Picture Bible Code

Coins of the Twin Towers in Prophecy.

World Trade Center:

1290 + 1335 years to the day 
from the Prophecy of Ezekiel 31


(Back to 945,000 days)


Your own study of the book of Ezekiel will verify these things. I found the NIV Study Bible's introductory chart of dates on Ezekiel a time saver.

When you compare the dates given in Ezekiel with that of the fall of Judah, and other major related events in the life of Israel you will arrive at such familiar numbers as 40, 70, 390, 430, 490, 1150, 1260, 1290, 1335, 2300 days, and 7 years and 7.5 years, along with 40, 70, 390, 430, 1150, 1260, 1290, 1335 years---all intersecting one another---days with years!

Ezek. 31 is especially interesting: From the date of the Ezek. 31 prophecy, unto the fall of the temple are 430 days inclusive, and to the next three dates given in Ezekiel are 575, 630, and 645 days respectively. Each one of these figures are half the biblical numbers of 1150 (of the 2300), 1260, and 1290! (Numbers are calculated using the 360-day calendar.) 

Why half?

Because the numbers are arranged like a mirror---each of these figures represents half way into the 'mirror.' That is, BC and AD act like a mirror. For instance, Assyria conquered Israel in 722 BC, but Babylon took Assyria in 612 BC, and Judah in 586 BC, then Babylon herself fell in 539 BC. ('Zero' is not calculated between BC and AD, therefore add one year when crossing over from BC to AD---a commonly know fact.) Look at the following table paying careful attention to the B.C. switch over to A.D. 

From 722 BC unto AD 539 are 1260 years! (and therefore reversibly so, too)
From 724-722 BC unto AD 614-612 are 1335 years! (and reversibly)
(Thus, the sieges of Israel and Assyria are linked)
From 612 BC unto AD 539 are 1150 years! (and reversibly)
From the 7 years of Ezekiel's symbolic siege and the real one (593-586 BC) to the would-be overthrow of Jerusalem in 701 BC (AD) are 1290 years. (This one is the archetype for the rest and most complex!)
Each one of the above dates go back to the seven-year famine of Joseph using these same numbers: This was when Israel went into Egypt 430 years until the exodus in 1446 BC. (See book "Writing on the Wall" for more.)
Even the 483/486½/490 (of Daniel 9) from the four disputed decrees to build the city/temple crisscross one another at 490 x 2 years back unto each other in the mirror!

Therefore, the average of the four decrees amount to 490 BC. (538-536 BC, 519 BC, 458 BC, 445 BC).

For other examples and explanations into this phenomena, click here and explore.


Therefore, the half-times of the 1150, 1260, and 1290 in the book of Ezekiel are very purposeful. The dates of Ezekiel were clearly arranged to create this and dozens of other patterns, some greater than the above examples. (Calculate an exact 430,000 days from Ezekiel's 430-day symbolic siege, to the arrival of the first refugee after the city fell, for example---in the mirror!) The patterns are high and awesome! 

From Solomon's temple construction, (which lasted a total of 20 years, 966 to 946 BC), until when the temple began to be rebuilt (536 to 516 BC, with the 20-year recorded delay in-between, Ezra 4:24), are 430 years (thus maintaining the 20-year margin)---but moreover, there are 945 years to Herod's temple begun in 21 BC, (which was the aggrandizing of the 516 BC temple), and therefore also 945 years until 1 BC, 20-years later, (946- 1 BC). 1 BC is the final fulfillment of the temple: Jesus Christ "tabernacled" among us in this year according to traditional dating! [Jesus said: "Destroy this temple and I will raise it up in three days." Howbeit, the Pharisees thought He spoke of Herod's literal temple begun "46 years" earlier in 21 BC! (John 2:19-22.) Thus, the building, destruction, and second building of the temple speaks symbolically of Christ's birth, death and resurrection, (and glorification).]

To repeat: What is 430 and what is 945 years? 

Ezekiel laid on his side 430 days, ("a day for each year"), and his siege was symbolic of the siege of Jerusalem (and its temple), which siege literally occurred 7 years later and lasted 945 days. Therefore, it is interesting that there are 430 and 945 years from the construction of the original temple to its reconstruction in 536 and again in 21 BC in harmony with the same figures recorded in the bible that pertain to the destruction of this same temple. Yet one might think this to be a coincidence if it were not for the 20-year margin that fits the patterns perfectly like groves on a key. 

To be complete, we note that from the first attack on Jerusalem (and its temple) by the Babylonians in 606 BC, until the complete destruction of Jerusalem (and its temple) in 586 BC, are also 20 years. It is interesting that there are 360 years from the same 966-946 BC period of Solomon's building until the said 606 and 586 BC of the destruction of these same buildings! It should be noted that the 390 day-years of Ezekiel's symbolic siege is, in fact, simply a year (of 360 days) with the leap month of 30 days added. See www.360calendar.com for more. (Also see note about how the time-grid works in, "The Mount Carmel Fire".).

Moreover, in the mirror, from the destruction of Babylon, (which signaled the return to rebuild Jerusalem), until the end of Solomon's 40-year reign are 390 years, (Ezek. 4). Therefore, plus the 40-year reign of Solomon yields the total of 430 years, (Ezek. 4). {Plus a one-year margin in this example}. 539 BC (AD) to 930 and 970 BC (AD). 

Furthermore, as noted elsewhere, the LXX has 190 years instead of the 430 in Ezek. 4. This, I firmly believe, is intentional. From the exodus (and tabernacle), until Solomon's temple are 480 years, (1446 to 966 BC), (1 Kings 6:1). Since there are 430 x 2 years between the exodus and fall of Jerusalem (and exile), therefore, there are 190 x 2 years between Solomon's temple and fall of Jerusalem (with its temple); (1446, less 430 x 2 = 586 BC; and 966 BC less 190 x 2 is also 586 BC). Hence we have two witnesses, the 190 and 430, each used two times, each with the theme of the tabernacle/temple.  


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