Bible-Code Prophecy

"The Measurements of the Cross!"
full code paraphrased, including the hidden 'minas'
(Part four of five parts)
***Part one should be
read first***
E) Continued
from previous pages:

vertical pole is at an ELS of 15 letter-skips, and as said, the top of both
the tall banner-pole and the menorah tree (cross) both reach to the very first letter of
the "m" in the first word of "mene, mene, tekel,
etc., that was written upon the wall.
This 15-letter ELS (shown at right), therefore, fits snugly
with the 15
letters used to spell, "mene,
mene, tekel, and uparsin," (see 3 coins above left, and compare).
As said, this main
vertical beam with the phrase: "The garment/measure of
the menorah,"
prompts us to
pay attention to its measurement.
What is its measurement?
What is the height of this cross
The length of this phrase in letters
measures the same number as the total value of the three
coins---30 + 1 + 60 = 91 letters inclusive! The Hebrew letter 'he' that
is centered at the crossbeams is overlapped in the bible code by several different methods,
emphasizing that the letters are to be read as 60 letters from the foot of the cross till the cross-beam (i.e., the value of a mina; ELS of 15 x 4 skips),
plus the one letter for the crossbeam itself, (therefore numbered inclusively, i.e., the value of
one shekel),
and the 30 remaining letters from the beam to the top of the vertical pole, (i.e., the value of a peres; ELS of
15 x 2 skips). (For more on the bible numbers in this code, click here.)
part 5 of 5 parts---All the circles/coins in all of the pictures have
at least one of the coins 'labeled' for what type of coin it is. Two
pictures have all of them so labeled! This is of no small importance!