days of search.
Two days later, image discovered in similar code. {*4/12, 979BC})
(Location: Matt., Mark, Rev.)
(Main images: Prophet/prophetess, boat, fish, Jesus walking on
water, mountains, owl, house of whores) (Key phrase: "I AM Yeshua {Jesus}")
Therefore, from the first to last code, Nov. 21, 1996
to June 12, 2007, are 1260 + 1260 + 1335 days. Also, from the middle
code to the last are 1080 days (3 x 360).
(* asterisk marks date
on 360
calendar, followed by the symbolic day/year count up 1260 + 1335
literal years from 1/1 {spring}, 586 BC. {Or less 5460 days, up 1290 x
2 literal years from 1/1, 586 BC.} Also, all 360 cal. dates here lag
one month from norm as explained on 360 calendar website. Thus,
for example, "The Yeshua Code" would normally read as 8/27,
4864BC, that is, the 8th month, 27th day of the 360 calendar, with the
symbolic date of 4864 BC as explained
elsewhere, or less 5460 days = symbolic AD597, but here God evidently
is using the alternative one-month lag, thus it here reads as 9/27,
Most all images interact with each other.
Click to enlarge!
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