Bible Code Prophecy
Indonesian Earthquake of
March 28,
(Its connection to the Iran quake and
the great tsunami)
Part three of three parts
(-2-) (-3-)
(Click here for the full
article on the timing of the first and second tsunami quakes in Indonesia.
This article only concentrates on how the second quake in Indonesia relates
to the Twin Towers are part of that on-going sign.)
document on symbolism
of Iran earthquake.)
The purpose of this study is to show that
great earthquakes,
no matter how numerous, are not random, but are on God's
God is in control!
The timing of the quakes, (Christmas and
It should also be noted that just as the first quake happened
on the day
after Christmas (the traditional date of Christ's birth), even so the
second quake was the day after Easter (the traditional anniversary of
Christ's resurrection.) Also, 40 days after the resurrection, Jesus
like Moses, into heaven hidden by a cloud. Again we have the tie-in of the
birth ("Christmas") and ascension
("Easter + 40 days")
of Jesus as found in the Revelation 12 narrative.
The prophecy from Revelation 11 pattern is also being
Both Revelation 11 and Revelation 12 mention 1260 days (or 3.5
years). However, at the end of the 1260 days the "Two
Witnesses" ("Two Lampstands") are slain and 3.5 days
later they are risen amid a great earthquake. The 1260
days signifies a 3.5-year period, and agrees with the 3.5 days that they
lay dead until their resurrection. ("3.5" is half a
seven-year/day period---the number of perfection and completion.) On the
360 bible prophecy calendar such a period can last
1260, or 1290 days with its leap month.
This is why we have "1290" in Daniel 12 rather than the
expected 1260 as found in Revelation 12. Daniel 12 has simply inserted a leap month---a
practice still observed today in the Jewish lunar calendar in
it happens that there elapsed 1260 days from the fall of the Twin
Towers (9/11) until the Iran (Persia) quake, but 1290 + 3.5 days
from 9/11 until the Indonesian quake of which we are discussing! (See
document on symbolism
of Iran earthquake.)
It is not as though we are making all this up now!
Several lengthy documents
all about the Twin Towers as
typical of the Two Witnesses was already put out on the internet shortly
after they fell---long before they replaced the two towers with two
great lampstands for 33 days, as seen in the picture. The fall of the
"Two Towers" (i.e., "the Two Lampstands,") symbolize
the fall of Babylon---in antithesis to the Two Witnesses of Revelation 12.
Yet, perhaps they are a symbol of hope that the light and gospel witness
of America will not forever go out? Let us hope and pray so. For America
is falling fast! And light of the gospel is fading within her, and so is
her "witness" of truth in the world.
Thus, 1260 days elapsed from the fall of the Twin
Towers unto the Persia
(Iran) quake, which symbolizes the death of the Two Witnesses
(as patterned after the death of Christ and his 3.5-year
ministry), but also we have 1290 + 3.5 days to the Indonesian quake that
symbolizes His resurrection. (The 1290 simply has the leap
month added to it. Note that there was an earthquake at both the
death and resurrection of Jesus. He rose "on the 3rd day.")
The gap of the 30 + 3.5 days (33 days) between the two earthquakes reminds us
of the 30 + 3.5-year ministry of Christ, which in turn remind us
of the said gap between the birth and resurrection/ascension of Christ
as found in the narrative of Revelation 12.
"...and she brought forth a male child,
who is about to rule all the nations with a rod of iron, and caught
away was her child unto God and His throne..." (Revelation 12:5)
It should also be pointed out that when the Two
Witnesses rise from the dead, they immediately ascend up into heaven in
cloud, much like Jesus did! (Note the 1260 x 1000 days, as well, from #6
on the chart. ---I.e., from Ex. 24:15, where 'Moses ascends the mount
in a cloud before the eyes of the nation on the 7th day as God commanded
him, "come up here,"---this day, unto the Iran quake are also 1260 x
1000 days!)
"...and I will
give to My two witnesses, and they shall prophesy days, a thousand,
two hundred, sixty, arrayed with sackcloth; these are the two
olive trees , and the two
lamp-stands that before the God of the earth do stand; (Rev
"...and they shall behold--they of the peoples,
and tribes, and tongues, and nations--their dead bodies three days
and a half, and their dead bodies they shall not suffer to be put
into tombs, and those dwelling upon the land shall rejoice over them,
and shall make merry, and gifts they shall send to one another,
because these--the two prophets--did torment those dwelling upon the
land.' And after the three days and a half, a spirit of life
from God did enter into them, and they stood upon their feet, and
great fear fell upon those beholding them, and they heard a great
voice out of the heaven saying to them, `Come up hither;' and they
went up to the heaven in the cloud, and their enemies beheld them; and
in that hour came a great earthquake," (Rev 11:9-13a).
What is most remarkable about all this is that the
1290 + 3.5 days from 9/11 lands this 3.5-days
perfectly and squarely within good Friday and Easter---the traditional
anniversaries of the death and resurrection of Christ!!! Could you
have planned it any better! Think about it! This 3.5
days that symbolizes the death and resurrection of Christ also
happens to land on good Friday and Easter---the anniversary of the death
and resurrection of Christ! Be it known oh man, God reigns! Fear
before Him and bow the knee! For He will rule with a rod of iron!
This same "3.5-days death-and-resurrection"
pattern of Easter 'happens' to also coincide with the 3-days of Purim
this year---and Purim basically symbolizes the same thing! (I.e., March
24, 2005 was "the fast of Esther," which landed 1290 days after
the fall of the Twin Towers. The quake was 3.5 days later!) Purim commemorates
when Jews in Persia feasted (i.e., Persia is Iran,
where the other quake occurred!) and made merry, and gave gifts to
one another, because Haman and their enemies that tormented them were
dead! Compare that with Revelation 11:11-12.
"... and those dwelling upon the land shall rejoice over them,
and shall make merry, and gifts they shall send to one another,
because these--the two prophets--did torment those dwelling upon the
(Moreover, those 3.5 days would have been Passover/Firstfruits
this year had not the Jewish leap-month of 2Adar been added within the
Jewish calendar this year.)
The Passover of Exodus was on day 14 (see full
chart for "#2"), and
Moses up Mount was on day 106 ("#9"), which is 92 days apart, the
same length
as the 92 days between the two powerful Indonesian quakes (tsunamis).
Thus, as said at
the time of the first quake---the Dec. 27, 2004 quake was exactly 1260
x 1000 days
from the Passover of the exodus; hence, this means that 92 days later was
the second
quake (of March 28, 2005), which is therefore similarly 1260 x 1000 days
back to when when Moses
went up Mount Sinai. (#6 can be '65th day' plus the '7 days' as well.)
Calendar (1446 BC) |
# 1 |
# 3 |
# 5 |
# 6 |
# 7 |
# 8 |
# 9 |
# 10 |
# 12 |
# 14 |
# 15 |
# 16 |
# 17 |
New year's
day |
Egypt |
Sinai |
enant |
mount |
Down mount |
Up mount
again |
Down mount |
nacle |
Sinai |
--rest |
sent out |
return |
0+ |
15 |
60+ |
(+7) |
64+ |
104 |
106 |
146 |
361 |
410 |
413 |
450 |
490 |
Calendar |
0+ |
15 |
59+ |
(+7) |
64+ |
103 |
105 |
144 |
356 |
405 |
408 |
443 |
483 |
Also see
Pope Dies:

document on symbolism
of Iran earthquake.)
(See also Yasser
Arafat, who died 1150 days after Twin Towers fell.
(Click here for the full
article on the timing of the first and second tsunami quakes in
Indonesia. This article only concentrated on how the second quake in
Indonesia related to the Twin Towers as part of that on-going sign.)
Friendly without black images: Full article.)
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