Bible Code Predictions/Pictograms

How the Mystery
of the Bible Codes was Solved
(Part three of three parts)
And, "The Creation Bible Code"
The completed and updated
version of this code is here.
Even if we say that either of these three languages (i.e.,
the numbers, the pictures, and bible-code sentences) are only half as good
at conveying a message as would a 'normal' written text, and we were to give
a 'normal' well written text a value of say '10', then 'half that good' would
therefore have a
value of just '5'. But here we have three languages, (the numbers, the pictures,
and the bible-code sentences), each at a value of only about '5' in their
ability to convey a clear message. However, when combined they total, not 15 (5
+ 5 + 5 =
but 125 (5 x 5 x 5 = 125). Picture bible codes have 12.5 times the clarity of a
'normal' Hebrew text with the highest clarity value of '10'.
Because three completely unrelated languages, that combine to give the same message,
do not mean three times the clarity, but exponentially
increased clarity and accuracy. Take the law of Moses as an example:
"At the mouth of two witnesses, or three witnesses, shall he that is to die be put to death; at the mouth of one witness he shall not be put to
death," (Deut. 17:6).
In the case of picture bible codes, instead of there being just one expert eyewitness to the scene of the crime,
we now have three separate, yet ordinary eyewitness. Each one of
these three have the same story to tell, but from different
perspectives. In a court of law, the three ordinary eyewitnesses would be far
superior to the one expert eyewitness since the one expert eyewitness may be
Acrostics as Word Dividers: (We will explain the two pictures of "Let there be light,"
and of the lightning later. Both pictures begin at the very first letter
of the bible, with the separation of the heavens from the earth as intrinsic to
the code, etc.)
Go here for
the completed and updated version of
this code.
 Moreover, the bible codes frequently use acrostics as word
dividers! (In the case of
English, the empty space between each word is our word-divider. Other languages,
instead, may insert a dot between every word to separate word from word.)
Hebrew was originally written without word-dividers. Likewise, when searching
for bible codes, the bible-codes researcher (or computer program) removes all
spaces between words, and then searches for codes. However, I have found that
the bible codes often uses something far more complex than mere empty spaces or
dots as word-dividers. The first letter of each successive word forms an
acrostic that spells out something about what the bible code is already saying!
This method is often employed where ambiguity is especially present, (that is,
the bible code can read several ways), or for the sake of emphasis. For example, take the phrase: "Jesusurgedsometoaskseekknock." How do you
read it? Now take the first letter of each word: "Jesus-urged-some-to-ask-seek-knock."
This forms the acrostic: "Just ask!"
In the same way, for
instance, the picture bible code of "lightning" that starts from the very first letter of the bible that
gives the 7000-year plan of salvation, forms a word-by-word acrostic that reads: "1Come! 2Come! 3Come! 4Come!
5Abel 6came 7with Him!" The underlying bible code is
formed by starting from the very first letter of the bible at an ELS of 1
through 7, read consecutively. The bible code contains the basic message of salvation
from eternity past to eternity future. The above acrostic that is formed by it
uses the language of the book of Revelation, and what is said when each of the seven
successive seals of the secret scroll are opened. Here is an overview of
this bible code. It represents just one-fifth of this whole code.
The 7000-year Plan of Salvation
This bible code starts from the very first
letter of the bible.
(ELS 1) "I
ONE—A JACKAL (i.e., figurative of the devil,
Revelation 12:9, Isaiah 34:14, 15 in LXX). (4) AGAINST ME A JACKAL GROWLED! (Ps. 22:12-16) (5) A DAUGHTER IS FOR THE FLAWLESS ONE! (Ps. 45:10, 11 Revelation 19:7-16) (6) AT THE JUDGMENT SEAT—ALAS! (2Cor. 5:10,
Revelation 19:11) (7) THEY CREATED, AND SHE
Genesis 2:18, Eph. 5:30-32, Revelation 21:1-5.)
--- Each letter skip represents a
thousand years of time, and accounts for the jumpiness of some of
the lines---It is jumping ahead to the next major event in Gods'
7000-year plan of the ages!
--- Or, "He created him (i.e.,
Adam), and she (i.e., Eve) was made suitable to the flawless one"
(Adam). In this rendering, we then have Adam and Eve as a type of
Jesus and His bride, the church. Ephesians 5:31-32 says the same:
"For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the
The acrostics read:
(1) "Come!"
(2) "Come!"
(3) "Come!"
(4) "Come!"
(5) "Abel (6) came (7)
with Him!"
--- ELS 7 may also read: "THEY
FLAWLESS ONE!" ("Flawless One" is masculine.)
"You" (sg.) may refer to the nation of Israel collectively.
--- The
acrostics of ELS 4 and 7 borrows from its subsequent ELS.
--- When the first four seals of
the book of Revelation are opened, the word "come" is strangely
uttered each time.
--- "Abel" was the first martyr
4:8, Matt. 23:35, Revelation 6:9), and when the 5th seal is opened the martyrs
are seen; after the seventh seal is completed, Jesus returns to
earth along with His saints to reign.
The completed and updated
version of this code is here.
is the purpose of bible code pictograms?
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