May 8, 2011
Will Jesus return on May 21,
There are billboards
all over the country predicting that Jesus will return on May 21, 2011?
Will He?
Here's why...
Back in January, I predicted
"terrible tornadoes and (forest) fires" for April 14-22 (2011), or
"especially" May 14-22 (and perhaps even on June 14-21). So far
the first of the three possible months has come
true, and sadly, even more than I predicted!
Thus, April may be the fulfillment of this
prediction in full, or, as said, God may repeat this pattern again in May
Back in January, I was considering doing a
Youtube video about this prediction of the tornadoes, but decided not to because
back then I came across this man predicting the Lord's return that happened to
land on one of the same dates that I was predicting these terrible tornadoes! I
did not want to be associated with false prophecy. Instead, I simply recorded
the the predictions on my website. But since that time, gullible people have been
giving money to promote this error.
Ironically, this man bases his prediction by
calculating that Jesus would return '850 times 850 days' (722500) from Jesus'
death on Nisan 14, (April 1), AD 33. Ironically, the predictions I am making for
this same week of May 15-22, 2011, are partly based upon the fact that this is
1260 + 1260 days back to when God revealed to me the Balance Bible Code image.
Well, it happens that from Nisan 1-7, AD 33 (the first week of the New Year of
his death with one more week until his death), plus 720,000 days equals the same
week exactly of the Balance Bible Code, which dates I have written about dozens
of times over the past seven years. (Nisan 1-7th is also the anniversary of the
setting up of the tabernacle in the wilderness in 1445 BC, and for this reason
some feel it is also the day of Jesus birth 360 x 4 years later, with His
circumcision on the 8th day, inclusive.)
It happens that, "720000 days" is 2000
years exactly, without leap-month
adjustments. This, "week" (seven days) represents the next seven
years, that is, 360 x 7 years, which is the same as the said, 1260 + 1260 days.
Moreover, this 720000 days intersects the larger 1260,000
days from Sept. of 1447 BC, when the plagues of Egypt began by the hand of
Moses. (For more about the relationship between 2 x 360 {x 1000 days} and 3.5 x
360 {x 1000 days}, see "1260,000
days to the Great
Tsunami". And note the "time,
times, and half-a-time" of biblical prophecy.) Thus, this man's failed
prophecy is in itself time by God as warning to Christians not to try to predict
when the Lord will return, but to the world that this could have been the
day of His return. Thus,
even in man's failure, God is glorified! So, the day
had significance,
just not in the way that this man thought! (See article
about how this day was significant as a type of the rapture, but just as a type,
a could-have-been.)
Jesus warned us not to predict the date of His
Coming, (Matt. 24:36). However, both before and after the time of Jesus, there
have always been true prophets who predicted future disasters (Acts 11:28), but
any revelation about the timing of Jesus' actual coming was always intentionally
veiled in mystery (1Peter 1:1). There always have been and there always will be,
patterns upon which God may act to bring about the Lord's return.
But these same patterns may simply point to much lesser events, such as the predicted
tornadoes. God reveals these things to whom He chooses.
year, God made known to me that He was delaying "the end" by 15
years, and that He reserves the right to delay it another 15 years after that, and
so on. (See my article on "2012?"
God also reserves the right for surprises, including a sudden return before
He is expected!) (Update: To clear up misunderstandings about what I am
saying about 2025, I have written the following article in response
to an email sent May 20, 2011.)
Just this morning (May 8, 2011), for the third
time, God again was confirming to me this same "15-year delay", except
this time as deduced from the prophecy of Ezekiel 29:17 and 32:1
(& vs.17 in the LXX}.
The bible records that these two prophecies about Egypt
occurred 15 years and 15 days apart.
(These are the same 15 years of the siege of Tyre by Babylon, which spanned from
586 BC to 571 BC. Note: Jerusalem fell to the Babylonians in 586 BC. The 15-year
siege of Tyre began very soon after that.)
From the dates of these two prophecies, forwarded by 1260
+ 1335 years, we come to Passover of 2010 and 2025, Nisan 1 and 15, etc.
Also note 1290 + 1290 years to 2010 again. {Moreover, on
the 360 calendar, the actual span of time
between Ezek. 29:17 and 32:1 (& vs. 17, not LXX}, are 1290 + 1290 days (plus
1260 + 1290) and 1260 + 1335 days (plus 1260 + 1260), (5130 and 5115 days respectively).
See Daniel
12 and Rev. 11-13. Also see, "The
Timing of the Fall of
Egyptian President Mubarak." (I
will forgo explaining this awesome numeric further because it is vast.)} Even while examining these things this morning, a
friend phones and asks me about the prediction of the Lord's return on May 21.
(Also see, "2025,
Year of Jubilee".) And so, here I am, provoked to write this article.

Ironically, early May 21, 2011 happens to be one of those
dates that could have been "the rapture" of the believing dead
and the living; but as said,
God is delaying the end by at last 15 years. This date happens to be the date
encoded at the end of the river, which flows from the throne in the Balance/Cherub
Bible Code.
"Be calm! Be still before me! I
AM Jesus! Forever My name is the
Lord! Be calm and you will flow/shine
like a river (and a lamp and a rainbow, having been awaked
to the colors of my rainbow)!"
This river is 126 + 126 letters
long and was discovered 1260 + 1260 days before May 21, 2011,
Instead of His return ("rapture"),
however, God has marked the end of these
past seven remarkable years with symbolic signs in rapid succession that do
indeed concern His Second Coming, such token signs as the Hanukah-Mount
Carmel forest fire, the fall of Egyptian President Mubarak,
the great Japan earthquake, the "terrible
tornadoes" with subsequent Mississippi
river flooding, and
the wedding of Prince William, and shortly after that, the death of
Osama bin Laden, a type of antichrist. (We discuss these astonishing signs in detail
So, now I am left to wonder if the Lord will
purposely do absolutely nothing on the predicted date of May 21, 2011, in
order to make a point to His people "not to go beyond what is
written". Or, on the other hand, perhaps God will go ahead and allow the
"terrible tornadoes and fires" to occur as ordained, repeating the sad
events of April?
(See below article
about how this day, May 21, was significant as a type of the rapture,
but just as a type, a could-have-been.)
Will Jesus return 6
pm, May 21,
(May 21, 2011, 2:30pm). What God showed me today to encourage the
disillusioned -- those who did not listen to the clear warning in the bible not to try to predict
the date of the coming of the Lord:
Ironically, this man bases his prediction by
calculating that Jesus would return '850 times 850 days' (722500) from Jesus'
death on Nisan 14, (April 1), AD 33. Ironically, the predictions I am making for
this same week of May 15-22, 2011, are partly based upon the fact that this is
1260 + 1260 days back to when God revealed to me the Balance Bible Code image.
Well, it happens that from Nisan 1-7, AD 33 (the first week of the New Year of
his death with one more week until his death), plus 720,000 days equals the same
week exactly of the Balance Bible Code, which dates I have written about dozens
of times over the past seven years. (Nisan 1-7th is also the anniversary of the
setting up of the tabernacle in the wilderness in 1445 BC, and for this reason
some feel it is also the day of Jesus birth 360 x 4 years later, with His
circumcision on the 8th day, inclusive.)
It happens that, "720000 days" is 2000
years exactly, without leap-month
adjustments. This, "week" (seven days) represents the next seven
years, that is, 360 x 7 years, which is the same as the said, 1260 + 1260 days.
Moreover, this 720000 days intersects the larger 1260,000
days from Sept. of 1447 BC, when the plagues of Egypt began by the hand of
Moses. (For more about the relationship between 2 x 360 {x 1000 days} and 3.5 x
360 {x 1000 days}, see "1260,000
days to the Great
Tsunami". And note the "time,
times, and half-a-time" of biblical prophecy.) Thus, this man's failed
prophecy is in itself time by God as warning to Christians not to try to predict
when the Lord will return, but to the world that this could have been the
day of His return. Thus, even in man's failure,
God is glorified! So, the day had significance,
just not in the way that this man thought!
(Update: Ironically, he
calculated 722500 days inclusively from the date of Jesus death. Nisan
14, April 1, AD 33 plus 722500 days actually equals
6 pm, May 22, 2011 for so-called "Judgment Day", which
is the hour and day when the terrible tornado
struck Joplin! See article written a few months ago about the "Day
of Delay" for the prediction of the timing of Hosni Mubarak's
ousting. In the providence of God, that article has much to say about
this too!)
Also see, "Year
(Important update about the article
that concerns the years 2010-2017, especially 2012. God is granting 15-more
years according the prophecy of Isaiah 38.)
(April 15, 2010, published on forum.)
Year of Jubilee
More notes
about 2025 and the 15-year delays.
Joplin Tornado Predicted
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