Solar Flares and River of
A Prophetic Analogy

Part 2b
(To part 1)
(Parts 2a,
2b, 2c)
What is the secret name of the plague?
The Details
Read the last chapter of the book of Zechariah for the answer.
(Also, the last 3 chapters of the book of Joel.)
The secret plague the code is referring to is the one
that will fall on God's enemies that attack Israel at the battle of
Armageddon. (See the hand-code, which also talks about this.) However, I am
convinced that God is warning us of coming atomic warfare in a more general
Just now, as I went to go get the address for the hand-code that
describes this battle is detail, I noticed that each of the three pages for
the hand-code was dated as Tishri 15, 2001,
(i.e., Tabernacles). Moreover, the shorter
version was put out 5 days before that, on Tishri 10, (that is, The
Day of Atonement, 2001). The
feast of Tabernacles ("booths") is specifically mentioned
immediately after this last terrible war at Armageddon, (Zechariah).
I know that God is warning of
nuclear war on a more generally scale too. Here is why:
A few days before my dream, (which occurred on the last day of United
Nations Week), my wife and I
suddenly went out and rented a house at a place called Edgar, Ont. (We
signed the agreement to rent the house on the afternoon of Oct. 23, 2003.) As it turned out, this wee little
town was the site of a radar defense system shutdown 40 years ago as part of
NORAD. The station was part of a defense system to warn of possible nuclear
attack by the Russians. Today, especially after 9/11, NORAD protects
North America from any attack generally. [Here is the NORAD
website.] In the same way, the threat of nuclear bombs ("dirty
bombs"?) from any source, such as from terrorists, rather than just
by the Russians, seems to be what the Lord is saying. Nor does this calamity
have to happen, but if we who are called by His name repent and pray, it can be
avoided; "The lease is not in stone," the
Lord said.
God often speaks to me through the mundane events of life. Wisely He does this so
that I will not forget His words to me. God is warning of a coming nuclear
attack of some sort. I am to give
warning of
this coming
attack just as this radar station once did.
(When we began our move, the moving company
building where we rented the moving truck blew up like an
atomic bomb.)
A 3½-year period is an important
biblical time frame, (see Daniel 12, and Revelation 11-13 for examples.) The
period can be seen as either 1260 or 1290 days or 3½-years on the Jewish
calendar. From the time the hand-code appeared unto when we took possession
of the house was 3½-years of the Jewish calendar---almost to the minute.
However, we did not actually move in until Dec. 20, 2003,
which was 1290 days from when the hand-code was seen, (Pentecost, 2000).
(Hanukkah means 'Dedication' and is the anniversary of the dedication of
the temple after it was desecrated by Antiochus Epiphanies. Thus, I will
always remember that the day I dedicated my new place was also Hanukah---the
dedication of the house of God.)
As I was I awaiting the truck to come and
move us (it was being picked up in Toronto by my brother), I felt the
spirit of prophecy come upon me. I felt that the Lord willed to mark this
important day by some event. That was at 11 a.m. At 11:30 a.m. I was to
meet with my brother to begin our move. As it turned out, we were delayed,
and began our move about 12:30 noon. As we found out later, the place
where we rented the truck sprung a gas leak at 11:30 a.m. and then
suddenly at 12:30 noon the place blew up in a great ball of fire with a
huge plume of ascending smoke. (The story is on page 5 in the Toronto Sun
paper.) Hence, the blast resembled a small nuclear bomb, with the fire
ball and huge plume of smoke. Because there was warning, the firemen were
on the scene when it blew. The newspaper said that the gas
"screamed" for an hour before it blew up in the face of the one
trying to seal it off. Four men had their faces and hands burned, but graciously,
none severely. In the book of Ezekiel, '4' is the number of
"everywhere," as in, the four corners of the earth. God
is warning that atomic blasts are coming that threaten North to South, and
East to West.
Further that same day, as the truck was
in route back to Toronto, the San Francisco blackout occurred, (9 p.m.
EST, 6 p.m. local). One-third the city was blacked out, caused by a fire.
(Ironically, Hanukkah is also called "the festival of
lights," which lasts 1 + 7 days.) The blackout repeated itself again
6 hours later. The power came on the next morning. Thus the power went out
on the two reference points that begin a new day---(6 p.m. Jewish
reckoning and midnight on our western calendar). Importantly, the day
highlighted---Dec. 21---was the darkest day of the year.
On the morning after
that, an earthquake occurred between Los Angeles and San Francisco. It was
the worst quake since 1999. A couple of days after that (Dec. 24, 25), an
apparent would-be terrorist attack by a dozen plane-hijackers was narrowly
obverted. It looks like they planned to fly the plane into some building
in Los Angeles, or somewhere in route to Los Angeles (San Francisco?) Go
here for more about the
blackouts and their meaning. |
Also, a week after we signed this agreement, the great solar flare hit earth. Also,
that very same day ('coincidentally') the agency that sounds the alarm for
solar flares was being reassessed by the government!
"WASHINGTON, Oct. 30 — As a solar storm continued to
bathe Earth in an unusually dense flow of subatomic particles, affecting
electric companies, airlines and space satellites, a House subcommittee held a
hearing on Thursday on a plan to cut back or eliminate the office that
forecasts such events."
Clearly, subatomic fallout is coming by way of atomic war, and it is no time
for His servants to be deaf to His voice. The solar flares are a way of warning
us of this. It is also a way of saying that God rules from the heavens above,
and that His angelic judgments only later appear visible on earth. (Recall
the spectacular aurora lights that the earlier solar flares created.)
(Also, note the
emphasis on Japan in the "river of blood" and "satellite
breakdown" news stories [because of the solar burst]. Japan is almost synonymous
with the Atomic bomb when one thinks of war.)
Before assuming all this to be the work of imagination, consider yet one more
amazing coincidence! This very day, Israel's prime minister is
meeting in Russia with the Russian leader to facilitate peace in Israel (with the
Arabs); also, Israel will entreat Russia to no longer support Iran's nuclear
program! (Iran is ancient Persia.) For those familiar with the prophecy
of Ezekiel 38, alarm bells should be ringing!
The following article was on CNN, (today, Nov. 3, 2003).
"Russia is among those working on a plan for Middle
East peace. The so-called road map -- also backed by the United States, United
Nations and European Union -- calls for the establishment of an independent
Palestinian state and security for Israel.
Sharon and Putin also discussed improving ties between the
two countries, noting that trade has increased from $12 million in the 1990s
to more than $1 billion today.
In addition, Israeli officials are expected to raise the
issue of Iran's nuclear program, which Israel considers a threat. Russia is
helping Iran to build a nuclear power plant at Bushehr. The two countries say
the plant is for peaceful purposes. Israel is urging Russia to prevent the
transfer of any uranium enrichment technology to Iran." (CNN)
For those unfamiliar with the common evangelical interpretation (even, Rabbinical
interpretation) of Ezekiel
38, the passage describes a great battle when Russia,
Iran (Persia) and some other nations with them attack unsuspecting Israel who
feels secure, having just signed a peace treaty for 'one week', (that is 7 years,
cf., Daniel 9:24-27). [Recall the agreement we signed for a house at Edgar, (the
warning station for a Russian invasion), and the solar flares and dolphin river
of blood one week later!]
The Ezekiel prophecy pictures Israel as newly back in her land after being exiled.
(Fulfilled in 1948, when Israel became a
nation; and, by 1990, the Jews were
allowed to leave Russian to return home.) Ezekiel prophecies that the Russian
hordes will be defeated suddenly by God near Jerusalem,
and that there would be a very great slaughter. Many scholars, such as Hal Lindsey,
feel that Russia will be slain by Atomic warfare, as evident by both the type of
fiery judgment, and by the burial method used, as described
in this prophecy. (They bury the dead 7 months, and burn the weapons 7 years.)
"You will come from your place out of the remote
parts of the north...And I will call for a sword against him
unto all my mountains, saith the Lord Jehovah: every man's sword shall be
against his brother.  And with
pestilence and with blood will I
enter into judgment with him; and I will rain upon him, and upon his hordes,
and upon the many peoples that are with him, an overflowing shower, and great
hailstones, fire, and brimstone. And I will magnify myself, and sanctify
myself, and I will make myself known in the eyes of many nations; and they shall
know that I am Jehovah," (Ezek. 38:14a, 21-23).
The prophecy suggests that atomic
warfare will fall upon countries surrounded by water, (as well as upon Russia).
"And I will send a fire on Magog, and on them that
dwell securely in the isles; and they shall know that I am Jehovah,"
(Ezek. 39:6).
the river of blood
that would be produced by such an assault of torrential water, fire, and blood:
"...pestilence and blood...and I will rain upon him, and upon his hordes,
and upon the many peoples that are with him, an overflowing shower, and great
hailstones, fire, and brimstone."
Some take this judgment upon Russia ("Rosh", 38:2)
and Iran ("Persia", 38:5), to be a divine act of God like the
brimstone that fell upon Sodom and Gomorrah. Others, that it is an atomic bomb,
or some other plague. The sign of the solar flares and the river of blood allow
for either interpretation.
This is the 'secret name of His death/plague!'
Pray that it might be delayed
by the revival of God's people.
(Compare Ezek. 38-39 with
Revelation 19. Note the fall
of Babylon in Revelation 18. Read the book of Joel and the last few chapters of Zechariah
I now leave you to your own study of God's Holy Word!)
(Click here
for the vast web
of numerical intricacy of this sign.)
(The hand-code
was first seen on Pentecost, 2000, and published, as said, on the Day of
Atonement and Tabernacles,
First is the hand-code, than Zechariah.
(Note: the code, of course, is not on par with the bible, and
I do not claim divine inspiration as bible prophets did. The codes reinforce
the bible, and never the other way around.)
"They will be thrust out and made to bow down.
I will make them slip! Divided they fall!
For I made him bend sufficiently!
His hand (of power) is sufficient, my beloved ones, the
hand of the Lord!
Destruction! Jehovah and destruction!
For the Lord will fight the ones attacking her.
When he comes to battle, lo, it comes
---lo, destruction after destruction!
A forearm, and a forearm
to blot out the arrogant one!
He slipped!
I am risen to life, even to abundant life!
For His hand is the hand of the Beloved---Jah!" (i.e.,
'the Lord')
Zec 14:12 And this shall be the plague wherewith
Jehovah will smite all the peoples that have warred against Jerusalem:
their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their
eyes shall consume away in their sockets, and their tongue shall consume
away in their mouth.
Zec 14:13 And it shall come to pass in that day,
that a great tumult from Jehovah shall be among them; and they shall lay
hold every one on the hand of his neighbor, and his hand shall rise up
against the hand of his neighbor.
Zec 14:14 And Judah also shall fight at
Jerusalem; and the wealth of all the nations round about shall be gathered
together, gold, and silver, and apparel, in great abundance.
Zec 14:15 And so shall be the plague of the
horse, of the mule, of the camel, and of the ass, and of all the beasts
that shall be in those camps, as that plague.
Zec 14:16 And it shall come to pass, that every
one that is left of all the nations that came against Jerusalem shall go
up from year to year to worship the King, Jehovah of hosts, and to keep
the feast of tabernacles.
(Parts 2a,
2b, 2c)
here for the vast web of numerical intricacy
Also see Dream
about Russian Invasion
Update: A
major solar flare occurred, Purim, 2012.
It's a another sign of a future nuclear war
Russia and Iran against Israel. Here's
(For more on the solar flares as it relates to
the mene-tekel bible code
from the perspective of God's wrath see, The Lamp: and the great blackouts of
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