
 Bible Code


The Numbers and Predestination:

From Man's Perspective

(Part 2 of 2 parts)

(To part one)


B) Fatalism or Predestination?

Perhaps, the doubter of this revelation, (whether they be sincere Christians or hardened atheists), might try to force the conclusion that the numbers can only be viewed fatalistically. The doubter may ridicule and say that any flexibility within the numbers is but an excuse to justify error or imperfections. However, they fail to see in this flexibility God's glory. The very beauty of the numbers rests in this inherent adaptability. I explain what I mean shortly in the analogy of microevolution.

Furthermore, my goal is to teach a numerical language, not merely convince skeptics. But, lest one suppose that I am just giving out excuses for the weakness of the numbers, I want that same one to realize that he will indeed see a great many amazingly precise numerical fulfillment's. There is no shortage of them, believe me!!! Nevertheless, "the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men" (1Cor. 1:25).

It is important to understand the difference between the predetermination of God and mere fatalism. The use or misuse of this revelation in the numbers hangs much upon ones grasp of this subject. Therefore, let me explain further by way of a lengthy but important analogy.


An Analogy:

Predestination and Microevolution

In the controversy surrounding evolution, the evolutionist will often point to various types or breeds of animals within a specific species as "proof" of the theory of evolution. There are big dogs and little dogs, hairy and smooth, etc., and so it is with all species. The evolutionist thus concludes that these are examples of evolution. "Who can deny it?" says the evolutionist, "Obviously one creature has changed (evolved) into another."

However, the truth is that the godly believer need not deny variety and change along this level of things at all!

The Bible teaches that each "kind" of creature that God created was limited to reproduce only after its own "kind" (Genesis 1:11). However, the Bible does allow for changes to occur within each "kind" of creature. That is, a dog does not become a lion over the years or a monkey a man, but they can and do change slightly within prescribed boundaries (i.e., "It's own kind") to adapt to changes of environment. The wisdom of God has predestined flexibility within species so that a species (i.e., "kind") can properly adjust to its own surroundings but only within the specific boundaries set for each species as determined within the DNA of each particular kind.

The technical terms used by some scientists to describe these two types of evolution [i.e., the evolutionist's view of "one kind (species) changing into a totally new kind" over against the creationist's view of "change is limited to within each kind only "] are termed "macroevolution" versus "microevolution" respectively. Therefore, by way of analogy, let us compare these evolutionary terms to our own terms, that is, "predetermination" and "fatalism."

The Bible teaches predestination, not fatalism (Romans 8:29,30; Ephesians 1:5,11). The correct understanding of "predetermination" (like "microevolution") does indeed allow for true change and flexibility but only within clearly defined and fixed parameters. However, "fatalism" like "macroevolution" is change for change sake. There are no borders in evolution and there are no flexible borders in fatalism. For the thinking evolutionist must admit (if his theory were true) that he is not in control of his own destiny, but time and chance are altogether. The focus in both fatalism and macroevolution is not on the subject of the change but on the raw process of change itself. Therefore, purpose for being is lost. "Becoming," in and of itself, is now the purpose for being or existing. "Becoming" is the god of the evolutionist, a very vain existence indeed!

It is the same way in the numbers. There is no meaning to life if either macroevolution or fatalism were true. However, predestination and microevolution both work within specific borders. Predestination allows man to live and make choices within secure and defined limits. Likewise, microevolution allows mankind (as a species) to adapt to different environmental changes within certain and defined limits––both are a very good thing.

For the Christian, to become like Messiah is our fixed predestination. The stress is on "like Messiah" not on "to become" as in endless meaningless evolutionary change. It is on the finished product not the process.

It is the evolutionist and not the Christian, who is the fatalist for the evolutionist cannot alter his future since every act of his will is merely the working out of time and chance natural processes.

Therefore, just as with microevolution, the predetermination of God revealed within the numbers of the Bible (as we shall see later in our studies), is purposely flexible so that it can contain the glory of God. We must not turn the numbers into rigid fatalistic numbering schemes, reducing God to a mere force. Changing the numbers into a morbid fatalistic enigma is as vain as evolutionary theory itself––and both lead to nihilistic disaster.


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