9/11-Bible- Code Prophecy
Parallels Between the Two Witnesses of
Revelation 11,
and the Twin Towers that Fell
Flash Visual Explanation
of the Mene-Tekel Code
(Part one of two parts)
God commands that everything should be
confirmed by at least two or three witnesses. The two towers are 'two
witnesses' of what God is about to do on the earth. |
Key thoughts:
- 10 distinct thematic similarities
- 5 distinct numeric
similarities, the most important of which are...
- 3500 years exactly from the Age of Law to the Tower disaster
- 2000 years exactly from the Age of Grace to the Tower disaster
- 1260 x 2 years exactly from the prophecy of Zechariah, which is
the textual basis
for the "Two Witnesses" passage.
The "Two Witnesses" passage
also signals the ushering in
of a New Age in that it marks the last trumpet, Revelation
11:15. However, the Twin Towers are only a token of this
coming event and are not the decisive fulfillment. They
are merely a sign of what is to come.
The purpose of the article is not to entertain, but to challenge you to think
about God---both His goodness and severity. For ultimately, God let this evil
happen. Let us not rob God of the good that can come out of it by failing to turn to
the Almighty who longs to restore America.
The first question that should rightfully be asked is:
'What do these two towers have to do with the with the two witnesses
(prophets) of the book of Revelation other than the fact that there are 'two' of
-- Ans. New
York is understood by many students of prophecy to be a type (or the actual
fulfillment of) economic
'Babylon,' as spoken of in the book of Revelation. (Read Revelation 17 for the
parallels.) This document proposes that the tragic collapse of the two
towers was a warning sign
to the world, and that this tragedy was in accordance with the similitude of the
'two witnesses' of the book of Revelation. In the bible, God says that
everything should be confirmed by at least two or three witnesses. The two
towers are thus two witnesses as to what God has determined to do on the earth.
Ponder this scripture about Babylon:
"Here is the mind that hath wisdom. The seven heads are
seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth:
and they are seven kings..." (Revelation17:9-10a).
In this verse we have seven heads representing seven mountains
and seven
kings. Now, what do mountains and kings have to do with
one another?
---Ans. Both are usually held in awe, but that is about it!
And what do the two tallest buildings in Babylon (New York)
have to do with the two prophets (witnesses)?
---Ans. The same as what
seven high mountains have to do with seven kings. Both are held in high
esteem. Both are looked up to; the one literally, the other figuratively.
In other words, the paralleling of the dramatic events of the two witnesses
(Revelation 11) with the dramatic collapse
of the two towers are in keeping with the symbolic style of the book of
Revelation. It is not foreign to it. The fall of the Twin Towers was a dramatic sign seen before the eyes
of the whole world. These two mountains (i.e.,
"Twin Towers") are "two witnesses" that prophesy by way of
sign what God is about to do on the earth." Let him that has
ears to hear, hear!" (Revelation 13:9).
Jews celebrate three great feasts a year:
Passover, Pentecost (i.e., wheat harvest), and Tabernacles. Pentecost was also
when the law was given to Moses (1446 BC), and when the Church age was born
(AD 30). These two epoch events will be tied into the twin tower tragedies,
which was a sign of a New Age upon
Calculations use the prophetic year of 360 days
Very first Pentecost,
when law
given to Moses, (Ex. 19-20) 1446 BC |
Outpouring of Spirit at
Pentecost Sunday, AD 30, at 9 a.m. (Acts 1-2) |
The 'Two witnesses'
of Revelation 11 are still future!
However, the Two Towers are a foreshadowing,
Sept. 11th (dying) and 23rd (rising) |
Similarities of Events
(The more important numbers
follow) |
"The Age of
Law" begins. |
"Church age" is given
"The Age of Grace" begins. |
"New Age" begins (or is in view),
(Revelation 11:15). Twin Towers: A sign of a New Age is in
view. |
Mount Sinai = "Jerusalem
below," (Gal. 4:21-31, cf., Revelation 12). |
Spirit poured out in Jerusalem. |
Two witnesses die in "Sodom
and Egypt" = Jerusalem, (Revelation 11:8).
New York---symbolically,
"economic Babylon." |
Moses' greatest sign---God
speaks to him from burning Mount in the ears of all Israel. |
Disciples receive power to perform
signs and wonders. |
Two witnesses perform fearful signs
after the pattern of Moses and Elijah.
Attacks on Sept. 11, esp. the Twin
Towers, were a fearful sign to whoever has ears to hear. |
Emphasis on height: After
7 days at the Mount, Moses is told to "Come up here" into a
cloud up the mountain top, (Ex. 19:20-24). |
Christ rises up into
heaven (evening), and is hid by a cloud; then 7½ days later the Spirit
falls on them in "the upper room," on Pentecost
morning, (Acts 1:3). |
A voice calls to the Two
Witnesses to "Come up here" into a cloud up into heaven.
The two towers
symbolized height and greatness. They were like the tower
of Babel of old where the tongues of men were confused, an event totally
opposite to what happened at Pentecost of 1446 BC and AD 30 when clarity
of law, and articulation of speech were given. |
All shook with fear at
Mount Sinai, (Heb. 12:21). |
Fear fell upon all in Jerusalem
as the message of the 12 Apostles spread in great power, (Acts 2:34). |
Enemies at first rejoice,
but then fear, as two witnesses die, but then rise again.
The enemies of the USA and Israel rejoiced
at the destruction of the two towers, but then feared when all flags
were raised---a token of American resolve and enemy defeat. |
Men give glory to God! |
Men give glory to God! |
Inhabitants of city give glory
to God, Revelation 11:13.
Men give glory to God! (I.e., American
church attendance went way up.) |
All Israel gaze at
Moses and the Mountain. |
All Israel gaze
(wonder) at the apostles, and their miracles. |
All the world gaze
at the two witnesses as they lie dead, then rise.
All the world gazed at
the two towers as they fell, and as the flags were raised 12 days later, signaling
the official end of mourning. |
"Fire and smoke"
on mount Sinai. |
"Mighty rushing wind,"
"tongues of fire." |
"Fire from their
mouth," but later are killed.
"A breath (wind) enters the Two
Witnesses" (Revelation 11:11), raising them to life after lying dead
3.5 days.
The Two Towers are a
Sept., 11th (dying) and 23rd (flag-raising). There was
wind, fire, and smoke; (hurricane-force winds occur when large buildings
fall.) |
Mountain shakes. |
House shakes where they
were gathered on Pentecost. |
City shakes and falls,
(Revelation 11:13).
The ground shakes at Twin
Towers as recorded on seismographs. |
Temple patterns given to
Moses on Mount Sinai. |
Spirit poured out in upper room
(of temple?). |
The two witnesses measure and
number the temple.
Thousands of people measured/numbered
the Twin Towers looking for numerical meaning into the whole incident,
while the government numbered the dead, (Revelation 11:1, 13). |
Numerical Similarities and
Patterns |
3000 perish (Ex. 32:28) |
3000 saved (Acts 2:41) |
7000 perish in City
(Revelation 11:13).
3000 perish in Sept. 11 calamity. |
**key calculation**
Similar to the numeric schema of the two witnesses, there
are 1260000 days (i.e., 3500 years) less 1/1000th (= 1260 days, or 3.5
years) from this first Pentecost in 1446 BC (literal, not 360
cal.), until the flag-raising exactly. |
**key calculation**
There are 720001 days (2000 years and a
day) from Pentecost, AD 30, till the Twin Towers disaster. The hour was
the same also---9 a.m.
[Note: Modern Jews recognize a "second
Pentecost" a day after the first. Thus, from Monday, Sivan 7th, AD
30, are exactly 720000 days.] |
For 1260 days (3.5 years) the two
witnesses prophecy, and then there is another 3.5 days of "lying
slain," (i.e., + 1/360 days more).
Six days passed from Sept. 11
till the Jewish New Year, and another 6 days until the flag raising---12
days, (cf., Revelation 12:1), which is 1/60,000th of 720,000 days. (Six
is the number of man, and Tishri 6th---when the flag was raised---was the anniversary
of when man was created! |
"Age of law" (1446 BC)
lasted 1500 years less 1260 days, until "Age of Grace," (AD 30). |
"Age of Grace" was 2000
years old (plus a day) when the Twin Towers fell. |
Tribulation period will last 1260
x 2 days (or, 3.5 + 3.5 = 7 years, etc.).
Twin Tower sign does not mean that we are now in,
nor shall imminently be in this tribulation period. It is simply one of
many signs of His coming! |
1500 = "a time and half
time" = "1" (x 1000) + "half" (x 1000). |
2000 years = "times" =
"2" (X 1000). |
"And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for
a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent." |
= " a time, and times, and half a time,"
in another arrangement, and on a 1/1000 ratio, (2Pet.3:8). |
Israel enters wilderness 40
years. The event has the same symbolism as 3.5 years (1260
days) of the "women" entering the wilderness in Revelation 12. |
Spirit poured out after the 3.5
years (1260 days) of Jesus' ministry. Jesus commenced His ministry
by going into the wilderness 40 days. |
**key calculation**
The "Two Witnesses" = the "two olive
trees" (Revelation 11:4), and is clearly based upon the prophecy of Zechariah
(Zechariah 4), which prophecy was given 1260 x 2
years ago! (Zechariah 1:1, 2:1), and note the 1260 x 2
of Revelation 11:2-3. (See further note.)
The temple, which begins with measuring,
(read Zechariah and Hag.), also took 3.5 years to complete! |
Notes |
See also 490 x 7, 430
x 8, and 1150 x 3 from the events of c. 1446 BC. These are familiar
numbers to students of bible
numerics. |
The symbolic birth spoken of in
Revelation 12 speaks not just of Pentecost 1446 BC and AD 30, but of Christ's
birth some 2000 full years ago!---and of the creation
of Adam on Tishri 6th. |
Besides the ratio of a day to a
year in Revelation 11, (i.e., 1/360) there is also the 1/10th ratio wherein the
city falls, (Revelation 11:13). |
In conclusion, God has given us a
fearful sign that the end of the age is upon us. But we should not speculate
as to exact years and days. We should, however, make certain that we are ready
for this new age by surrendering to the Lord Jesus Christ, calling on His name
for the forgiveness of sins. He is the King of this grand New Age!
"And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying,
The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and
ever," (Revelation 11:15).
As a sign of triumph over death, exactly six months after
the Twin Towers fell, ("a time, times, and half-a-time"),
two bright shining beams were shone into the heavens for 33 days
to symbolically replace the Twin Towers. This is very similar to the sign of
the two witnesses who rise from the dead ascending upward into the heavens before the eyes of
all, Revelation 11:11-12. Moreover, the two witnesses of Revelation 11:4 are also called
"the two lamp stands," (i.e., 'the two beams of light.')
after this article was
written, 1260
days after 9/11, God
allowed two great
earthquakes to occur
to further bring out
the Two-Witnesses
pattern. See
those articles as
well! See
also Yasser
Arafat, who died
1150 days after Twin
Towers fell.)
continue to part 'two' of
two parts.)
1260 x 2 years to
the day from the two dates given by the prophet Haggai, unto when the Towers fell and Afghanistan was bombed.

Three Prophetic Signs
on anniversary of Trade Center Disaster
Also see Saddam's two sons as the mirrored opposites
of "the two witnesses" of Revelation 11. (See below.)

"BAGHDAD, Iraq --
Graphic videotape images of two bullet-riddled
bodies the U.S. military says are the sons of Saddam Hussein have been
beamed around the world in an effort to dispel doubts that the brothers are
The U.S. military took the unusual step of allowing
reporters to view and videotape the bodies Friday at close range and in
extensive detail after acknowledging that still photos released Thursday may
not have been enough proof for many Iraqis."
The above is quoted from CNN. The said "Friday" that they put
the images out was therefore 3½-days after their deaths, on or about about
noon Tuesday. Hence, the world gazed at their bodies for the same length of
time that the world will gaze at the bodies of the (righteous) two witnesses
of the book of Revelation. (Note: whether the two witnesses
of the book of Revelation are to be understood as two literal
individuals remains to be seen. Perhaps they are just symbolic representations
of any two things that testify about Jesus.)
There are a number of similarities
between the two witnesses of Revelation 11, and the two sons of Saddam, (as
opposites, that is):
Both brought terror to the world (or at
least to Babylon [Iraq]), (Revelation 11:10).
Both die,
(Revelation 11:7).
The dead bodies of both sets are gazed
at by the whole world for 3½-days (Revelation 11:9). As far as
I know, this has never happened before since the creation of man!
Both have their enemies gloat over their
death by sending one another presents; (that is, in Iraq), (Revelation11:10).
Also, the mene-tekel code first came 1260
and 3½-days before their death. The first words deciphered was,
"the one putting him to death," (Revelation 11:11).
Also note the connection to the twin
towers, (also "two witnesses"). President Bush set out to war
with Iraq the day after the anniversary
of the twin towers that fell.
of the
time, even
days when
flash visual introduction to
this Bible Code
and the
God hath numbered thy kingdom...,(flash)
thou art weighed in the balances...,
thy kingdom is divided.
Lamp," and the great blackout of
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