The Balance Bible Code Circular-Acrostic
This is the full article on this Acrostic!
(The summary is found at this link)
The first of the six verses in which the Balance Picture Bible Code is found contains a complex circular acrostic that summarizes the Balance Bible Code embedded there and also addresses the surface text in which it is found.
(Also see 'Merry Bel-mas' Bible Code!)
We begin with what the acrostic reads. How it was derived and what it means is discussed afterward. The acrostic poses a complex riddle that is intended to be interpreted with the image of the Balance Bible Code before you.
Actual text reads:
"Bel boweth down, Nebo stoopeth; their idols are upon the beasts, and upon the cattle: the things that ye carried about are made a load, a burden to the weary beast," (Isaiah 46:1).
The acrostic refers to two rocks. Compare this to Deuteronomy 32:30-31,37.
"How should one chase a thousand, And two put ten thousand to flight, Except their Rock had sold them, And Jehovah had delivered them up? For their rock is not as our Rock, Even our enemies themselves being judges."
"And he will say, Where are their gods, The rock in which they took refuge..."
We deduce the subjects of the acrostic by both the actual text in which it is found and by the Balance Picture Bible Code that is also imbedded there. To interpret the riddle you must read the verse wherein the acrostic is encoded and "look" at the picture bible code and what it reads.
The Acrostic Riddle:
Hebrew reads from right to left. The acrostic begins with the first letter of each Hebrew word and then reverses itself at the end of the verse by using the last letter of each of the same words so as to complete a circuit. There are possible variations to this reading. But this is the simplest.
"Bel boweth down, Nebo stoopeth; their idols are upon the beasts,
and upon the cattle: the things that ye carried about are made a load,
a burden to the weary beast," (Isaiah 46:1).Acrostic Riddle:
(This first and last letter acrostic is meant to be read
alongside the Hebrew text of 46:1 to be appreciated.)
"When Bel and Nebo went up in the balance,
the beast being overworked with them,
did they groan and a rock/weight?
("When Bel was made to bow down?")
{A "rock" represents a burdensome stone, and as a matter of fact the Hebrew word "sela" can even mean "a weight used in a balance," or even a "coin-weight." See Mene-Tekel Bible Code. Also see Isa. 44:8 and the Rock of Emily ('Rock of Burdensome Work') Bible Code, and how it connects to the Balance Bible Code.
"Being overworked" is feminine, and thus refers to the "beast," which, too, is feminine in Hebrew,
and remarkably it reuses the suffix 'h' in the actual text word in "for the weary (beast, 'h')" just as the acrostic reverses direction upon this very letter. This is why I did not see this simply reading right away. I do not believe that the other readings are wrong, but the above is the primary reading.If we allow for an Aramaism (fitting since it refers to a Babylonian god!), then the acrostic in turn forms an additional sub-acrostic that reads, "When Bel was made to bow down/humbled!"
(Lit., "When to bow-down him.")
The subjects "Bel and Nebo" are simply "they" and "them" in the acrostic, but the fact that the acrostic overlaps Bel and Nebo of the text [Isa. 46:1] when it refers to "they" and "them," and the fact that it likewise refers to the beast [feminine in Hebrew] when the acrostic is overlapping the actual surface text about the beast, tells us without doubt who they and them and she is! Furthermore, the text is so arranged so that the she (Beast) can also be 'Bel' as well (when the 'h' is dropped off as in alternate readings), which is true of the actual verse as well. See NIV footnote for Isa. 46:1! (And see the "Bel Qoph" bible code.)
The additional references to "Amalek" occur when the above acrostic is lengthened by just one letter so that Amal (Labor) becomes Amalek! (A famous enemy of Israel.) I would have doubted its significance if it were not for the precision of where that extra letter falls, as will be discussed shortly.}
(Please see note in above table.)
"A sign of what?" the idols groaned and a rock, when in the balance they went up, the beast being tired!"
"Look! --- Be astonished! Be stunned! --- A nail, a Rock!
(For) when in the balance high then the Rock (too) is made tired.""The winds of (Hurricane) Epsilon completes the sign! The waves roar for when a Rock is in the nest they make high the wearied sea!" ("Winds of Epsilon" is more than implied since the Hebrew letter 'He', the equivalent of the Greek letter 'Epsilon', can mean 'wind'. "Nest" refers to lower 'handle' of tree/balance. "They make high" refers to the waves.
Sub-acrostic: "Now he will make him roar/groan!"(We discuss the basic meaning
of the above later in this document.)
Adding the next word of the first word in the second verse (Isa. 46:2), (a total of 13 words), the acrostic expands slightly to read:
"And the sign is what? Manna?" the house of Israel moaned, then a rock; when inside the nest they lifted hands up in distress against Amalek!
("Manna" is derived from the Hebrew word "what" in this context [Ex. 16:15,31], and is here written twice to bring this double meaning out in the English. "Nest" refers to the 'hand' of the upper balance of the tree, which itself reads, "I am a house {nest}! Thus, "the nest" corresponds to a bird's-house". Thus, the house ['nest'] of Israel is lifting its hands up in prayer to God for help while inside the upraised hand of Jesus who Himself is praying! {See Isaiah 46:1-6 and Ex. 16-17.} The word "distress" carries with it the idea of "wearisome toil." The word 'distress' and 'Amalek' are from the same letters, and are placed together here rather than repeating the line twice. (Remember, the acrostic reads in circles and therefore can be read again and again with only a slightly different reading each time depending on where the successive flow of letters are divided into words.) The top of the rod in the image at right ends at this last letter in the word "distress" of the acrostic, [or second last in "Amalek".] Click on images to enlarge them!
Incredibly, seven to ten things are mentioned in correct chronological order (particularly the first five) that tie this acrostic into Ex. 16-17 while also agreeing with the text in which it is found, and with the picture code,
The sign of manna (Ex. 16)
Israel moans (Ex. 17:1-4)
A rock moans (inferring that it had been stuck). (Ex. 17:5-7)
The nest (i.e., hand), implies the upraised hand (of the balance of justice) of Moses the law-giver, except here it is Jesus. Note that the Hebrew in Ex.17:11 switches from 'hand' singular to 'hands' plural in verse 12, the same as in the acrostic). (Ex. 17:8-11)
They lifted hands up (that is, Aaron and Hur). (Ex. 17:12)
In distress, (from word meaning to "wearily toil"). (Ex. 17:11-15)
To this list we can add these implied additions: "leaflet" (Ex. 17:14, and see next), the blotting out of the name of Amalek/Saddam (Ex. 17:14; the acrostic reads with or without the last letter, effectively "erasing" Amalek's [and Saddam's] name!), and the rod (Ex. 17:9) (of the "Emily" bible code that means, "wearisome toil"), which rod overlaps the acrostic and image when placed up 1260 + 1335 letters, (Dan. 12 and Rev. 12). (The 'rod of Emily' is discussed again later in this document.)
Or it can read: "And the sign is what?" they groaned and a rock;
when in the balance (lies) a leaflet about Amalek!
This last phrase would make no sense at all in any other context other than this picture code! But here it ties in yet another important theme of the Balance Bible Code, namely that Saddam Hussein, leader of ancient Babylon, is a type of Nebuchadnezzar (king of Babylon) who is being tried in court --- "weighed in the Balances of light" --- even as I write! (See the important and related Mene-Tekel Bible Code.) Nebuchadnezzar (Dan. 4) was named after his god Nebu and his son Belshazzar (Dan. 5) was named after Bel --- the two gods mentioned in verse one of the acrostic! Enlarge the two images at right and left which are about the 'leaf' of Saddam falling to the ground. The parallels are all the more striking when one realizes that the 12th leaf (at top) that falls to the ground ---that very letter (depicting a "leaf") is located within the same word that we just added to the acrostic to read "leaflet about Amalek! Emal(i) becomes Amalek when the letter Qoph is added on --- which, as said, is the first letter of the first word of the second verse of Isaiah 46.
And this first word in verse two means 'to collapse' or 'to stoop, a fitting word to describe a falling leaf that collapsed like a fallen star who fancies himself a god.
Moreover, just as the main acrostic is formed by removing the 13th letter (i.e., the Qoph in Amalek) from the acrostic so that only the letters in verse one are used, so the tree is symmetric only once the letter that is used to spell Saddam is removed. Saddam become dam (meaning blood) just as Amalek become amal (labor) without the letter Qoph.
The acrostic riddle that follows the verse is the best reading.
The other readings are variations.
"Bel boweth down, Nebo stoopeth; their idols are upon the beasts,
and upon the cattle: the things that ye carried about are made a load,
a burden to the weary beast," (Isaiah 46:1).Acrostic Riddle:
(This first and last letter acrostic is meant to be read
alongside the Hebrew text of 46:1 to be appreciated.)
"When Bel and Nebo went up in the balance,
the beast being overworked with them,
did they all groan and a rock/weight?
("When Bel was made to bow down?")
"A sign of what?"
"A sign of what?" the idols groaned and a rock,
when in the balance they went up, the beast being tired!"The first line of the acrostic rhymes in Hebrew: "'"A sign of what?" they roared and a Rock!" The word for "what" rhymes with "Rock" in Hebrew and calls attention to the fact that the Israelites were sustained with water from a rock, (Psalm 78:20,24) and with manna to eat. The Hebrew word manna comes from the word for "What?" because when the Israelites first saw the manna they asked, "What is it?" and from there it derived its name, (Ex. 16:5). Thus we have a play on words in that the question, "The sign is what?" can also become a statement: "The sign is the manna!" This rhyme and parallelism is the reason for the unusually sentence construction.
The emblems of the manna and a rock also agrees with the Balance Picture Bible Code in that the encoded image of the Lamp/Balance depicts the wilderness journey from the Red Sea to the Jordan-river crossing when during this time God sustained Israel. The emblems also agree with the surface text where the central part of the picture is encoded, (that is, the Balance/Lamp itself):
"Hearken unto me, O house of Jacob, and all the remnant of the house of Israel, that have been borne by me from their birth, that have been carried from the womb; and even to old age I am he, and even to hoar hairs will I carry you; I have made, and I will bear; yea, I will carry, and will deliver." (Isa 46:3-4)
Who is the Rock?
"A sign of what?" the idols groaned and a rock,
when in the balance they went up, the beast being tired!"
"Look! --- Be astonished! Be stunned! --- A nail, a Rock!
(For) when in the balance high then the Rock (too) is made tired."The Hurricane Emily/Rock Bible Code (and Deep Impact Bible Code) also are about Jesus Christ as symbolized by a Rock. In that document we show that Isaiah often referred to God as a Rock, and in the New Testament we are told that Jesus is the Manna from heaven and that He is the Rock "that followed them in the wilderness."
"For I would not, brethren, have you ignorant, that our fathers were all under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; and were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea; and did all eat the same spiritual food; and did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of a spiritual rock that followed them: and the rock was Christ," (1Cor. 10:1-4).
"And they thirsted not when he led them through the deserts; he caused the waters to flow out of the rock for them; he clave the rock also, and the waters gushed out." (Isa 48:21.) (See image at right: The Balance Bible Code draws an image of a rod smiting the two hands of the Balance, which is also a cross. The two hands represent the hands of Jesus upon the cross, struck by the rod so that the river flows out. Jesus was weighed in the Balances as our substitute. He is the Light of the Word and the Tree of Life.)
However, as said at the beginning of this document, the god Bel is also a (feeble) 'rock'. We touch on this subject some more a little later in this document.
"The Sign" of the Hurricanes
"The winds of (Hurricane) Epsilon completes the sign! The waves roar for when a Rock is in the nest they make high the wearied sea!" ("Winds of Epsilon" is more than implied since the Hebrew letter 'He', the equivalent of the Greek letter 'Epsilon', can mean 'wind'. "Nest" refers to lower 'handle' of tree/balance. "They make high" refers to the waves.)
(For the connection between this bible code and the hurricanes please see the contest with Bel/Baal. The purpose of the contest is to prove who controls the storm and predict the future by hiding it in literature!)
Hurricanes Emily and Epsilon:
Both hurricane Emily and Epsilon were the fifth named storms in their perspective lists of names and is why they both begin with the letter 'E'. The acrostic mentions the last hurricane of the record season by name, which in Hebrew is called by the letter 'He', but which in Greek is the letter 'Epsilon'. (The last five storms of the season were named after the Greek letters of the alphabet since NHC ran out of regular names.)
"Epsilon completes the sign!"
I am adding this box to the acrostic-article here because Epsilon did not complete the sign as I understood the acrostic to mean! Astonishingly and to everyone's surprise (including the weathermen), tropical storm Zeta formed Dec. 30 and lasted seven days setting new records!
So why the discrepancy? Epsilon was not the last storm as I thought the bible code predicated. However, as it turned out, my understanding of the code was wrong, but not the code itself.
As we shall see, the acrostic in fact did predict that Zeta would indeed come and that it would come as a surprise, and that it would come in place of the letter Vav. And all this came true as foretold in the code and more.
Going right to left the Isaiah 46:1 (last-letter-of-each-word) acrostic reads...
"And the letter is what? Is it more than a Vav?" (Read the other way: "A Vav is what? Is it the line that was drawn by Him?") Keep in mind that a Vav also means a "nail" or "hook" in Hebrew and a Zayin means a "dagger" (or some weapon). The Hebrew letter "He" (Greek "Epsilon") means a lattice or wind.
Or acrostic may read...
"Behold! (May read "He"/wind {Epsilon}) Be astonished! Is it more than a Vav?" (O Rock)!" (Read the other way: "A Vav is what? Is it the line that was drawn by Him?")
(See image below for further details on the acrostic and the interpretation of this riddle. You may skip over the following numerical facts to keep the continuity if you wish.)
Some Quick Numerical Facts
Zeta (Zayin in Hebrew, which replaced Vav) ended this record-season of storms about 11 pm, Jan. 6, 2006 (Jerusalem time), which was 1260 x 1000 days from the very day when Moses set up the tabernacle in 1445 BC [Abib 1]. (Pitching the tabernacle/tent meant hanging the curtains upon their "vavs" (hooks/nails). Also, a Zayin (Zeta) was once a dagger, and the picture-code draws a zayin at the altar, but it also draws it as an actual altar! Thus it is a temple sacrificial altar. (The ancient letter "Zayin" looked like our capital except more broad. In the code the two Zayins hang about the altar I!) This, therefore, is the connection between the Vav/Zayin {hook/sacrificial-dagger} and the temple/tabernacle.
Note what were the last two items set up on that day when the tabernacle was set up 1260000 days earlier: "And he set up the court round about the tabernacle and the altar, and hung up the curtain of the gate of the court. And so Moses finished the work," Exodus 40:33.) (The Balance Bible Code itself was discovered 1260 x 1000 days after the plagues on Egypt began, which is when the storms began as predicted by the Balance Bible Code. Also note the timing of the great Tsunami --- 1260 x 1000 days after the last plague upon Egypt! The temple/tabernacle is a type of Christ who hung upon the cross. (We hope to elaborate on this some other time. Jesus likened the temple/tabernacle to His body dying and rising again [John 2].)
Matt. 1:17, "All the generations, therefore, from Abraham to David were fourteen generations; and from David until the carrying away of Babylon, fourteen generations; and from the carrying away of Babylon unto the Christ, fourteen generations." (Note that the record season ended with 14 hurricanes and 14 tropical storms; 28 named storms altogether! Hmm!)
Jesus has been building a house/temple for His own people for 2000 years now, and I believe that the timing of this last storm is meant to remind us of this promise and that His coming is near!
John 14:1-4, "Let not your heart be troubled: believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I come again, and will receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. And whither I go, ye know the way."
(The below image of the tabernacle coverings is a bible code from about 3 years ago. But that is another study! Note its dimensions!)
See "Bird Flu will Fly!"
Back to Zeta and the Acrostic!
Interestingly, Zeta denotes the number seven in both the Greek and Hebrew language and Zeta (Zayin) replaced the Vav that would have been the number 'six'. (The Vav was next in line for named-storms in the Hebrew [and Greek] alphabet, but since the Greek equivalent is no longer spoken today therefore that letter was skipped over.) The image of Hurricane Epsilon also forms a Vav (lying flat) and then the number seven. Thus the acrostic riddle makes peculiar sense:
"A Vav is what? Is it the line that was drawn by Him?
And the letter is what? Is it more than a Vav?"That is, the line drawn by the winds of hurricane Epsilon (Hebrew, "He," meaning "wind") depicts "more than a Vav", it also represents the next letter and number that comes after Vav, that is the number seven ("Zayin"). And this is indeed what we see next in this rather unusual sign of the winds of Hurricane Epsilon (called, "He" in Hebrew, meaning "wind"). (See image at right. The red denotes the hurricanes winds. Note the red [hurricane winds] Vav and seven within the orange [tropical storm winds] Tav. This image was published a month before Zeta formed. Click on image to enlarge.)
Going right to left the Isaiah 46:1 (last-letter-of-each-word) acrostic reads...
"And the letter is what? Is it more than a Vav?" (Read the other way: "A Vav is what? Is it the line that was drawn by Him?") Keep in mind that a Vav also means a "nail" or "hook" in Hebrew and a Zayin means a "dagger" (or some weapon). The Hebrew letter "He" (Greek "Epsilon") means a lattice or wind.
Or acrostic may read...
"Behold! (May read "He"/wind {Epsilon}) Be astonished! Is it more than a Vav?" (O Rock)!" (Read the other way: "A Vav is what? Is it the line that was drawn by Him?")
Notice that every third letter skipped reads, "And the Tav". (I.e., the last letter of Hebrew alphabet corresponding to, "And the Omega".) Nine letters are spanned, or 3 x 3, a Triune number.
So then, the riddle within the acrostic is understood by the sign of Hurricane Epsilon (Hebrew 'He,' which means "wind"). It is "The Alpha and the Omega's" signature written by the wind ("He")! A Tav, shaped like a cross between a Tav and an Omega, which is the Atbash of an Alpha (Aleph), which is similar in shape to the Hebrew letter 'He' (Greek, Epsilon), and the Tav contains within it a horizontal vav that points to the numeral seven that is found within the Tav as produced by Epsilon's hurricane winds! Moreover, the acrostic begins and ends with a Hebrew letter ('Vav' and 'He'), with the letter 'He' symbolizing also the next letter in the Hebrew alphabet, that is, "Zayin" (Greek Zeta). And Zayin also denotes the number "seven" in Hebrew (and in Greek as Zeta). Also, the acrostic says, 'Is the letter formed by the line more than a Vav?', [that is, a Zayin]), which is very interesting since a Vav in Hebrew means a nail/hook (by which Jesus was hung on the cross), and a Zayin was a knife or sword (lance?) by which a perfect Passover sacrifice was slain! Thus, even the hieroglyphics of the two letters belong together in the context in which they are here being used!
This interpretation is deduced from the boundary markings of hurricane Epsilon. And this would be pure imagination if it were not for the fact that this entire interpretation is itself found in the acrostic at the time of Hurricane Epsilon, which was a few weeks before tropical storm Zeta --- a 'Z' being the last letter in the English alphabet! And Epsilon competes the sign of the hurricanes as found in the picture bible code form the text of our acrostic, for it was the 14th hurricane of the season (7 x 2). But tropical storm Zeta completes the signs of all the storms, being the 14th tropical storm of the season (the 28th named storm)!
(The following update is still in rough form!)
The acrostic also ties in with the other hurricane whereby its winds also produced an image, that is hurricane Emily--- and it was also the 5th storm in its list of named storms, (as was Hurricane Epsilon). It produced a rod shaped like a long vav that acts as marker that draws a line between the border of Mexico and the United States. The Emily code also draws a rod striking a rock, which is significant since the acrostic also refers to a rock, and also to the root word for the Hebrew spelling of Emily! This admittedly 'wild' interpretation was given to that hurricane back 5 months ago, and the key word in the acrostic, "Is-it-the-boundary-line-that-was-drawn-by-Him?" agrees with both hurricanes and is the perfect word to use in this strange sign since it is indeed a boundary line drawn by the wind ("he') that forms a rod (or vav) that touches at the Rio Grand but does not cross over, a type of Israel at the Jordan river in agreement with the Balance Bible Code which speaks about the calming of the river and of the sea. For the Hebrew word is only used several times in the book of Numbers where the boundaries of the promised land were marked out.
All this will seem strange to non-Jews. However, to a large segment of the Jewish population this is their language, and this is the way many of them mystically understand these Hebrew letters. Does not the zayin and the ayin come forth from the yod of the hand of the Balance of Justice, which is a tree of life and light? The way I just spoke is foreign to Gentiles, but to Hasidic Jews who study the Cabbala it is simple speech. For God is using the language and symbols of His people after the flesh to win them. For Yeshua is the Aleph and the Tav, the first and the last, the beginning and the ending! And he is all the letters in between. And by Him all things were created for He is the Word of God! And these letters are no mere impersonal force, but the Word of God is a person! He is the Son of God --- not born by natural birth, but as One who has always been in the bosom of the Father --- The Almighty. But He took upon Himself the form of man, and lived as a man, and died as a man, and rose again by the power of God, having made atonement for sins. He is the New Creation of God. He is the Promised Messiah. And God is using your speech, the Cabbala, to prove to you that He is the Messiah even though the Cabbala up until this day has been used by Satan to lead you astray, pointing to mystic powers to save you rather than Messiah. But that power is not of Him. It is of Baal! But God has defeated Baal. He has plundered him and God now speaks to you in the language of Babylon so that you might believe. For you have left the path and have become as a Babylonian in His sight. Therefore He speaks to you in the foreign tongue which has become your own. Yes, you speak Hebrew --- but your understanding of language is Babylonian. And so He speaks your language so that you may believe that He is who He is. And then He will come! And He will wrap up this age. And He will make all things new. And the Babylonian language will never again be on your lips. For with an uncircumcised lip God speaks to you to the end that you might be circumcised in heart, and not just flesh.
I am a messenger. I do not like speaking Babylonian. I speak neither Hebrew or Babylonian, though by God I speak both. I am not a Jew. I do not want to speak to you because I look silly to us Gentiles. They think I am a mystical fool. But I am a fool for His sake and yours, for He is calling you in the garb of Jew wearing a Babylonian garment. For you are not clothed as Jews. You speak Hebrew but wear Babylonian clothes. (I speak figuratively.) Even if you remove the garment, with what will you cloth yourself? All has become a foreign land to you and even in Israel you remain in exile. You are yet slaves for your sins have not been removed. Messiah alone can wash away yours sins and clothe you and bring you out of Egypt into His heavenly kingdom. It is not so much a place for your feet to stand, but a place for your heart to rest --- like Noah in the Ark. For Yeshua (Jesus) is that Ark. By faith you enter into the Promised land when you believe and acknowledge that He is your Lord and Savior --- the One spoken of in the Law and the Prophets.
I have become a fool to my own people and to the Jew! I think I would rather walk naked 3 years like Isaiah as a sign, then to be seeing signs in clouds! That, to me, is completely ridiculous! But there it is!
The Jew disowns me because I preach Yeshua. They mock me because my Hebrew is imperfect. My brethren mock me because I am sent to the Jew and they do not understand the Jew and think me a fool. Woe is me! A man without a country and a home! Misunderstood by both sides! If it were not for God I would have run. But He watches over ever line and word and letter to do them. Woe am I if I run! Woe am I if I stay! And so I bear the reproach of Messiah, for really it is He that has humbled Himself to speak to you in your mother tongue! For Yeshua is a Jew. Was it not enough for Him to speak Hebrew that He must speak Aramaic also? ---the language and thought forms of Babylon! But Satan has counterfeited the true. For language is God's invention, not his. And pictures and language are both communication tools --they are both languages. And the bible uses images and language to communicate. And those images and words are encoded within the bible itself. And they correct the errors of the Babylonian tongue, having been corrupted by Satan by the hardness of men's hearts. And I long for the day when He removes the tongue of Babylon from the earth, and it is not longer remembered forever. For though God humbles Himself to speak it, He Himself is not in it, and in the end it will disappear like the morning mist. Hasten the day O God! For it is a language never meant for mortal man to speak. Have your way, then, O God. To the Jew, then, I will speak! For your love is deeper than man's thoughts, and the hand of love reaches into the lowest pit to save. A pit of fiery flying vipers. For your rod swallows up the rods of the Babylonians. For their works are works of illusion, but You created the heavens and the earth, and they are sustained by the Word of Your power. Yeshua is the Word of Your power! Heaven and earth will pass away, but your word will never pass away! Not one yod or vav will pass away until all is fulfilled. He is the stone that the builders rejected. Once again the word of the prophets comes to pass:
(If you prefer, you can read the following passage in the ASV found after it instead.)
Isa 28:9 (GNB) They complain about me. They say, "Who does that man think he's teaching? Who needs his message? It's only good for babies that have just stopped nursing!
Isa 28:10 He is trying to teach us letter by letter, line by line, lesson by lesson."
Isa 28:11 If you won't listen to me, then God will use foreigners speaking some strange-sounding language to teach you a lesson.
Isa 28:12 He offered rest and comfort to all of you, but you refused to listen to him.
Isa 28:13 That is why the LORD is going to teach you letter by letter, line by line, lesson by lesson. Then you will stumble with every step you take. You will be wounded, trapped, and taken prisoner.
Isa 28:14 Now you arrogant leaders who rule here in Jerusalem over this people, listen to what the LORD is saying.
Isa 28:15 You boast that you have made a treaty with death and reached an agreement with the world of the dead. You are certain that disaster will spare you when it comes, because you depend on lies and deceit to keep you safe.
Isa 28:16 This, now, is what the Sovereign LORD says: "I am placing in Zion a foundation that is firm and strong. In it I am putting a solid cornerstone on which are written the words, 'Faith that is firm is also patient.'
Isa 28:17 Justice will be the measuring line for the foundation, and honesty will be its plumb line." Hailstorms will sweep away all the lies you depend on, and floods will destroy your security.
Isa 28:18 The treaty you have made with death will be abolished, and your agreement with the world of the dead will be canceled. When disaster sweeps down, you will be overcome.
Isa 28:19 It will strike you again and again, morning after morning. You will have to bear it day and night. Each new message from God will bring new terror!
Isa 28:20 You will be like the person in the proverb, who tries to sleep in a bed too short to stretch out on, with a blanket too narrow to wrap himself in.
Isa 28:21 The LORD will fight as he did at Mount Perazim and in the valley of Gibeon, in order to do what he intends to do---strange as his actions may seem. He will complete his work, his mysterious work.
Isa 28:22 Don't laugh at the warning I am giving you! If you do, it will be even harder for you to escape. I have heard the LORD Almighty's decision to destroy the whole country.
Isa 28:9 (ASV) Whom will he teach knowledge? and whom will he make to understand the message? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts?
Isa 28:10 For it is precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, there a little.
Isa 28:11 Nay, but by men of strange lips and with another tongue will he speak to this people;
Isa 28:12 to whom he said, This is the rest, give ye rest to him that is weary; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear.
Isa 28:13 Therefore shall the word of Jehovah be unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, there a little; that they may go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken.
Isa 28:14 Wherefore hear the word of Jehovah, ye scoffers, that rule this people that is in Jerusalem:
Isa 28:15 Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with Sheol are we at agreement; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us; for we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:
Isa 28:16 therefore thus saith the Lord Jehovah, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner -stone of sure foundation: he that believeth shall not be in haste.
Isa 28:17 And I will make justice the line, and righteousness the plummet; and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding-place.
Isa 28:18 And your covenant with death shall be annulled, and your agreement with Sheol shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it.
Isa 28:19 As often as it passeth though, it shall take you; for morning by morning shall it pass through, by day and by night: and it shall be nought but terror to understand the message.
Isa 28:20 For the bed is shorter than that a man can stretch himself on it; and the covering narrower than that he can wrap himself in it.
Isa 28:21 For Jehovah will rise up as in mount Perazim, he will be wroth as in the valley of Gibeon; that he may do his work, his strange work, and bring to pass his act, his strange act.
Isa 28:22 Now therefore be ye not scoffers, lest your bonds be made strong; for a decree of destruction have I heard from the Lord, Jehovah of hosts, upon the whole earth.
Also see, Storm Zeta
"Epsilon completes the sign!" (See above update!)
The acrostic predicts that 'He' would be the last hurricane in the series and thereby complete the "sign" of the storms, which sign began when the Balance Bible Code was first discovered. ("The sign" also refers to the bible code itself, which predicted the storms and when they would occur.)
In the Hurricane Emily/Rock document we show that the name Emily in the code is related to the Hebrew word for "labor" or "wearisome toil." Importantly, this is the same Hebrew word that lies in parallel with the word "Rock" in the acrostic. In the Emily code, Christ the "Rock" is its major theme and forms an image of a scepter next to a storm cloud. It simply reads "Rock" three times and says, "My Rock will cloud over Him!" "They cried out, "Emily!"'" When Moses struck the rock with his rod waters gushed out like a river, (Ex. 17). Similarly, the rod of hurricane Emily brought forth floods of water too. (See the diagram several images down. Importantly, the Emily Bible Code and the acrostic are 1260 + 1335 letters apart. See Dan. 12 and Rev. 12 for the significance of these numbers.)
Moreover, the acrostic is arranged so that the first and last words (of the seven words) in the acrostic refer directly or allude to Hurricanes Epsilon and Emily.
Also, both Emily and Epsilon left their marks in the ocean by forming the outline of a 'scepter' and the Hebrew letter Tav (Greek, Omega) respectively. The word for "sign" in the acrostic can also mean a mark, so that when the acrostic reads, "Epsilon completes the sign" it means both that hurricane Epsilon "completes" the sign of the hurricanes since it was the last of them, but it also means that Epsilon left its "mark" (of a Tav in the ocean)! (Hurricane Epsilon was the last storm of the record-shattering season of 2005.) Moreover, the Hebrew letter "Tav" (Omega) also can mean a mark or signature. Thus, God competed the signs of the record hurricanes with His signature!
"...The waves roar for when a Rock is in the nest they make high the wearied sea!"
This enigmatic phrase is made plain if one looks at the picture bible code. The river is now seen as a huge wave against the side of a mountain. The acrostic is located at the top four or five lines of this wave. (The full acrostic ends on the letter 'vav' ["and"] in the last Hebrew word in the river part of the code where it reads: "Be still! [Bow low!] Be calm before me! I am Jesus! Be still [Bow low!] (O Sea) and then you will shine/flow as a river!") (Remarkably, the 'river' itself begins at the phrase "weighed in the balances" as found in the actual surface text in verse six! It begins at the word shekel, which in Hebrew means "to weigh". The river is read upwards.)
Thus, the acrostic is perfectly located at the crest of the wave with the sea "wearied" with trying to break past the mountain. When the heavy Rock Christ is in the balance for us, it causes the whole line/river that flows along the arm of the balance to likewise rise up (being attached as one line) thereby symbolizing commotion and distress like the restless waves of the ocean. But Jesus calms the sea by making level the balance (made unequal by broken commandments), having redeemed us by His blood on the tree.
"Thus saith Jehovah, thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: ...Oh that thou hadst hearkened to my commandments! then had thy peace been as a river, and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea," (Isa. 48:17a,18).
Thus, Jesus took the lashing blows of the sea for us when He died on the cross, bearing our punishment, weighed in the balance and heavy with none His equal, and so the floods rose, but He carries us gently in the upper nest ('hand' of the balance) while he lay heavy in the lower one. And He is the lighthouse in the storm! (In the image at right, the light blue at top are the letters of Isaiah 46:1, which is where the acrostic is located.)
"But the wicked are like the troubled sea; for it cannot rest, and its waters cast up mire and dirt. There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked," (Isa. 57:20-21).
The ambiguity of the acrostic:
The acrostic is intentionally ambiguous at times as to who is the subject. The acrostic is arranged so that it both interprets the surface text of Isaiah 46:1(-6) in which it is found, but also refers to Christ and His sufferings and work of redemption. Like the swirling of a wheel or of a hurricane, the acrostic is meant to roar out its message by reading around in circles, each time changing the subject of the acrostic.
For example, the acrostic refers to "one being wearied" (by toil). Who is this referring too? The four words that the acrostic are taken from are the four last words of the 12 words of the verse which reads: "...the ones being carried by you are burdensome, a burden for the weary (beast)." The word 'beast' is implied in both verse one (of Isa. 46) and in the acrostic as well. Therefore, the acrostic can read: ""...the wearied (beast)."
The entire river forms an Atbash code as well, and it mockingly identifies this beast as a stooped-over ape! (See the Atbash code. Note that the first Hebrew letter of verse two is a Qoph!) However, the acrostic has the word Rock in parallel with being wearied, so that the Rock is being wearied as well as the beast. As said earlier, the rock can refer to both Christ or Bel.
Remember that the acrostic is meant to be interpreted with the image of the Balance Bible Code before you! There we see Christ the Rock struck for us, the heavy weight upon the lower scales against us light-weights on the upper scales. For we all fall short ("miss the mark") of the weight of the glory of God, (Romans 3:23). Only One measures up, and that One is the Son of God!
And so the acrostic word, "being-wearied-by-toil" refers to Christ the Rock or it can refer to the counterfeit of Christ --- that is, "the beast", who is "Bel" and "his image/idol," (Isa. 46:1, cf., Rev. 13). Christ is contrasted with Bel in both Isaiah 46:1-6 and in the acrostic. Bel is an empty dirty useless so-called 'rock'! The contrasting of Bel with Christ is the message of the Deep Impact Bible Code. (See above and below images. Click on below images for other diagrams concerning the Deep Impact Bible Code and the Emily/Rock Bible Code as it interacts with the Balance Bible Code and this acrostic.)
All bible codes without exception are about Christ and only about other things incidentally. As always, Jesus is the center of every code. There are no exceptions. Thus, the acrostic is not about hurricanes or about the god Bel, but it is about Christ, and only these other things in passing. God speaks this way because Jesus is the only hope of salvation to a dying world, and other things are simply signs that points to Him. The problem, however, is that people get taken up with the sign and forget about Him who is the purpose of the sign, (John 6). Friend, if you walk away without bowing the knee to Jesus then you have missed the mark and intention of the codes.
Further notes concerning
the below diagram of the acrostic:
The acrostic riddle that follows the verse is the best reading.
The other readings are variations.
"Bel boweth down, Nebo stoopeth; their idols are upon the beasts,
and upon the cattle: the things that ye carried about are made a load,
a burden to the weary beast," (Isaiah 46:1).Acrostic Riddle:
(This first and last letter acrostic is meant to be read
alongside the Hebrew text of 46:1 to be appreciated.)
"When Bel and Nebo went up in the balance,
the beast being overworked with them,
did they all groan and a rock/weight?
("When Bel was made to bow down?")(Please see note in earlier table.)
The blue circles represent the first letter of each Hebrew word in Isa. 46:1 and the purple squares are the last letter of each word.
The red Hebrew letters that are spaced apart 12 letters from each other read, "You will stream," or, "You will shine," and is the last phrase in the 21-letters that form the 'river' in the Balance Bible Code. (The river begins at verse six and reads backward.) Remarkably, the 'river' itself begins at the phrase "weighed in the balances" as found in the actual surface text in verse six! It begins at the word shekel, which in Hebrew means "to weigh". This remarkable acrostic summarizes both the picture code of the balance and also the sign of the hurricanes that accompanied this bible code which finished and complete with Hurricane Epsilon, (the equivalent of the Hebrew letter "He").
Isaiah 46:1 contains 12 Hebrew words so that the acrostic is 12 + 12 letters long. This is in agreement with the 12-letter skips that forms the river. Thus the acrostic reads using the beginning and end of each word and the first and last letter of the whole verse. This implies that the One that encoded this acrostic is the "Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End," (Isa. 44:6; Rev. 22:13). Moreover, the acrostic is circular thus depicting eternity, yet it also calls to mind the circular shape of a hurricane since this is part of its message. Therefore, in a sense even this acrostic is pictorial!
The fact that this is an acrostic using the same principles as in Jacob's Bible Prophecy Acrostic underscores the fact that these two bible codes are related. The Lord showed me the Balance Bible Code and the Lion-of-Judah (Jacob's acrostic) Bible Code about three months apart. Their message is also similar. Compare the Lion-of-Judah Picture Code with the Balance Bible Code acrostic:
Like the Genesis 49 massive acrostic, our Isaiah 46:1 acrostic also forms a sub-acrostics from the words formed from the acrostic itself. It reads: "Now they will make Him groan/roar!"
Also see, Baal-ape Atbash Code and 'Merry Bel-mas' Bible Code!
Isaiah 46:1-6
The text where the Balance Bible Code is found.Isaiah 46:1 Bel boweth down, Nebo stoopeth; their idols are upon the beasts, and upon the cattle: the things that ye carried about are made a load, a burden to the weary beast.
Isa 46:2 They stoop, they bow down together; they could not deliver the burden, but themselves are gone into captivity.
Isa 46:3 Hearken unto me, O house of Jacob, and all the remnant of the house of Israel, that have been borne by me from their birth, that have been carried from the womb;
Isa 46:4 and even to old age I am he, and even to hoar hairs will I carry you; I have made, and I will bear; yea, I will carry, and will deliver.
Isa 46:5 To whom will ye like me, and make me equal, and compare me, that we may be like?
Isa 46:6 Such as lavish gold out of the bag, and weigh silver in the balance, they hire a goldsmith, and he maketh it a god; they fall down, yea, they worship.
This bible code has been greatly expanded to form a Cherub etc.,
please also go to "The Cherub/Baal Bible Code" for the full code.
For more see,
"How the Gods of Babylon
are Weighed in the
(Encoded within Isaiah.)
My thoughts on Hurricane Katrina
Also see,
What does Hurricane Wilma
have to do with the trial of
Saddam Hussein?
(Update on the Mene Tekel Bible
(Posted on forum)
Hurricanes Alpha & Beta Bible Code