Storms Timed From the Balance Bible Code
Jesus said, "And there shall be
signs in sun and moon and stars;
and upon the earth distress of nations, in perplexity for the roaring of the sea and the
billows." (Luke 21:25)

Tropical Storm Arlene
The Arlene
("Promise") of Pentecost!
Storm Arlene
(The "Promise" of the
Holy Spirit, Acts 1:4)
Arlene also fits into a closely
related pattern
discussed this past April and May. (See predictions about
"terrible tornadoes and fires" 15,
45, and 75
days ago. The April
15, May 15,
June 14
dates, therefore, were 1260 + 1260, 1260 + 1290, and 1290 + 1290 days
from Pentecost, 2004, with June 29 being 1260 + 1335 days from
then. {Also see notes for
#1 and #2
means, "promise", a fitting name since its timing is
associated with Pentecost, when God sent the "promise"
of the Holy Sprit like a "mighty rushing wind", (Luke 24:49,
Acts 1:4, 2:2, 2:33-39). "...the promise of the Holy Spirit,
he has poured out..." Acts 2:33, (that is, "poured out"
like "rain", Joel 2:21-32). Arlene delivered on its promise
of much-needed rain to parts of Mexico, southern-Texas, and Florida, who are suffering
with severe drought. (The drought in Mexico was the worst in "50
As said, Arlene is 1260 + 1335 days from
Pentecost, 2004 (on the 360 calendar). It became the first named storm
of the Atlantic season 7 pm local time, June 28, which makes it after 6
pm on the 360 calendar, although not necessarily after evening. This
makes it borderline for beginning the next day,
since the new
day begins after 6 pm, or evening, on the 360
calendar. This means that Arlene became a named storm 45 days after
Pentecost on the 360 calendar. (Interestingly, Arlene also spun off a tornado
at exactly 6 pm.) The storm is expected to make landfall the day after,
that is, June 30, thereby placing emphasis on Pentecost. Here is a quote
from the April 14th event, written
April 20th, 2011.
"This double tornado image was
taken at 4 pm, April 14, Tushka, Oklahoma. This is just two
hours before 6 pm (i.e., evening), which is when the next day begins
on the 360 calendar marking the commencement of Pentecost (on the 360
calendar) and thus the start of the week predicted for tornadoes
and fires. This will repeat itself one month (30 days) from now and
likely one month after that again. This prediction was largely based
upon the Balance/Baal Bible Code. However, as we shall see, the
code itself precisely dated the event to begin a few hours before the
evening of April 14th, (a small detail that I did not consider
important enough to mention at the time of the prediction), which is
exactly when the tornado outbreak did, in fact, begin. Thus the
code predicted the very hour and day when the outbreak would
occur." (See also notes
for the May 15th event, 45 days ago.)
Arlene appears to be calculated
as from "Pentecost" 2004, as well as from the anniversary of
the end of the symbolic siege of Jerusalem by Ezekiel one month after
Pentecost (plus its +40 as discussed elsewhere),
which is how all the other dates are timed.
This means that Pentecost in 2004 also appears to be another, but closely
related, starting point. The other variations of the seven-year
period from Pentecost 2004 simply overlaps the already existing date and
is therefore redundant. (Compare with #4,
which occurs 30 days later.) Remember, these predictions are based upon
ongoing patterns;
the more the pattern forms the better the prediction of what will come
next. This is why I have added #9. {Also see notes
for #1
The connection numerically back to Pentecost 2003.
Pentecost 2003 was a starting point for
the 490-cycles in that, the 490's discussed earlier about the Joplin
tornado required a Pentecost starting position in both 2004 and
2003. (1290 + 1290 back to Pentecost 2004, + 360 {to Pentecost
2003} = 490 x 6. "Pentecost" itself, was counted 49
days after "First Fruits", Lev. 23:15.) I had only applied
the 490-pattern to the tornadoes, and to several
years into our future. May 15-22, 2011, directly points to
Pentecost 2003 as its starting position, plus cycles of 490 to events
such as Hurricane Ike,
and then on to May 15-22, 2011, and another 4 cycles into our future,
for a total of 4900 days from Pentecost 2003, which was why I mentioned
"490 x 4 days from May 15-22" -- because, that
completes the said 4900 days from Pentecost, 2003. Here is a quote
written before Arlene formed.
"May 15-22, 2011, was part of an
ongoing "490-day cycle" pattern that will continue into the
future as well. Look for 490 x 3 and 490 x 4 days from May 15-22 (and
esp. from June/July 14-21), 2011 to be significant as well, just
as 490 x 2 days ago was with the start of the recession
in Sept 7-14, 2008, and etc."
(Back to TS
The following is calculated from Pentecost
2004. I am not predicting a storm at this time, but it is a date that is
associated with what was discussed on this page, and so worth mentioning.
(Sept. 17 is "Day of Atonement" on 360
As from "Pentecost"
2004, rather than as from the anniversary of the end of the symbolic
siege of Jerusalem by Ezekiel, which is how all
the other dates are timed. See note for TS Arlene.
Compare with +30 days (#13).
On the ongoing day/year
grid, symbolic of AD 545-552 or 575-582.
(Back to TS
Hurricane Charley
Ivan Jeannie
Tsunami (1)
(2) (2a) (2b)
Hurricanes Dennis
Emily Dennis
Rita Stan
Storm Alpha
Alpha-Beta Code
Gamma Delta & Epsilon
Zeta Ike Mt Carmel
Mt Helens
Predicting next storm
Sign to Cuba
and NASA
of "terrible tornadoes" in spring of 2011 proves true
for the Atlantic 2011 Hurricane Season
How the Record-Hurricanes
were all timed by God!
A summary of hurricanes of notoriety
as it relates to the Balance Bible Code along with numeric timeline
(Also a note about record-year for forest
Also see, "Signs in
Sun and Moon and Stars"
Jesus said:
they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away
captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the
Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
(It is from this time when
Jerusalem fell in {593 to} 586 BC {see Ezekiel 4} that we are
counting to the present 3.5-year period under study here. From the
fall of Jerusalem when "Jerusalem began to be trodden
down" unto the present are 1260 + 1335 years as per
the prophecy. This has been explained
in detail in dozens of articles and so we will not detail the
numeric again here. The point is that verse 25 and 26 are very
much connected numerically. The sign in the 'heavens', 'distress
of nations', and the 'hurricanes' are tied to the previous verse
about 'the fall of Jerusalem' which makes the timing of these
events all the more astonishing.)
And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the
moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of
nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring."
(Luke 21:25-26)
these predictions?
The purpose of
these series of articles that detail the rhyme
and reason for when these events (including
events surrounding Saddam Hussein from the time
that the Twin Towers fell) is to
that God has everything timed.
It is to prove that God alone can predict things
like a storm
years in advance. He alone is God!
9:26 "And after the sixty-two weeks
shall Messiah be cut off, and shall have
nothing; and the people of the prince that shall
come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary;
and the end thereof shall be with an overflow
(flood), and unto the end, war, --the
desolations determined."
We are not saying that this is the final fulfillment
of Bible prophecy. Instead, what we are saying is that God is now
revealing the kind of numeric patterns that He uses when He "determines"
world events. These numeric patterns can be studied and learned from in
order to prepare the yet future generation to come who will actually see
the final and culminated fulfillment of all things in a future period
often referred to as "The Great Tribulation Period". This work
is to prepare that future generation. The only claim that I am
personally making is that the work in the Picture
Bible Codes and numbers
is a partial
fulfillment of the prophecy in Daniel:
Dan 12:4, 9 And thou,
Daniel, close the words, and seal the book, till the time of the
end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.
... And he said, Go thy way, Daniel; for these words
are closed and sealed till the time of the end.
Dan 12:10-13 Many
shall be purified, and be made white, and be refined; but the wicked
shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the
wise shall understand. And from the time that the continual sacrifice
is taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there
shall be a thousand, two hundred, and ninety days. Blessed is he
that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and
thirty-five days!}
God began revealing these things to me
since 1991. Each revelation is also timed, using the numeric revealed in
the above prophecy of the 1260/1290
and 1335 days/years. These revelations were accompanied by a steady
stream of personal signs that goaded
me to further study. (Also see
"How my Prophetic Calling Works".)
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