in the Heavens
and on the Earth
2 of 3 parts (To
part One)
An audio-visual look at the record 12 comets in 2004,
and their amazing prophecy!
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Part 2 (55 min.)
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Balance Bible Code
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here for 3rd part of audio)
part One)
Also see...
Jacob's Bible Prophecy
Please see the above
images for more on
the first four comets, #1 to #5.
#1-3 (Bradfield) C/2004 F4
(Mag. 3.3 in April 2004) (Linear)
C/2002 T7 (Mag. 2.2 in spring of 2004) (NEAT)
C/2001 Q4 (Mag. 2.8 in May of 2004) 
Click to enlarge!
10-24. 3 comets at 2-day intervals
#4 (Linear) C/2003 K4 (A dim Mag. 6)
(Early autumn of 2004) 
Comet Linear. 3 day intervals (Oct. 6 - Dec. 8)
Machholz C/2004 Q2
(the fifth naked eye comet in 2004)

Click to enlarge!
showing path of comet
here for full article on this comet
(Machholz) C/2004 Q2 (Mag. 3.5 in
Dec. of 2004)
====== UPDATE
on comets over the next 3.5 years
from the time that the first comet appeared in 2004 (Spring
2004 to fall 2007) (See Part
One at bottom of page for details about the following)

a great sign appeared in heaven:
A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and
on her head a crown of twelve stars."
(Rev. 12:1)
Are you aware that God has given many
heavenly signs since the new millennium dawned?
In this
article we are not
saying that we are in, or have just completed, what is commonly known in
bible prophecy as "The Great Tribulation", which lasts 3.5 + 3.5
(7) years. What we are strongly asserting with all confidence is that God
has given us a preview of what is to come so that we can study this period
of time and learn from it as to what manner of time and what manner of
display the final drama will look like. It is a trial run meant to learn
from. In it is revealed layers of complexity, yet not without a simple
guiding outlines both numerically and thematically. We
already know the timing and the manner of the first coming of
Christ (as the verse below explains), but what of His second coming?
"Concerning which salvation the
prophets sought and searched diligently, who
prophesied of the grace that should
come unto you: searching
what time
or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was
in them did point unto, when it testified
beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glories
that should follow them." (1 Peter 1:10-11)
(For more on bible prophecy numbers and their
significance, see our website: 1260 days/years Bible Prophecy.)
the sign of "Deep Impact" (see
below), there were 12
comets ("stars") within this 3.5-year period! Recall the 12 sons of Jacob and Jacob's Bible Prophecy
Acrostic about the 12 sons of Jacob, upon which our study is founded. The
bible also mentions a 3.5-year period and "women" "with a
crown of 12 stars". A 3.5-year period is 1260 days in Rev. 12 (and 1290
days in Dan. 12). Moreover,
half (6) of these 12 comets can be classified as bright comets, being mag. 3.5
or brighter. The
12 comets/star began and ended dramatically, with the 9th comet being the
brightest in 40 years, and add to this "Deep Impact" in 2005! (Three
of these 12 comets had only borderline naked-eye status, having a mag. between
The lower the number the brighter the comet. Magnitude 6.5 is considered the very extreme fridge
of viewing possibility with naked eye. The lower the number the brighter it is. Each number higher decreases in
brightness by 2.5 times.)
Comet Tempel "Deep Impact"
(not counted among the 12 comets) (July
4, 2005)

Also see, "Deep
Impact" Comet Bible Code"
NASA launched a space craft of
"Deep-impact" and hit a small impactor module against the nucleus of comet (in Virgo) successfully on July
4, 2005, as foretold in the bible
code a year earlier!
The impact
was not visible to the naked eye
as expected, and so is not counted among the 12 naked-eye comets within the
said 3.5 year period.
#6, Comet Pojmanski
(February 2006) (Mag. 5)
See bible-code
article on Comet
Machholz for comment made on comet Pojmanski
Comet Pojmanski has brightened
unexpectedly and was visible as a faint streak to the unaided northern observer
in the eastern morning sky.
"The comet moved on a northward path across
the night sky, and reached maximum brightness around the beginning of March.
Comet Pojmański reached the very fringe of naked-eye visibility at about
magnitude 5, and was best visible through binoculars or a telescope. It could be
found in the dawn sky within the constellation Capricornus, close to the horizon
in the northern hemisphere, during late February, but viewing circumstances
became better for the northern hemisphere as the comet departed southern skies
and continued north."
#7, Comet
Schwassmann-Wachmann 3
(May 2006) (Mag. 5.1)
An interesting and fragmented comet. The
brightest fragment peaked at mag. 5.1 on May 11.
The comet was being a naked eye comet in May
2006 close to the Earth about 11 millions kilometers.
is a rare opportunity to watch a comet in its death throes—from very close
range," says Don Yeomans, head of NASA's Near Earth Object Program at
Comet SWAN
(October 24-26, 2006) (Mag. 4.2)
Although perihelion was Sept 28, 2006, the
comet flared dramatically from seventh magnitude to fourth magnitude on
October 24 2006, becoming visible with the naked eye.
#9, Comet P1 McNaught02
(Jan. 2007) (Mag 'minus'
Below, Comet
P1 McNaught02 on January 23, 2007,
became the brightest comet to appear in over 40 years.
The comet was brightening
very rapidly, reaching naked-eye visibility in early January 2007. It was
visible to northern hemisphere observers, in Sagittarius
(commonly depicted as a centaur
drawing a bow), and surrounding constellations, until about January 13. The comet was visible in daylight about 5°- 10° southeast of the sun
from January 12 to 14, with a peak brightness of magnitude minus 5.5.
# 10 Comet Machholz 96P
(April 4, 2007) (Mag. 1-2)
But visible
only just before sunrise.
#11, Comet LONEOS
(C/20067F1 LONEOS)
(Oct, 2007) (Mag. 5)
Comet Loneos obtained a brightness of the 5th
magnitude around October 28, 2007,
but was also just visible to the naked eye up to about a week earlier (in the
constellation of Bootes). This puts comet Loneos just days before and
cotemporaneous with comet Holmes in our numbering of comets one to twelve. This
means that the 12 comets began and ended with two or three comets visible in the
sky at the same time.
(Magnitude 6.5 is considered the very extreme fridge
of viewing possibility with naked eye.
The lower the number the brighter it is. Each number higher decreases in
brightness by 2.5 times.)
#12, The Amazing and
Unexpected "Comet
Holmes" (17P)
(Oct. 24-25, 2007, to ...)
(Mag. 2.4)
Discussion on Comet Holmes This
distant comet suddenly and unexpectedly flared up 3.5 years (1290 days, see Dan.
12) after the 2004-comets appeared. It is the 12th naked-eye comet within this
1290-day period (3.5 years).
(See our website: www.360calendar.com
for the added leap month within this 3.5-year period, that is, the 1260 days of
Rev. 12, plus 30 days equals the 1290 days of Dan. 12.)
Comet Holmes remained visible to the naked eye for many months afterward.
This 12th comet was one of the most unusual ever witnessed, enlarging to a space
much larger than the sun!
Thus, the 12
comets/star began and ended dramatically, with the 9th comet being the brightest
in 40 years, and add to this "Deep Impact" in 2005!
Remarkably, there was a fifth comet in 2007, just as there was
five comets in one year in 2004.
The fifth comet is not within the 3.5-year span (it falls within 3.75 years),
but it does occur within the year 2007, on the very last day!
This forms a bracket of 5 comets for the four years of our prophecy.
2004 -5 comets |
2005 -0 comets
(plus "Deep Impact") |
2006 -3 comets |
2007 -5 comets |
Like Linear K4 in 2004, Comet Tuttle 8P was just on the border
of naked-eye visibility at mag. 6-7 on the last day of 2007.
It improved up to mag. 5 a few days later. Comet Holmes was also still (faintly)
visible at this time, two months later.
Comet Tuttle 8P
Dec. 31, 2007 (Mag. 6-7)
Bible Code Acrostic
Pope Benedict XVI
Why was he elected on Triumphal Entry?
Pluto and Apophis
(King of hell)
purpose of these signs
look at the Pope's
of St. Malachy
see slide-audio of
' Balance' Bible-Code
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