The Mene-Tekel
Bible-Code Riddles
Adding up "Mene, Mene, Tekel, Parsin"
as Coins, and as Gematria
(Part Two of two)
A mina, a mina, a tekel, and half-a-mina.
Hebrew is the Key!
(Most of) the numeric meaning of the four coins are uncovered when we translate the Aramaic text (in which it was written) into the Hebrew tongue. Just as the bible code is in Hebrew, (though the actual text is in Aramaic), so likewise, the bible numbers!
Note: On the wall, God
mentions 3 coins, but with the first one said twice: |
Coins in Hebrew ==> | ![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
![]() |
Total values | ![]() |
Value in
shekels |
50 shekels | 50 shekels | 1 shekel | 25-shekels (coins?) |
126 shekels, or, 1260 x 2 gerahs |
(or, 25 shekels) | |
= 100 shekels | |||||||
Gematria, value of letters ==> | 95 | 95 | 430 | 390 | ==>
or, 960 <== |
(or, 340 (inverse of 430) |
= 190 |
Synopsis of this chart:
Value of the coins as money:
The total of these four coins in Hebrew amount to 126 shekels, or 1260 +1260 gerahs. (A gerah is one-twentieth of a shekel). This number is important because:
The book of Daniel and Revelation refers to a future 7-year tribulation period for Israel, said to be "1260" + "1260 days." During this time, another "Babylon" will rule the world, (Daniel9, 12, Revelation 11-13, 17).
"A mina, a mina, a tekel, and half-a-mina" is similar in formula to the "time, times, and half-a-time" also found once in the book Daniel (12:7), [and twice in the book of Revelation]. Its meaning is basically the same as the 1260 days, (3½-years). I.e., "one year," plus "two years," plus "half-a-year," equals 3½ years). Here we have, "two coins," one coin, and half-a-coin!" Moreover, the word for "mene" may also be translated "a time."
Daniel rebuked Belshazzar for not heeding the punishment meted out to his father Nebuchadnezzar, who was made insane seven "times" (years), or double 3½-years, (Daniel 4:16, cf., 9:27).
Value of the coins in gematria:
The total value of the letters (gematria) that spell the above four coins in the Hebrew tongue amounts to 190, 430, 340 (and 390), equaling a total value of 960. All of these numbers have either to do with the symbolic siege of Jerusalem that the prophet Ezekiel enacted (593 BC) exactly 7 years before the city fell (586 BC), or they have to do with the length of the actual siege of Jerusalem by the Babylonians. This is important because:
Recall that the two words in the middle of the two matrixes of the coins says: "Go around the shekel," or, "Besiege the shekel." Very interesting indeed, since a shekel has a gematria value of '430,' and Ezekiel, too, was told to symbolically besiege Jerusalem 430 days, "to bear her sins." What Ezekiel did symbolically, Jesus Christ did literally, even as the bible code itself says in great detail.
(Concerning the shekel and that amounts to 430 and 390 in gematria): These numbers are found in the book of Ezekiel, but are also related numerically to the other numbers found in the books of Daniel and Revelation. For example, the 1290 of Daniel equals the 430 ( x 3) of Ezekiel. Also, the 1290 of Daniel refers to 1260 days with a 30-day leap month added, (1260 + 30 = 1290). Now it happens that a leap-month year has 390 days in it, i.e., the same number found in Ezekiel; (360 + 30 days = 390.) See for more.
(Concerning the minah, twice, that amounts to 190 in gematria.) The LXX has 190 rather than 430 for the total of Ezekiel's siege!
Babylon was herself besieged by the Persians when the writing on the wall appeared (539 BC). The prophets often taunt Babylon that her time of retribution was coming for what she did to Jerusalem. Thus, there is a strong symbolic tie-in between the siege of Jerusalem by the Babylonians, and the siege of Babylon by the Persians:
"But when the 70-years are fulfilled (of Israel's exile), I will punish the king of Babylon and his nation...
"...after them, the king of Sheshach will drink it too (i.e., the wine of God's wrath," (Jer. 25:12, 25)."Sheshach," here, is a cryptogram for Babylon, (as the footnotes in some bibles will point out.) The letters are inverted in the Hebrew alphabet. In the same way, the gematria value of a "peres" (340) is the inverse of the gematria value of a "shekel" (430). Thus there is a logical precedent for inverting this last coin's value.
The period in Egyptian exile that began exactly 1290 years before the fall of Jerusalem (430 x 3 = 1290), lasted 430 years (though Moses attempted the Exodus 40 years earlier, or after 390 years of exile). The numbers '390' and '430' are, therefore, not only symbolic of a siege, but of exile. Babylon fell, and the Jews were set free from Babylonian exile some 1335 years after they had entered Egypt during the 7-year famine of Joseph. (This famine is a type of the 1260 x 2 day tribulation period already mentioned.) The number '1335' is also mentioned in the book of Daniel! (Daniel 12:12.)
The 360-day prophetic calendar, (used in the bible, and in Babylon), yields a total for the actual siege of Jerusalem to have lasted 930 days, or 960 with a leap month. Now, '960' is the total of all four coins in gematria, whereas 930 is the inverse of 390, which was the length of Ezekiel's symbolic siege of Jerusalem---and is also the gematria value of "Parsim!"
The total of '960' as years is a number of great significance in the prophetic calendar that also relates to the '1260' mentioned earlier. However, we cannot go into that detail now, but here it is in a nutshell:
The four words/coins that yield a total gematria value of 960 means that the average per word is 240, (960 ÷ 4 = 240). Now, upon every 240 years, 42 leap-months are accumulated in the 360-prophetic calendar, and 42 months equals 1260 days! (cf., Revelation 11:2-3).
The value of all 5 coins, as "a mina, a mina, a shekel, a peres, a peres," totals a value of 1300 in gematria. Not only is 1300 the number of curse, (being 100 x 13; recall the 6-6-6), but is also the maximum number of days that a 3½-year period may have---that is, according to the lunar/Jewish calendar! The five coins, after all, have been translated into the Hebrew, so why not have their total values agree with both the 360-day calendar and with the Hebrew lunar calendar!!! Remember also that the book of Revelation ties in the '666' with this same 3½-year period of which we speak, (Revelation 13).