Writing on the Wall Bible Code

Exact Dates Foretold on Net


Part Two
(Go here to part one)


Enter Egypt in 1876 BC


1446 BC

722 BC

612 BC

586 BC

539 BC

Joseph’s seven-year world-wide{4} famine


Fall of Egypt{5} (i.e., exodus)

Fall of Israel

Fall of Assyria

Fall of Judah

Fall of Babylon

Total years later from famine -->


430 yrs

from famine

1150 yrs

from famine

1260 yrs

from famine

1290 yrs

from famine

1335 yrs

from famine


Note that Joseph's famine ended in spr., 1878-1871 BC, (as accepted by the majority of modern evangelical scholars). '1290' years after the famine was the fall of Jerusalem, and 1290 x 2 more years ended in the spring of the year 2000, which is when the mene-code and the hand code first began to come to me. (1290 is also 430 x 3.) The seven days of Nisan 13-20 (note Passover), in AD 2000, symbolizes the years (symbolically speaking) of AD 1871-1878, (the mirror of the 7 years famine); but, I cannot elaborate how I know that without going into great detail. This much I will say, they are logically deduced from the many dates in the book of Ezekiel, and elsewhere, of when he received his various prophecies. These day/year dates are then forwarded in time 1290 x 2 literal years. Note also that the spr. of AD 2000 was also 2000 years from the conception of Christ Jesus (according to tradition, from whence we get out BC/AD calendar system), and that the spr. of 2000 also completed 144th generation from the traditional Jewish Creation date of 3761 BC. (See the 144,000 Jews in Revelation 7.) Thus, it was an important point in time for this great code to be revealed. 1260 days after this symbolic AD 1878 is today, Oct. 7, 2003. This makes today, symbolically, the year AD 3138, (and 6 days ago was 1335 days from when the mene-tekel code revelation first came. Six days ago would be as AD 3132. This also happens to be the mirror of the 3132 BC date, which is the date encoded within the mene-tekel code spoken about 2 paragraphs ago! When we plug all these symbolic dates into the series of events as predicted and fulfilled in the code, then an incredible numeric pattern emerges that is consistent with the fall of Babylon, and of all the various empire collapses as listed in previous chart. (See the day/year grid and the timing of the exodus.  Click here for more on "The day equals a consecutive year/date of time" principle.)

For instance, the mene-code was first discovered Feb. 4, 2000, which symbolizes the date of AD 1797 (as in consecutive order). This is 1260 day/years after the symbolic AD 537---the mirror of 537 BC, the year of the return from Babylonian exile. (Babylon fell in 539 BC). The great world-wide Y2K party occurred 35 days before the code was found, (i.e., Dec. 31, 1999), and therefore symbolizes the symbolic date of AD 1762. Now it happens that 2300 days (see Daniel 8:14) before that was therefore symbolically 539 BC, which was literally Sept. 13, 1993---the day of the Peace Treaty with Israel and the USA. (Cf., remember Bill Clinton with his hands outstretched boldly over the other two leaders affirming their mid-east treaty?) Also, see the 1260 before and after the Feb. 4, 2000 revelation, and 1260 x 2-letters moth-code which speak of "10 years," with the slaying of Saddam's two sons on July 22, 2003, which symbolizes as AD 3061, which was 3600 literal days after the peace treaty with Clinton just spoken of. (The peace treaty actually began the day before---on the 12th of Sept., 1993). 3600 is "10" years on the 360 calendar, and is in agreement with the moth code of "10 days/years." The 1290-days to the blackout simply adds another 30 days, that is, a leap month, hence making 3630 days, which is still 10 years! (And therefore see less 1260 + 1290 days).

These patterns continue with the solar flares, especially the record solar flare that blinded the satellites monitoring the sun and knocked out short wave radio. The blast occurred on Nov. 4, 2003, (one week after the first major solar flare that hit earth.) While these things do not hurt the earth, yet they are still symbolic---they are a heavenly sign. Nov. 4, 2003 represented symbolically AD 3166. AD 3166 less 1290 days = AD 1876, the mirror of 1876 BC---when Israel entered Egypt 430 years. Since 1290 is also 430 x 3, therefore to the Exodus in the mirror is 4 x 430 as well. To the fall of Jerusalem in 586 BC is thus 6 x 430, or 1290 x 2, and to AD 1995 is 1290 x 3. The week of solar flares is symbolic of the seven-year period of tribulation when the seals, trumpets, thunders, and bowls are released, along with the battle of Armageddon. There might also be a connection with 1150 (of Daniel 8). (AD 3159-3166, less 1150 days/years = AD 2009-2016.) (Also see the week of Edgar, which would yield AD 2004-2011. (3161 less 1290 = the last year of Joseph's 7-year famine too.) At this point the pattern is too skimpy to make any definitive conclusions whatsoever. The only thing I can say for sure is that the timing of the week of great solar flares fits well with events in the bible associated with the 7-year tribulation period of Daniel 9, 12, and the book of Revelation.

If you feel led, please pray as to whether I am to reveal more on this subject.

Important Note: Before you run off to try to predict the future or plot your own destiny, know this, that all that touch this holy thing of God unworthily will suffer for it. It is not to be played with, but is only a sign for these last days that His kingdom is upon us, and, "mene," the number of days of the worldly kingdoms is about over! Please, for your own good, do not meddle with these holy things and try to predict your own future!!! (This includes the codes.) See "Seven Warnings." Why destroy yourself! I have known these things (the day/year principle where each day in our time represents a consecutive year in symbolic time) since Dec. 25 of 1992. I felt to hide such knowledge since it could be destructive, but now I sense the time to release it has come. You are warned! You say, "God is love." Yes! But a loving God slew Ananias and Sapphira, (Acts 5). Please do not take these things lightly. Please! They are meant for signs, now and in the future, and for that terrible 7-year tribulation that will come in its own time, but the knowledge is given ahead of the time to be dispersed abroad now so that hope will be theirs in that coming great trial. Are you ready for that terrible day? See, Will you go to heaven when you die? 


For more on this topic, please read:

The Key to Understanding
 the Signs of the Times 


Also see...
  (Time Frames in Prophecy)

(See here for how the exact date of when the Iraq war would start was also encoded in the hand-code. The hand literally pointed to the exact date!)

[Editorial update: Go here to see how this pattern is now being repeated all over again a second time!) 


Flash Visual Explanation
  of the Mene-Tekel Code

  1. Saddam, and the sudden appearance of "the hand" 

  2. MENE; God hath numbered thy kingdom...,(flash)

  3. TEKEL; thou art weighed in the balances...,

  4. PERES; thy kingdom is divided.

  5. "The Lamp," and the great blackouts of 2003
    (North America and Italy)


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