How the SARS/Moth Bible Code
is connected numerically with
other picture codes already on this site
Part 3 of 4 parts
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How Picture-Codes
as one composite image!
Part -1- -2-
-3- -4-

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Our discussion would be incomplete without mentioning
the fact that all the picture bible codes work together similarly. And
also that the numeric in each code is endless.
For instance, recall that
the moth has a wing span of 486½-letters across (Daniel 9:24), and
that this code is mirrored by another branch---a total of 1260 x 2
letters, and that the "SARS" encryption is 430 + 360
+ 360 = 1150 letters (all biblical numbers), and that
the wings are 240 and 480 letters long, which, as years, would accumulate 1260
and 1260 x 2 days in leap months, (see www.360calendar.com,
that is 3½ + 3½ years in leap months), and that the wings are 3½
+ 3½ letters apart inclusive;
and that the very dates encoded along the 1260 x 2 letters of the branch
are also recorded in the very dates in the book of Ezekiel (a fascinating
study), and that the 490 x 3 letters that separate the moth and the mountain
code also represent a 4 year period, (360 x 4, plus the leap month
of 30 days, a total of 1470 days, see www.360calendar.com),
and that this 4 years interacts with the 7 years (1260 x 2) of the full branch.
Also, the 1260 x 2 is further broken down by a 483 + 777 (= 1260) + 483 + 777- letter
pattern, and also the 600 + 600 + 60 + 60 + 600 + 600 tabernacle pattern; and also
the familiar "time, times, and half-a-time;" etc, etc.
The Menorah
Bible Code with the Moth Code
menorah code is also
found at the burning bush passage, also at 120 letter skips, and overlaps the
burning mountain picture so that the flames form a cross at center. (See
lower left. The bible says that Mount
Sinai burned on top.)
flames of the menorah, therefore, have the same focal point as the moth code, and of the veil to the Holy of Holies,
which point signified the sacrifice of Isaac. (Note: the menorah was located
in the Holy Place of the tabernacle.) The base of the menorah is 240 letters after the base of the
mountain. (Above image, left-side.) The menorah, too, is symmetrically
placed, not just in relationship to the mountain, but to the moth code as
well, (when, with the mountain, it is placed 490 x 3 letters back.) Please
find the overlap position of the menorah to that of the moth code by
comparing the two left images.

The letter at the base of the menorah represents 1207
BC, and therefore the middle branch of the menorah runs between the branch
of the moth and the base of the mount. Thus, from the base of the menorah
unto where the mount begins are 1200 + 240 letters, which is 1440 letters,
which is 4 x 360. Thus, the base of the menorah is 390 letters after the
end of the 1260 x 2 branch of the moth, or 8 x 360 plus a leap moth from
its start. (360 + 30 = 390, + 1260 x 2 = 8 years, the number of the new
the same way the "Scroll of the Lamb" can be located in its
overlap with the "seal" of the Moth code.

4th of 4 parts:
The Burning-Bush Code with the Moth Code
Part -1- -2-
-3- -4-
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