How the SARS/Moth Bible Code
is connected numerically with
other picture codes already on this site
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Last of 4 Parts
How Picture-Codes
as One composite image!
Part -1- -2-
-3- -4-

The Burning-Bush Bible Code

burning-bush bible code (also at 120-letter skips, and is found at the burning
bush passage not far from the menorah picture), is located 1260 x 2
letters after the 1200 letters of the moth code! (Click on picture below to
burning-bush code (encoded in the book of Exodus) begins at the letter
that represents 396 BC and ends at AD
565. Since the end of the moth branch represented 2916 BC, therefore, there are exactly 1260 x 2
letters more till 396 BC. And this, of course, is significant, because the
entire moth code is also 1260 x 2 letters long!
However, since the moth code begins at the letter that represents
4116 BC (i.e., less 1200 equals the said 2916 BC), this means that the burning
bush is precisely centered overtop the moth-code starting one letter down
the branch and ending one letter up---when we project it ahead by 3600
letters! (See blue circle outlining location of the burning
bush in relationship to the mountain and moth code, above left.)
Recall that 3600 = 10 years, and
thus the 10 days
of the moth code! Compare the circles of the moth code to the circumference of where
the bush-code falls. It thus creates the outline of a yet larger fourth
circle! (Compare the above left and right encircled images.) Recall also that a
Babylonian "SAR" was 3600 years long!
Moreover, Moses' burning bush is formed by the name of Jehovah proclaimed 6 and 7
the 'Moth' uses the name of Moses repeated 5 and 6 times; however, the
name of Moses backward is "The Name"---a term the bible
uses to refer to the name of the Lord!
(The heart of the
burning-bush code is seen at left is non-pictorial format. It is also at 120-ELS. Also,
both codes face the same direction. "Jesus is Lord" reads across
the center of the bush, not shown here.)
Thus we have a burning bush, a burning menorah,
and a burning mountain---all in relationship to one another---and
that in turn, in relationship to the burning fever of the moth-tabernacle
Moses, with the
(measuring) rod in hand, is 360 x 3 letters
above the ground, (and from the ground unto his head are 1200 letters). Thus, there are 3600
letters from the rod till the entrance of the tabernacle/moth code. (360 x
3, plus the said 7 x 360 = 10 x 360).
There is a second menorah partly overlapping the burning bush (not
shown here). It is exactly 1290 letters from the other menorah. '1290' is
simply 3½-years, only with the leap month added.
(1260 + 30 = 1290, of
Daniel 12:11). And so all picture
bible codes interlock numerically in a mind numbing display as they reveal
Jesus the Messiah---the focus of all true
Another example of overlapping!

Dragon Bible Code for
more information on the below image.
See The Menorah
Burning-Bush Bible Code
for more about what the flame reads!
The great flame in part reads:
"O' the ascending sacrifice! O'
the flame! O' the love
-- the love of God for her!..."
is a sample of how the bible numbers cause various picture bible codes to
overlap. Here they overlap by 1290 (i.e., burning-bush
code overlap, not shown here; however, it has the same placement as the
1290 x 3), 1290 x 2, and 1290 x 3 letters. (The 1290
letter-years is further divided by 430 x 3.) Then the code has Christ
ascending straight up and out from the flames little by little utilizing such
numbers as 10 years (see Moth Bible Code)
and 14 years (7 x 2). Christ becomes an offering that ascends to God. (Note
that 1290 and 1290 x 2 are simply 3½ and 7-year periods with their leap
months added. That is, 1290 [Daniel 12:11] is simply 1260 [Revelation 12:6]
with the leap month added. The
vertical length of Christ on the cross is itself 120 x 9 letters, which is 360
x 3, or 3 prophetic years. The menorah is 360 x 2.)
In the image below, every part of Christ is
aflame except for His hands and feet, (symbolically speaking). Those things
that bound Him to the cross were not burned even though all else burned.
This is in contrast to the three Hebrew children in the fiery furnace. They
were not burned at all except for the ropes that bound them! (Daniel 3).
"He saved others, but Himself He cannot save!" Jesus appeared with
them in the fiery furnace. He was the One "like the Son of
In the code below, Christ ascends up to heaven
from the flames similar to the story about the birth of Samson, (whose name
means, 'sun-like'), (Judges 13). At the announcement about the birth of
Samson, the Angel of the Lord ascended up to heaven in a flaming sacrifice
---the same Angel that appeared to Moses in the burning bush upon Mount Sinai!
(Both the burning bush and burning
mountain images [not shown here] also overlap this image! The symbolism of
this code is similar to that in the moth
code, and remarkably, these images also overlap!)
The menorah code is found in the book of Exodus
while the image of Christ on the cross is found in Genesis. Remarkably, the
two images stand side by side at only 19 letters apart if placed, as it were,
in the same book. (See image below.) Christ on the cross is actually
upside down allowing it to become upright in the BC/AD
mirror, which is what
this code does (at the said 1290 x 2 and 1290 x 3 letters, etc). Moreover, the
symbolic dates that the position of the letters signify are of great biblical
importance, such as 1446 BC of the exodus, as well as the births of Isaac and
Jacob, and also Noah's flood. Thus 1290 (or 430 x 3 letters) allows the images
to relocate and interact with other encoded images along a specific and well
documented numeric grid. Therefore, not only is the bible code using
biblical numbers that allow it to interact with the other images, but the picture
codes are also moving along an established
tract of epoch dates that are themselves in agreement with what the code
is saying!!! In other words, the images are utilizing the very same numeric
patterns (both dates and numbers) as discussed in the bible
numbers website published before the codes were found!

The great flame in part reads:
"O' the ascending sacrifice! O'
the flame! O' the love
-- the love of God for her!..."
For more on how the bible numbers
work with codes, go here.

Image at right is another bible code "Deep
Impact Bible Code" located a chapter earlier in Isaiah
(ch. 45). The image shows how it exactly overlaps the Balance/Lamp
code when forwarded by 1260, 1290, and 1335. The two codes
go together. This second one was completed a year later. These
two codes at at ELS 11 in the book of Isaiah (45-46). They are a
second example of how the bible codes overlap since these are
placed in a matrix at ELS 11, whereas the ones discussed in the
above series of articles are at ELS 120. Moreover, the two sets
of codes (at ELS 11 and 120) all have the same theme and
compliment one another.
Also see: Unraveling
the Codes:
What about, "Consistency, scribal mother-vowels,
and the
importance of the bible numeric."
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