Bible Prophecy Code
Holocaust Dragon/Serpent Bible Code
Part One of three parts
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This is the bible code that someone saw in a dream
two years after it was discovered, though I never put it out until now.
In the image below, the left side is a mirror of the right and is
upside down.
Only two of the four dragon/serpents are visible in image below.

Below is an enlargement of the center (4
heads) of this above image.
The four heads of the dragon are positioned so as to create one large mouth
at center---because, the four dragons are really just one serpent that
encompasses the four ends of the earth. (The image below this one is the
same except with additional details.)

Four dragon heads, plus three more, are at
the center of an extremely complex bible code. The "tongue(s)" of the
dragon is the key that unlocks this code. (See
dream.) The heads are mirroring each other at precisely 1290 x 2 (430 x 6)
letter-years along a line of letters positioned to interact with all the
other picture bible codes. A total of 6 + 6 + 6 letters are used within the
'head' section and it spans 600 letters (120 x 5 ELS). This "1290 x 2" creates
the remarkable effect of flipping the dragon/serpent upside down at the
to north and west to east---just as implied in the dream!
The dragon/serpent is attempting to devour
"the man" and "the women." The code is found in Genesis 3
where the serpent is lying to the women in the garden of Eden, near
where "the four heads" of the Edenic rivers are located, (Genesis
2:10-14). The two
yellow circles at center intersecting each other (below) read "the
man" and "the women."
The pink rectangle is the corporate 'tongue' of all four
serpents/dragons, though each also have their individual tongue that
overlaps it. The tongue facing downward
(not shown here) reads, "The tongue toward the west/sea is rising
up." The corporate tongue is the Red Sea, and it covers Israel
---the Promised Land ---the New Eden, (Revelation 21-22). The following two verses
shed some light on this picture-code and its meaning.
27:1 "In that day Jehovah with his hard and great
and strong sword will punish leviathan the swift serpent, and
leviathan the crooked serpent; and he will slay the monster
that is in the sea."
11:15 "And Jehovah will utterly destroy the tongue
of the Egyptian sea; and with his mighty wind will he shake
his hand over the river, and will smite it into seven streams,
and make men go over dryshod."
The central letter
located at the mouth of
the river-dragon (center letter in the 'head' that reads, "the
women") is a letter that represents 1231 BC (letter #3073 in Genesis), and is
therefore 1260 letter-years before the death of Christ in AD 30. (From 1231
BC to AD 30 are 1260 years.) This agrees
with the prophecy of Revelation 12.
as soon as it was born. "Then she gave birth to a son, who will rule over all
nations with an iron rod. But the child was snatched away and taken to God
and his throne. The woman fled to the desert, to a place God had prepared
for her, where she will be taken care of for 1260," (Revelation
12:3-6). (You can research this prophecy for
yourself as to it's meaning. We must move on!)
Ominously, this same circle that represents
and reads "the women" may also read,
"The holocaust reached its climax." Very significantly, 1231 BC is part of the
major 430-year cycles, (Ezek. 4). It is the most important cycle in the
bible (along with 360 and 490). In short, the heads are positioned exactly
in the text so as to agree thematically with the surface narrative, but its
exact letter position encodes the numeric that links it with all the other
picture bible codes and other biblical epoch events, such as the exodus when
the Egyptians drowned in the Red Sea. (This code is also patterned
after the drowning of the Egyptians in the Red Sea, 1446 BC. Recall Isaiah
There is much to say, but like all
picture bible codes they interpret the surface text as it applies to Christ
Jesus, yet they also infer a future or contemporaneous event. In this case that future event is
the rise of Russia (from the north) but also of Antichrist (from the west).
The other codes along with dreams, make this interpretation sure. But more
importantly, bible prophecy teaches this anyway! This code is a sign
intended to
bring this prophecy to our attention, possible because the event is

The four heads of the serpents
report that the tongue is being "moved" from its location--even as it
literally does by means of the numeric! (Also
see dream.) As always, the circles ('heads') read in alternating directions.
The four heads together read:
"Concerning the tongue of the viper---the one being
moved---Behold! He will not plunder! Into hell the darting serpent ---the
wicked one--- shall go! The one that plundered will himself be plundered!"
said, the four heads are really one dragon, but are coming from the four
directions of the compass. The outer corners of the four heads where the
neck overlaps the head also spells something. It reads, "It was crushed." (Or,
"It was snapped at.") Amazingly, this word is found only two places in the
bible, and the first occurrence is here in the Genesis narrative in the
prophecy announced by God to the serpent that, "He (Jesus)
will crush
your head and you (the serpent)
will snap at his heel." Is this not the picture before
to continue to Part Two
This was Part One of three parts
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Click to enlarge to show how
images are located close together!
Sea Volcano"
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